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Everything posted by Plak

  1. With my usual luck with game releases I am on a family vacation well through the release. At least I get back to a populated NA. Hopefully. Will probably stream again and get sniped a lot doing that... I do miss the arena version of the game a bit, but only from a streaming and time constrained family person point of view. I do love what the Devs have done with the realistic sailing behavior and the progress of the open world mechanics. I hope they will keep on experimenting to find the best solutions for gameplay questions only the brave few dare to ask. Fair wind and following seas.
  2. Gaining hostility on a region has a problem with group play. Right now it is way to efficient to push hostility by doing fleet missions alone. It does take around 12 - 16 Kommendör (186xp) missions going solo to push hostility up to 100%. If a group of players do missions together the hostility gain through missions is not as fast. Group play is discouraged with this mechanic right now. The overall hostility gain does seem a bit high right now but I suspect that this is one of the things accelerated in the current test phase.
  3. There seems to be a 15 minute timer in the battle instance. Then you are kicked to battle screen. Battle screen itself has no timer to kick you to open sea. This is bad because this way people can hide in the battle screen for unlimited time to avoid hunters.
  4. There is a difference between putting your ships in position during off peak hours and just logging in to hit the join battle timer and bringing your ships close to the PB during main contested time and trying to use battle screen for the same effect.
  5. 5 Minute timer to enter PB after prolonged offline time (15 min).
  6. OP has a very valid Point. This needs to be taken care of. Devs please find and comunicate a sensible solution.
  7. I would like to give the devs my neverending grattitude for a game test that is already exceeding all expectations any sane person could have. 1. Incredible stability overall 2. loads of new content (ships, game mechanics, features) 3. huge balls to go wild with testing new features (going to extremes to find the global sweetspot and not optimize for the local sweetspot) 4. listening to all propositions by the players and finding and implementing the optimal improvement 5. really active community communication (showing up in twitch streams to ask and answer questions in the chats is a great move, I love it) To sum it up. For 40$ I have gotten 741 hours of huge fun playing the game with other fans. Thank you Devs for making this beautyful game for all of us to enjoy. And to anyone complaining about how slow the development is: Have you ever actually made a list of all the stuff that has been introduced to the game within the last 2 years? Have you counted the list of changes that we got to test? Go, count it and never be seen again with complaints about how slow the development is going on the forum. Devs, you rock and please don't let anyone else ever let you tell otherwise. p.s. Bugs? only he who does not work at all makes no mistakes
  8. Ich habe hier eine etwas präzisere Übersetzung angefertigt. http://navalaction.de/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=645
  9. Can we please get an increase of the group size to 25? This would make it easier to manage larger fleets. UI would not even have to be adjusted much. 4 columns of 6 with the group leader on top would suffice for now.
  10. Can you please open up epic events for more than just a single group?
  11. I have read through all of the suggestions and do see the problem in the system as it is right now or proposed in the leading post. I would suggest the following system: 1. Everyone in a group with the attacker (tagger) and defender get dragged into the battle at the relative position they are in if they are within a specific range to the tag (5-10 times current tag circle or maybe more, subject to tweaking. Let's call it group-circle). 2. Vulnerable people close by (within the new larger tag player-circle to the battle start) get a popup with a 5 sec timeout asking them if they want to join the fight. The popup has all the information that the current battle markers have. Timeout -> No. 3. After close by players have had their decision the battle is filled up with AI that was in the tag circle. (could be the same as the player circle or different) 4. If the battle is startet away from any "reinforcements available" area the battle is closed right away and there is no need for a marker on the open sea. 5. If you happen to tag in an area marked "reinforcements available" for anyone in the defender group then that battle spawns a battle marker open for anyone from the reinforced nation to join the battle. The battle marker stays open for 1 minute so anyone on the open sea at the time of the battle start (patrolling the area) can still join but anyone getting out of port can not. You will get a popup with a 5 second timeout as in point 2 when you cross the outer edge of the new larger tag circle. (Join circle could be 2-3 times player-circle size) 6. Patrolling late joining defender should push out AI ship if the battle is full. (optional) 7. Group leader of the attacking and defending groups get command of AI ships in the battle. Commander of the AI can transfer command to another player. (both optional) 8. If at any point you decline joining the battle (out of range group members, pressing NO when asked through option 2, pressing NO when asked through option 5) you are banned from joining the battle. The join circle for point 1 could be made bigger than the join circle for point 2 and 3. Popup for joining the battle would need to show: attacker group br and ships - defender group br and ships close by attacker nation br and ships - close by defender nation br and ships close by AI Nation br and ships - close by defender nation br and ships This system would address some of the most common problems: 1. Groups join the battle together even when dispersed. No need for a long join timer. 2. People close to a battle starting have an option to join or to be left alone. 5. Reinforcement area has a meaning again and invisi-gank has been made a lot harder. 6. Takes care of full battles. Players should be able to take the fun away from AI 7. AI is quite stupid atm. This could help with it being a challenge and not shrugged off. 8. Helps with trying to use OW for positional trickery. All points together make battles more resistant to people abusing the invisibility system and it is compatible with the spawning system admin talked about. It also allows for more tactics than just bunching up. And it does
  12. @Mored Ich würde das Forum gerne zu einer Informationsplattform für die deutschsprachigen Spieler ausbauen. Dein Vorschlag gefällt mir sehr gut. Ich muss aber auch schauen, was zeitlich machbar ist. Job, Familie und der Stream nehmen schon recht viel meiner Zeit in Beschlag. Ein Tool zu hosten, dass die API Daten nutzt wäre kein Problem für mich, ich hab nur keine Ahnung wie man sowas bauen würde
  13. Vielen Dank für das Lob. Ich werde das Forum auf jeden Fall so lange betreiben wie es genutzt wird. Es ist ja nicht wirklich viel Aufwand, das auf dem aktuellen Stand zu halten. 9000 Views auf den Threads sind leider falsche Zahlen. Ich hatte noch eine Fehlconfig bei der Userregistrierung und dadurch eine Spamwelle auf dem Forum. Ich setz die Counter erst mal alle wieder auf 0 und dann können wir mal mit realen Zahlen sehen was da los ist. Das Forum läuft im Augenblick noch ohne SSL. Wenn die Nutzung des Forums ansteigt werde ich es auf jeden Fall auf SSL umstellen. Leider habe ich playnaval.de gar nicht gekannt und finde es schade, dass es offline gegangen ist.
  14. Ich habe unter navalaction.de ein Forum für die deutschsprachige Community eingerichtet. Wir haben dort alle die Möglichkeit die Unterhaltungen zu Naval Action auf deutsch übersichtlicher zu sortieren. Ich hoffe, dass das Angebot genutzt wird. Der Server läuft im Augenblick in meinem eigenen Hosting Paket und bisher ohne Werbung. Ich hoffe die Performance und Stabilität ist ausreichend. Meldet euch mit Vorschlägen und Wünschen um das Forum zu verbessern.
  15. I am quite happy with the balance between realism and playability in the game at the moment. The devs have implemented a lot of great compromises for the better of the game in total and they have not stopped improving the experience.
  16. This Wiki article shows very nicely what a challenge it was to get an accurate position in those times. The article points to some background information worth reading and shows very dramatically how nicely the current map in Naval Action does capture the historical context. I have had quite a few funny discussions with my groupmates about finding our correct position on the map within close vicinity of our capital. The missing marker does add to the atmosphere when the weather turns extremely bad. Ever tried finding your mission or even the next island in one of those storms. With a position marked on the map the whole exploring and adventure thing of sailing just disappears. What is the next step after adding the position? I want markers for all ships in my vicinity? Add their size and nation too, so I can stay on the map and never bother to actually think for myself. In my opinion it already is easy enough to find out your position on the map as soon as you can see any kind of land. The uncertainty of your position away from any land should be kept as well. It does add to the feeling of accomplishment when you cross a larger stretch of open sea and make landfall close to where you planned and expected to.
  17. Loot screen after Battle and sailing in circles in front of capital needs to be addressed as well so people don't AFK there.
  18. Ich hab da einfach nur die Infos auf der Purchase Seite auf deutsch übersetzt. Wobei ich mich schon frage was Premium Fregatten kosten sollen wenn die Yacht schon mit 20$ zuschlägt...
  19. Ich verlose in meinem Twitch Stream einen Naval Action Alpha Key. Nähere Infos findet ihr in diesem Blogeintrag. Ich wünsche allen Viel Spass und Viel Glück.
  20. Schöner großer Kampf in dem Video. Ich verpass die ja leider immer Aufgrund meiner üblichen Spielzeit. Jetzt häng ich mich hier auch noch kurz mit Eigenwerbung rein. Ich habe auf YouTube ein paar Videos zu Naval Action stehen: http://www.youtube.com/c/PlakRocks Hier ist eine kurze Reihe mit Einstiegshilfe: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2_-rvbbTEoWuCzhxLHUlgYp1axAYYlmu Auf Twitch bin ich auch fast täglich zu finden (eher nach 21 Uhr) und spiele da mit Freunden, die ich in das Spiel gezogen habe: http://www.twitch.tv/PlakRocks Leider nur in 480p, aber die HD Aufnahmen sind auf YouTube zu finden. Schaut rein, lasst einen Follow/Abo/Like da. Ich freue mich eure Fragen zu beantworten. p.s. ich habe mir meine ganzen Shortcuts auf Tastaturmakros gelegt. Wenn man Strg-Alt-Umschalt-F<nummer> verwendet, erwischt man mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit keine Doppelbelegung.
  21. I do like the forts idea. Those would need resources to be build initially and upkeep in the form of resources over time would have to done as well. If upkeep is not paid, then the fort would go into disarray and have to repaired before it would provide any bonus. I would go with 1 big, 2 med, and 3 small for usual port and twice that for regional capitals. I have no idea though how those forts might be implemented in port battles.
  22. Hi, ich habe dieses Wochenende angefangen Naval Action zu streamen. Ihr findet den Kanal hier: http://www.twitch.tv/plakrocks Leider gibt meine Leitung nur genug Bandbreite für einen 480p Stream her. Der YouTube Kanal ist weiterhin hier zu finden: http://www.youtube.com/c/PlakRocks Euer Plak
  23. Danke für den Tip. Du hast absolut Recht mit deiner Verbesserung. Ich werde das im nächsten Video entsprechend vorstellen.
  24. Hallo, ich habe ein paar Videos mit Anleitungen zu Naval Action auf Deutsch gemacht und möchte die hier kurz vorstellen. Die Playlist für die Anleitungen ist hier zu finden: Naval Action Akademie Ich habe auch noch ein paar Videos aus den Sea Trials in dem Kanal. Auch wenn das Schadensmodell seitdem verbessert wurde, kann man dort verschiedene Schiffe im Kampf sehen und vielleicht den einen oder anderen guten Trick für den Seekampf finden. Manchmal bei mir, oft bei den Gegnern oder Mitspielern . Bei einem Teil der Videos fehlt aber leider der Kommentar. Hier der Link zu der Playlist mit den Videos aus den Sea Trials: Naval Action Alpha auf deutsch Vorschläge und Fragen könnt ihr gerne hier oder in den Videos stellen und ich werde mir Mühe geben darauf einzugehen. Schöne Grüße Plak
  25. I do see the phrase promo art but what does that mean? Can we use these pictures when we cover the game in videos, blog posts, social media or on other websites? I would love to know the rules so I do not break any when showing these pictures off to other people.
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