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We need a clan warehouse - with controlled access

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Each clan needs a "group" warehouse, preferably with access controlled by the "registrar/owner/leader/head" of the clan.


It should be large but fairly expensive to open and expand, yet do-able for 6 or 10 people.


The leader/owner needs to be able to give out and retract three or four levels of "right-of-access" to withdraw the contents --- and different levels (1 or 2?) of rights to deposit into the warehouse.




We also need clan banks that operate similarly - so players can support the efforts of their clan.


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So you want 6 to 8 people to do the work for you while only You and a few of your mates have access to the loot?


That's a rather negative way of thinking.  Pirates of the Burning Sea had a similar set up to what Magnum & NorthernWolves are discussing.  Multiple ranks within a clan.  Clan owner has overall rights to everything, with sub-officers under him.  Only a fool would stick around in a clan that fits the description you're posing.  I sincerely doubt this is what Magnum was alluding to.

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That's a rather negative way of thinking.  Pirates of the Burning Sea had a similar set up to what Magnum & NorthernWolves are discussing.  Multiple ranks within a clan.  Clan owner has overall rights to everything, with sub-officers under him.  Only a fool would stick around in a clan that fits the description you're posing.  I sincerely doubt this is what Magnum was alluding to.

This, the resources in an ideal system would end up being used to upgrade buildings(if that gets available), build ships for clan mates as fit and for general use of the clan.

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So you want 6 to 8 people to do the work for you while only You and a few of your mates have access to the loot?


So you want a system where one person you just added last week is able to clean out all of the Clan's assets?


As mentioned, the basic idea behind joining a clan is to pool resources to help everyone do better in the game.  In order to ensure clan resources aren't wasted or scammed from the group, you place your trust in the clan leadership and their assigns to manage those resources responsibly and for the good of the group.  If you don't like the way they're managing it, presto, you  leave and go somewhere else.  Nobody is forcing you to give a clan anything, you're there voluntarily.

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So you want a system where one person you just added last week is able to clean out all of the Clan's assets?


No, I do not want to have clan assets at all, nor clans for that matter.


I think the players are already subdivided into 8 factions. Where all nations (and the pirates) already have there own pool of resources, that cant be accessed by other nations.

Splintering off into smaller clans within the nations seems like a real bad idea to me. The loyalties will no longer be to the nation but to the clan. These kind of independent clans would fit better as a pirate group in my opinion.

If you want to help people, help the players in your nation, there is a good system for that in place already. Where you can lower the price of resources in the nations market or sell nice ships on the national market to your nations brothers and sisters that all fight for the same goal as you. The need to form a little elite group that is disconnected from the nation, totally escapes me.

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No, I do not want to have clan assets at all, nor clans for that matter.


I think the players are already subdivided into 8 factions. Where all nations (and the pirates) already have there own pool of resources, that cant be accessed by other nations.
Splintering off into smaller clans within the nations seems like a real bad idea to me. The loyalties will no longer be to the nation but to the clan. These kind of independent clans would fit better as a pirate group in my opinion.

If you want to help people, help the players in your nation, there is a good system for that in place already. Where you can lower the price of resources in the nations market or sell nice ships on the national market to your nations brothers and sisters that all fight for the same goal as you. The need to form a little elite group that is disconnected from the nation, totally escapes me.


So lets say there are 100 British players - who decides what they attack TODAY? Do they have a port battle where all 100 co-operate and are very successful at driving off the 96 Americans trying to steal St. Nicks - or do they all run around like a bunch of chickens in a barnyard, while the Americans take port after port?


It is pretty clear you are a pirate leaning player, so of course you want disorganization and chaos to operate in.


Who is in charge of the Swedish faction - Rakers?, The Dutch - I missed the election?




Another thing your idea misses on is > Unlike real life these characters can come and go at will - what if the "leader" of the port battle calls in sick?


Our group (clan) has a well worked out and "agreed upon" hierarchy to cover for such events.




BTW - clans are already a big part of the game - so that ship has "ahem" sailed.

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Clan function is already here. Are you in the game or waiting to get in? if you're in you'll see a minimal clan function is there with 3 'ranks', creator, officer and member.


It does not detract from the gameplay of the individual player. I have an alt that is not a member of a clan and I use him when I want to be independent and enjoy another way of playing the game as another nationality. That my main account is in a clan affects him not one bit.


Ports are captured by nation, not clan, so it behooves everyone to work together and makes for some really fun gameplay. Clans do not detract from national rivalries, it adds to the depth of the gameplay. 


We already give our fellow nation members better deals on ships and resources, we share plans, and we come to each others aid, being separate clans does not detract from this at all. 


Clans generally add a little bit of law and order to the OW. When the order goes out to 'hey guys, let's leave Captain Jim Bob alone, he's not in a clan and he's just crafting solo', then you have 30 players who are now not attacking Captain Jim Bob, whereas were those 30 players not in a clan and all independent, Captain Jim Bob who just wants to craft could have a bad day.

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Waiting for this necessary need, some clans are already using a "Society account" that get all ressources of the clans and craft ships.

It will just make it more easy if it's ig but atm it can be solved with a second steam account and a second game key.


Few have acces, they connect it when asked by teamates to give them ships/item/gold and to get back items. Atm we didn't suffer any loose with that.

On potbs we didn't get society warhouse and we used same system with tdedicacted acocunt with login/pass share between officer to get the eco.


So there is solution to wait for society warehouse but it's a must have specially if devs have time an dmoney to improve the idea with tax to supply the waehouse that help the town to develop and improve items drops.

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