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playing under the influance

Tief N Tote

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ok so say i have a late night out and come home and feel then need to play and sink something. well i hit the first this i see and it's a ship of the same nation. should i not be able to pay a fine to rectify my mistake and still play as that nation ?

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"Sorry, I was drunk."


Don't think that flies in any jurisdiction anywhere.  A Captain that did that would have been removed from Command, and very likely jailed.  If you're unable to control yourself when you drink, you may need an accountability partner to ensure you're sober enough to log in.  :P

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Maybe for you, but what of the other Captain, who expected you to act accordingly to your colors?  Fine, you may only do it once, but creating such a mechanic will make the incidence of acts of piracy exponentially higher, and greatly reduce the levels of honor and dignity that existed at the time, and that Game Labs has indicated they would like to recreate in the game.


People on the internet are, by and large, jerks.  Give a jerk a chance to be a jerk, and you needent be surprised at the outcome.

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Maybe for you, but what of the other Captain, who expected you to act accordingly to your colors?  Fine, you may only do it once, but creating such a mechanic will make the incidence of acts of piracy exponentially higher, and greatly reduce the levels of honor and dignity that existed at the time, and that Game Labs has indicated they would like to recreate in the game.


People on the internet are, by and large, jerks.  Give a jerk a chance to be a jerk, and you needent be surprised at the outcome.yea that is true

unfortunatly that is true

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Wow liberal thinking here. I know other communities that it is a ban if you play while intoxicated. But I suppose pirates and sailors are different. Seeet. Break out the scotch and beer. Yeeeeeehaaa.

But as Mr Hardy stated, we should be responsible for our actions. Getting stoned and screwing up is not a valid excuse.

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On a more sincere note, I'm genuinely concerned you could accidentally attack somebody (In a rush to click cancel, you overshoot and click "kill the friendly trader in the face") and lose your months of progress in the navy...


No, I don't think you should be able to Kill your friends, and resume your career unaffected. But if we're able to easily and permanently declare ourselves an enemy of the state, with no recourse. Well, troublesome...

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On a more sincere note, I'm genuinely concerned you could accidentally attack somebody (In a rush to click cancel, you overshoot and click "kill the friendly trader in the face") and lose your months of progress in the navy...No, I don't think you should be able to Kill your friends, and resume your career unaffected. But if we're able to easily and permanently declare ourselves an enemy of the state, with no recourse. Well, troublesome..

Accidents happen.

And when it comes to mistakes/accidents, I suppose that is what a court marshal (tribunal) is for. Chance to throw yourself at the mercy of the community. I think the point made in this thread is it's NOT usually an accident if you deliberately get stoned or drink too much. So normally, you should consider drunken behavior deliberate and not an excuse to break the rules ... even if you are sorry afterwards.

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If you get drunk and do something stupid in RL, you are still at fault. It doesn't matter if you were intoxicated. In NA, there is no reason for the rules to be different. If you can't control yourself, and then you unleash a full broadside into a friendly, it's still your fault. Drunken and disorderly conduct in the Age of Sail would certainly result in a whipping if perpetrated by a crew member, and some manner of public disgrace and loss of command if committed by an officer.

If you feel inclined to drink, by all means do so. Just keep in mind the consequences if you lose your self-control.

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Well, there could be a simple System:


You have to pay a fine that is double the amount of cost you cause which goes directly to the destroyed player + 50% of the caused costs as a fine to the "state".

So 250% you have to pay to stay with that Nation (and the sunken player might lose time, but won a lot of money).

Until you pay the fine... you're a filthy pirate and get treated accordingly.


Fines can add up and the pirate status remains until every debt was payed.

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Well, there could be a simple System:


You have to pay a fine that is double the amount of cost you cause which goes directly to the destroyed player + 50% of the caused costs as a fine to the "state".

So 250% you have to pay to stay with that Nation (and the sunken player might lose time, but won a lot of money).

Until you pay the fine... you're a filthy pirate and get treated accordingly.


Fines can add up and the pirate status remains until every debt was payed.


well thats kinda what i was thinking because ok i was drunk or ok i made a stupid mistake now i'm stuck play pirate for the rest of the game and can't play nat again is a b it extreem but if thats the case i guess i'll just play pirate

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