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>>>v1.4 Feedback<<< ( Opt x2 latest version)

Nick Thomadis

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14 hours ago, MDHansen said:

"meetings" are when tf's intersect. and this should generate a meeting, thus tonnage on each side is irrelevant. I never have these situations, so I guess I've done something in the resource files to counteract this (ive edited them extensively). Battles/meetings occurs where they should, or at most I have to wait until next turn before it happens.

this is, to my knowledge anyway.

You nerfed the denial zones?

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17 minutes ago, AdmiralBert said:

Nah, sometimes the game decides that firing just isn't on the cards.

I just closed the game mid-battle where a pair of my cruisers decided that firing their main battery on an opposing cruiser was a silly idea. Who cares that they had 15%+ percentage chance to hit (climbing to mid 80%), and were sailing a steady course against a closing target, they did not fire until the enemy was at near point blank range and had done significant damage to one of them. Setting the guns and torpedoes to aggressive did nothing.

Were your secondary guns blasting away?
Some times, if your secondary guns are going off, the mains will cease fire. It's an old bug that somehow returned recently...
Turning your secondaries OFF will often make the mains fire again.

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My friend sent me a video that he can't detach ships from a division in a custom battle.


This bug has only been encountered twice. The first time happened about a month ago. The second time it happened was yesterday.
I do not remember under what circumstances this happened a month ago, but yesterday the ships "stuck together" after an absolutely accidental sudden mouse movement, which caused a division of two destroyers to inadvertently attach to a light cruiser. Perhaps the game could not calculate what happened at that moment and because of this the ships "stuck together". It may sound strange, but as a fact…


Edited by Lima
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2 hours ago, o Barão said:

You nerfed the denial zones?

After I wrote my message I had a long hard think what I've actually done in the files (and looking at my change notes and spreadsheets). And honestly it can all go down to luck and chance. 
And no, I haven't changed the denial zones. 

I can still get TF battles (meetings) very accurately. Not as good as a few major patches ago though

Edited by MDHansen
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9 hours ago, o Barão said:

You nerfed the denial zones?

I’ve tried doing this, it doesn’t change mission generation as far as I can tell but at least allows you to bypass task forces that refuse to fight. I seem to remember Nick saying at one point that you can have fleets trying to engage but not generating a mission as one of them withdraws (he’s free to correct me on that though!). There’s also a limit of 5 missions per turn generating (not including submarines I think?) so it could also be that.

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Okay, I'm sorry but this "can't travel to influence zone of enemy ships" thing is getting kind of silly.

I'm at war with A-H, and my ships can't even enter the Adriatic now. I have ports in Italy - ships in those ports can exit the port, but are stuck, except for a few that magically teleported to the west side of Italy when I tried to move them closer to invade an Austrian port.

For god's sake, let me pick a fight.

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I have increased max missions to 10. Rarely more than 5-6 happens though, but i have had a full 10 every now and then.

Also, ive played alittle with the missions (battletypes and battletypeex), both chance to generate and amount of ships and types.

"Meeting" is 1000(%) anyway since its supposed to generate.


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15 hours ago, applegrcoug said:

My problem isn't the maxed missions.  It is only maybe 0-2 per turn.  It just isn't generating one.  My TF is blocking their TF from moving, theirs is blocking me from moving.  

I haven't tried since I encountered this problem.  It is sort of unplayable at this point.

tbh, I think we can chalk down this to a 1/100 situation and proper bad luck, mixed with what seems like a bug (where no "meeting" mission is generated). Probably the only fix is to edit the savegame and end the war.

Like i wrote earlier, I havent changed anything, and I dont think we can outside the core files, to not have this situation. And I've never had this situation, a mission will always generate within a turn.

edit: saying that, I have had a few on occations where I thought oh man, this shouldve generated a mission. 

Edited by MDHansen
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16 hours ago, brothermunro said:

I’ve tried doing this, it doesn’t change mission generation as far as I can tell but at least allows you to bypass task forces that refuse to fight. I seem to remember Nick saying at one point that you can have fleets trying to engage but not generating a mission as one of them withdraws (he’s free to correct me on that though!). There’s also a limit of 5 missions per turn generating (not including submarines I think?) so it could also be that.

There is no limit for mission featuring Task Forces but there can be a limit for ships that involve ships stationed in ports. The latter may eventually interfere so we will check to fix.

It would help greatly if such incidents of missions not generating were reported to us with the bug report button.

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i will run a vanilla campaign and see if I can replicate situations, and send bugreports. Im on a sickleave this week !cursed be the icy road! so time is plenty 🥲

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  • Nick Thomadis changed the title to >>>v1.4 Feedback<<< ( Optx2 latest version)

Uploaded optimized x2 version including the following:
- Fixed issues that could cause inconsistent Task Force interaction. In the next turn you should always get battles between Task Forces which intersect, unless the enemy was able to retreat.
- Shell Ballistics and Ship Movement mechanics optimizations. Some slight related balances for a smoother 3D battle experience were needed for compensation and were done.
- Further Battle AI optimizations. The Battle AI should not approach so much at an ineffective range, as before.
- Adjusted Friendly Fire mechanics so that they do not cause issues, as before, in torpedo launching.
- Other minor fixes and improvements in localization and UI.
You must restart Steam to receive this update with no problems

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New patch is generating actions with enemy fleets that have large stacks of destroyers. (30+.) Not sure if this is intentional. I personally don't mind* but I remember people complaining about "doom stacks" and low FPS before.

*I would rather have a one-time slide show that eliminates a huge chunk of the enemy fleet, than have to sit through multiple smaller battles.

FWIW, I'm fielding individual task groups significantly larger than anything the enemy can put to sea, so I don't mean to imply that whatever AI is generating the encounters is wrong. It's coming as close to matching me as it can with what the enemy fleet has.

Edited by Dave P.
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3 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Uploaded optimized x2 version including the following:
- Fixed issues that could cause inconsistent Task Force interaction. In the next turn you should always get battles between Task Forces which intersect, unless the enemy was able to retreat.
- Shell Ballistics and Ship Movement mechanics optimizations. Some slight related balances for a smoother 3D battle experience were needed for compensation and were done.
- Further Battle AI optimizations. The Battle AI should not approach so much at an ineffective range, as before.
- Adjusted Friendly Fire mechanics so that they do not cause issues, as before, in torpedo launching.
- Other minor fixes and improvements in localization and UI.
You must restart Steam to receive this update with no problems

Thank you!  I am finally able to clean up about four or five TFs that I wouldn't engage before and just sit there.

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13 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Uploaded optimized x2 version including the following:
- Fixed issues that could cause inconsistent Task Force interaction. In the next turn you should always get battles between Task Forces which intersect, unless the enemy was able to retreat.
- Shell Ballistics and Ship Movement mechanics optimizations. Some slight related balances for a smoother 3D battle experience were needed for compensation and were done.
- Further Battle AI optimizations. The Battle AI should not approach so much at an ineffective range, as before.
- Adjusted Friendly Fire mechanics so that they do not cause issues, as before, in torpedo launching.
- Other minor fixes and improvements in localization and UI.
You must restart Steam to receive this update with no problems

Hello. I'm curious to what was the UI changes? 


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2 minutes ago, MDHansen said:

Hello. I'm curious to what was the UI changes? 


Minor issues in text aligning or localization false enable for some languages. 

Multi-scrap of submarines should be now possible.

Mothball cost was also affected by role (this was UI and gameplay related).

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I mentioned it before, but it seems the AI is overly aggressive at scrapping ships.  At nine year, it hauls them to the breakers.  

So they lay the battleships down.  Then it takes three years to build.  Then a few months to commission.  That means an AI BB is only in service for about 5-6 years.  

I almost never see where the AI is doing a refit.  One could argue the merits of refitting a DD considering the time required to build, but a BB on the other hand is a huge time commitment for that hull.  

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16 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Uploaded optimized x2 version including the following:
- Fixed issues that could cause inconsistent Task Force interaction. In the next turn you should always get battles between Task Forces which intersect, unless the enemy was able to retreat.
- Shell Ballistics and Ship Movement mechanics optimizations. Some slight related balances for a smoother 3D battle experience were needed for compensation and were done.
- Further Battle AI optimizations. The Battle AI should not approach so much at an ineffective range, as before.
- Adjusted Friendly Fire mechanics so that they do not cause issues, as before, in torpedo launching.
- Other minor fixes and improvements in localization and UI.
You must restart Steam to receive this update with no problems


Can you please fix the AI design allocation of armor. The AI allocates massive amounts of deck armor which is absolutely worthless in the early game. I just fought a Russian BB that had 6 inches of deck armor in 1902. Our battles are now being fought at 1-3km (which is a vast improvement, thank you) but at that range, the deck armor adds no value. It reduces the effectiveness of the AI designs in the early game and reduces the challenge (and fun).

Please comment and thank you for consideration!


Best Regards,


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12 minutes ago, applegrcoug said:

I mentioned it before, but it seems the AI is overly aggressive at scrapping ships.  At nine year, it hauls them to the breakers.  

So they lay the battleships down.  Then it takes three years to build.  Then a few months to commission.  That means an AI BB is only in service for about 5-6 years.  

I almost never see where the AI is doing a refit.  One could argue the merits of refitting a DD considering the time required to build, but a BB on the other hand is a huge time commitment for that hull.  

I see that phenomenon as well. While, I tend to play legendary difficulty, which spams the economies of the AI, often I find myself with an economy of 5-10% the size of the AI nations and I have the biggest most modern navy (because the AI scraps and scraps).

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6 hours ago, Hasty R said:


Can you please fix the AI design allocation of armor. The AI allocates massive amounts of deck armor which is absolutely worthless in the early game. I just fought a Russian BB that had 6 inches of deck armor in 1902. Our battles are now being fought at 1-3km (which is a vast improvement, thank you) but at that range, the deck armor adds no value. It reduces the effectiveness of the AI designs in the early game and reduces the challenge (and fun).

Please comment and thank you for consideration!


Best Regards,


I find that I often have to load absurd amounts of mid belt and deck armor onto a design in order for its pitch and roll to be halfway decent. Maybe the AI is doing that too.

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