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>>>v1.4 Feedback<<< ( Opt x2 latest version)

Nick Thomadis

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45 minutes ago, Urst said:

I never said a single thing about the IRL classes. I don't care about the IRL classes. I want to be able to mount 2x 5" guns for and aft and I so the flush deck, which isn't flush, is useless. Remove the tumors.

So everything you say is shifting goalposts and you're demanding a change specifically to fit your personal tastes, everyone else be damned, even though you're literally the only one complaining.

All right then, I'll just leave you to your tantrum. Enjoy.

Edited by killjoy1941
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4 hours ago, Lima said:

My experience with submarines


Above there are 9 battles with submarines in 1 turn, 5 of them are attacks by enemy subs and 4 are battles between subs. I use DDs as 2DDs per 1CA, 4DDs per 1BB/BC + reserve DDs (2-4 usually). Also, all my cruisers carry depth charges and all ships are equipped with sonars. For all the campaigns on beta and on live, the maximum that enemy subs managed to achieve was to damage one CA. DDs get minor damage quite regularly.

My submarines survive pretty well and manage to sink enemy ships even if they are DDs and cruisers with depth charges. I mainly use coastal submarines.

I do similar things, and it works, most of the time (typical mid to late battlefleet of mine is 3-4 BB, 3 CA, 2 CL, 6 DD).

Subs rarely sink anything of mine. Even in my earlier example of Spain with 200+ subs, they got a grand total of 3 ships over a multi year war.

My Problem with subs is that they're not fun. The core of this game is designing ships, and using them in real time battles. The rest is there to give that a frame.

Now, I get that subs need to be in there in some capacity for a whole lot of the relevant tech in the game to make sense. No need for ASW without them.


There either needs to be more in depth gameplay with them (design/battles) for that to be fun, or they should be limited in some way as a proportion of the surface fleet. Yeah, Germany in WW2 had a small surface fleet and hundreds of subs, so, historical realism, blah blah. I don't care. I want to play Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts, not Ultimate Admiral: Autoresolve 5 times a turn for 20 VP per sunk sub. That's simply not fun.

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27 minutes ago, Aldaris said:

I do similar things, and it works, most of the time (typical mid to late battlefleet of mine is 3-4 BB, 3 CA, 2 CL, 6 DD).

Subs rarely sink anything of mine. Even in my earlier example of Spain with 200+ subs, they got a grand total of 3 ships over a multi year war.

My Problem with subs is that they're not fun. The core of this game is designing ships, and using them in real time battles. The rest is there to give that a frame.

Now, I get that subs need to be in there in some capacity for a whole lot of the relevant tech in the game to make sense. No need for ASW without them.


There either needs to be more in depth gameplay with them (design/battles) for that to be fun, or they should be limited in some way as a proportion of the surface fleet. Yeah, Germany in WW2 had a small surface fleet and hundreds of subs, so, historical realism, blah blah. I don't care. I want to play Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts, not Ultimate Admiral: Autoresolve 5 times a turn for 20 VP per sunk sub. That's simply not fun.

Yeah. I like the strategic component that submarines bring. But the late gameplay is very saturated with these autoresolve events, in which nothing depends on me, and I just need *click* *click* *click*...

My minor allies also add their own *click*. I've said "no" dozens of times already, back off guys, I'm building my great landing fleet.

It may seem like little things, but it takes quite a long time every turn when I just want to skip turns.

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10 minutes ago, Lima said:

My minor allies also add their own *click*. I've said "no" dozens of times already, back off guys


Yeah. Maybe a toggle "we're open for business / nope, we're not building your ships" could be added?

It's especially annoying when you have mothballed old ships you want to sell - you need to be careful then what you dismiss in the "nope" click orgy, and where you actually want to say yes.

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6 hours ago, killjoy1941 said:

So everything you say is shifting goalposts and you're demanding a change specifically to fit your personal tastes, everyone else be damned, even though you're literally the only one complaining.

All right then, I'll just leave you to your tantrum. Enjoy.

No. It's not my fault your reading comprehension skills are lesser than that of an 8th grader, but my "goal post" has not shifted. You made one up all on your own which was completely different from the real one. You made a baseless assumption. My "goalpost" is having a good hull that isn't getting in the way of allowing me to make a good ship. I've been making dual fore and aft 4" gun destroyers from the second that I get the DD I hull. There's 100% no point in using the flush deck over DD III because the tumors get in the way of letting me make a destroyer design that's good and anything close to what would make sense as an evolution of the designs I've had so far.
The tumors look terrible and force a terrible design. If you want to make a terrible design like a Clempson then put the extension on a tower piece instead of blocking off design avenues for every other player.

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15 hours ago, killjoy1941 said:

You can only mount mains on that hull.

Maybe the hull was being reused as a cruiser somewhere else, or maybe it was on o Barão's mod were destroyers do have secondaries, but I was able to put 2in casemates on those mounts when I tinkered with that hull at some point.

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6 hours ago, Urst said:

No. It's not my fault your reading comprehension skills are lesser than that of an 8th grader, but my "goal post" has not shifted. You made one up all on your own which was completely different from the real one. You made a baseless assumption. My "goalpost" is having a good hull that isn't getting in the way of allowing me to make a good ship. I've been making dual fore and aft 4" gun destroyers from the second that I get the DD I hull. There's 100% no point in using the flush deck over DD III because the tumors get in the way of letting me make a destroyer design that's good and anything close to what would make sense as an evolution of the designs I've had so far.
The tumors look terrible and force a terrible design. If you want to make a terrible design like a Clempson then put the extension on a tower piece instead of blocking off design avenues for every other player.


There are at least three other hulls that unlock at nearly the same time which you can use to make whatever design you can imagine. Keep stomping your feet and demanding the entire world dance to your tune, because I don't care and neither should anyone else at this point. Congrats on being the first person I've blocked here, I guess.

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6 minutes ago, Fangoriously said:

Maybe the hull was being reused as a cruiser somewhere else, or maybe it was on o Barão's mod were destroyers do have secondaries, but I was able to put 2in casemates on those mounts when I tinkered with that hull at some point.

Possibly. I haven't yet had time to check out the latest version of NAR.

FWIW, he built the definitive mod for War on the Sea, and NAR will probably fill that role here as well. His skill as a mod creator is a very real boost for the UAD community.

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2 hours ago, killjoy1941 said:

Possibly. I haven't yet had time to check out the latest version of NAR.

FWIW, he built the definitive mod for War on the Sea, and NAR will probably fill that role here as well. His skill as a mod creator is a very real boost for the UAD community.

When I get home from work I'll track this down, would be funny if there was a stock gun mount that you can only access with a mod.

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3 hours ago, HaMaT said:

Is it possible to disable Submarines? By any mod or something

Yes. By editing the "submarines" file inside the resource assets.


2 hours ago, killjoy1941 said:

Possibly. I haven't yet had time to check out the latest version of NAR.

FWIW, he built the definitive mod for War on the Sea, and NAR will probably fill that role here as well. His skill as a mod creator is a very real boost for the UAD community.

 Thank you for your kind words, but in WOTS I had an amazing team working with me. Talented modders with different skills working together and exploring everything that was possible inside the game. Here I am alone, so don't expect the same thing.

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1 hour ago, o Barão said:

Thank you for your kind words, but in WOTS I had an amazing team working with me. Talented modders with different skills working together and exploring everything that was possible inside the game. Here I am alone, so don't expect the same thing.

Yes, and UAD is a more difficult game to mod as well. Having made mods myself for other games, I'm also very aware how modding is often an endless stack of people standing on each other's shoulders. You have quite a bit of experience building historical mods -  it doesn't hurt us at all that you're standing on the ground for UAD mods. ;)

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I can't seem to progress from one month to another now.... Just hangs on a screen with an hour glass saying 'Next Turn'. I've waited over 15 minutes, nothing in the log saying ships are being built. Exited the game and came back in. The next month had started but no missions. Tried to progress to the next month. I had the same issue waited another 10 minutes or so. Still wouldn't go to the next month.

Edited by 418ImATeapot
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Steam downloaded an update, still same issue. Exited game, exited out of steam, and close the running steam task. Started steam back up still the same thing. Sorry no luck on the bug fix, but freaking awesome response time. None of the ships move, I'm at least not losing money.... 



Edited by 418ImATeapot
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10 hours ago, killjoy1941 said:

Possibly. I haven't yet had time to check out the latest version of NAR.

FWIW, he built the definitive mod for War on the Sea, and NAR will probably fill that role here as well. His skill as a mod creator is a very real boost for the UAD community.

yep it was that flush deck destroyer hull. That is funny that the mounts aren't accessible in the stock game because destroyers don't have secondaries.


it would be nice if that structure was positioned farther back, its far to forward to balance the ship properly, it forces the engine room far too forward and there's only just enough room for a tower and 1 gun. Is that really the historically accurate position for them?

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46 minutes ago, Fangoriously said:

yep it was that flush deck destroyer hull. That is funny that the mounts aren't accessible in the stock game because destroyers don't have secondaries.


it would be nice if that structure was positioned farther back, its far to forward to balance the ship properly, it forces the engine room far too forward and there's only just enough room for a tower and 1 gun. Is that really the historically accurate position for them?

It truly is designed for four funnels. Drop a bunch of small ones in and aft of the extended forecastle and it should balance with just a few minor tweaks, provided you use a sizeable torpedo complement center-aft. You'll get a pretty decent torpedo-heavy DD with some nice range due to all the funnels. If it's not working, check the screens of the one I built a page or two back. I didn't even try to balance it, but you can see that it's close.

I'm not sure, but the side mounts on the forecastle being unable to mount single main armaments might be a bug. It feels like a bug because it's kind of a signature feature of all the flush deck class designs. Also, the gun tubs are probably a kind of universal model component - i.e.: they were likely built to be a scalable object that could be quickly added and reused across multiple larger objects like hulls and towers. I could easily see how a pair could be missed in the giant disgorging of hulls that happened over the last few months.

Here's Dahlgren (Clemson class) and Caldwell herself if you need to know what they looked like:




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in campaign after click “next turn” the game got stuck with the 'next trun' icon in the center of the screen. exit and reload the save doesn't solve the problem. the problem may be related to “france conquered Liberia‘ event. when i place the cursor on any French Africa territory. detailed information does not occur. neither French Europe territories nor african territories belong to other counties other than france have the problem.   

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Over various campaigns i started to wonder regarding the technology bonus for "Ship construction time" reduction techs, as i had a feeling they have no effect.

I did some testing and found out I was right, in a way:

As for now "Ship construction Tme" modifier only applies to new designs created after you researched a tech that changes it.

Considering you cannot build a Refit design this means builing older ones will never benefit from that modifier.

Could you finally allow building Refit desgns directly (please please please)...


At least apply the modifier to existing designs ?

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