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Something to pass the time between Sea Trials nd waiting for the OW update


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Feeling a bit low yesterday.


Browsed Steam games under simulations and came across a sailing game called Windward.


Naval Action devs don't need to worry, but for 12 bucks I found it to be the perfect remedy after weeks of frustration tackling the rather steep learning curve in OW.


Can be VERY addictive. Good reviews so far.


Cute game and it has maps! None of this Real men don't need in-game maps business. The argument is that maps make the game less realistic.


Then we're told to use our 17th century computers and load up Google Maps!!!!  Realistic?


Anyway, back to Windward. You might want to give it a try. It's great fun.


Apologies if this has already been discussed in the forums. Didn't find it in Search.

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Seagulls to show land is near or a wandering albatross, dolphins jumping and swimming in front of the ship, Humpback whales migrating, Mermaids singing upon rocks and luring gullable sailors to their doom......err ok ignore the last one!

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oh look being able to grind your ship in singleplayer and use it in Multiplayer to sealclub newcommers another great game where grinding is the only skill for just 15bucks. meh time the OW servers are back up

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