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Regional Capitals?

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No difference. They used to be unconquerable.


IMHO they should still be unconquerable.


Or rather, they should be conquered only in a sort of RvR Finals that occurs once a month. The top teams get an invasion force that can take a regional capital in a special PB. That would slow down the conquest game and prevent players from quitting because they lose access to all their ships every other weekend. I barely have any goddamn outposts left because I don't play enough to keep up with the map changes. And if I played more, I would still spend all my time as a refugee hauling shit to safer spots.

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The problem is that GB has a regional capital at West End that allows them to take the entire US Coast without any opposition in their time zone. So if regionals are unconquerable, then the only port the United States will have is Charleston and any regional capitals. So if regionals are unconquerable, then all US Coast from Brunswick up to Wilmington need to be regional capitals. Or you can just remove West End as a regional capital and keep the US states normal.

Oh, I think regional capital assault flags are more expensive:

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Well, the regional capitals can always be shuffled around. I can't imagine it's historical for the British to have any major bases in the Bahamas.


Of course, that assumes that we should be the least bit concerned about how the USA fares in RvR, seeing as they are inevitably going to be an anachronistic juggernaut due to high population.


Regional capitals should represent ports that have major fortresses and sizable land forces, which therefore require the attackers to have large European armies. You could fix the population balance problem by giving Spain and France a bunch of them.

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The otherday in ts, the following was mentioned:

Each rc has several cities next to it, that determine whether or not it can be captured. It would be similar like assaulting a fortress, sometimes you cant do a direct assault, so you have to take out sepparate defense structures before the main bastion is vulnerable.

One could say that oranjestad is a rc, and is protected by fort baai and basse terre. After those 2 ports have been captured, the rc becomes capturable.

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Multi-Phase / Tiered Port Battles would do the trick. The Mechanics are already there. You just have to look how for example, the EvE-Online Capturing Mechanic works. Change the Names of the necessary infrastructure and your good to go. It's the most sophisticated and fairest Capture System out there in my Opinion. For the interested: https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Sovereignty_guide

Edited by Xoosch
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