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News update - April 10th Build Changelog

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Hello everyone


From now on we will be posting changelogs in the open section.

Because we spend a lot of time in the testing section our readers might feel neglected. This will help understand that we are working very hard and never forget about users  :).


Detailed discussions of these changes by testers of course belong to a testing section only


Here is a new test build changelog

  1. Updated back-end technology
  2. Chat added to balancer
  3. You can now post longer messages in chat
  4. Updated Sailing
    1. Added more inertia
    2. Increased reversed wind force – you ship can move backwards in certain position faster
    3. Rudder physics updated – during reverse movement you have to turn rudder in the opposite direction
    4. Lowered turning improvement when rotating yards 
    5. Fixed broken rudder bug (now when its broken you cannot turn)
    6. Fixed battle sails yard bug (that lowered speed for no reason)
  5. Updated sinking mechanics
    1. Ship waterline changes when you get water into hull
    2. Lower decks stop working if they are under water
    3. Ship becomes slower and less maneuverable when water is in the hull
  6. Mini-Map added – press M to switch off
  7. Leaks added – hits at or below waterline create separate leaks (your ship will sink faster now) but it is not tuned – we will tune it together
  8. Stern destruction now has less effects on leakage 
  9. Crew damage is lowered 3x times
  10. Cannons are destroyed much faster due to raking fire 
  11. Stern angle shots mechanics added. Shots at sharp angle now give less damage. We will test it and add to all ship colliders in the future if it works.
  12. You can now move camera in the aiming mode (press alt and move camera)
  13. Aiming shots can now be done from all decks
  14. Bell sound added if you are close to collision with other ships
  15. Bowsprit sails now don’t block cannonballs ;)
  16. You can now switch off shadows in options (will give some FPS boost)
  17. Timer before battle start increased 2x times – to allow slower loading players to be able to get into battle in time
  18. Distance to enemy is replaced by player name
  19. Level loading times are improved
  20. Constitution color is less grey – more black now
  21. We also might have added bugs and broken many things (as usual) but they will be of course fixed. We are also moving to an improved back-end so expect glitches

Build is coming tomorrow


Also would like to share something beautiful

We are making a special pre-order ship - armed royal yacht, that you can use to sink friends or hear lamentations of your women. 





Here is a little glimpse of our creative take on the side decoration lacquered painting (hand painted)





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So when are we able to pre-order this?  Or too early in the development process at the moment?


Too early, alas. Game Labs is a small team doing tremendous work! I don't know if they officially consider it such, but I would characterise the current state as an alpha testing version -- ship combat systems are in place and being refined, but many other game systems remain to be built.

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