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"Naval Arms Race" mod overhaul. BETA 2.9 "Major Powers update"

o Barão

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16 hours ago, LongJohnSilver said:

One thing I still haven't cracked is how to change/replace hulls or parts for specific nations. I saw something in the technologies and randpart ressources file, but nothing that assigns a certain hull/part to a certain nation.

What I understand from these lines is that the hulls listed here are only unlocked with the technology. 
CA_rambow_france would be the name of the hull (which in this case is only used by the french)

CA__2 a generic hull, unlocked and used by every nation

Is there something I missed somewhere in the text.assets files or is it something more technical?


Thank you in advance



To ..."change/replace hulls or parts"... you go to the "parts" file.

And if you want to add new hulls, you need to create them in the "parts" file and enable in the "technologies" file.


I am going to give you a few examples to make it easier to understand how it works.


bb_7_bismarck,,hull,Super Battleship II,,-1,-1,1.63,1750,bismarck_hull_a,1.4,,,germany,"type(bb), BB_Modern_Germany_Wider, No_Barb, bb, g4","hsize(4500), hull_form(96), stability(94), floatability(80), endurance(105), spot(0), turn(30), vis(8800), beam(0), draught(0)",,,,0.18,1,3,104000,130000,,-12,12,-22.5,18.5,0.75,0.65,32,3,6,,31.5,,


bb_7_bismarck is the name of the hull that is needed to be in the technologies file. If is not present in the technologies file, the hull will not show up ingame.

Super Battleship II is the name of the hull ingame. (what the player will see)

BB_Modern_Germany_Wider  is used to tell the game what parts are associated with this hull. You can make this individual for only one ship or it can be used for multiple ships.

The values in this example are explained in the first line when you open the "parts" file.


Now, how the parts are associated with the hulls? A simple example:

modern_BB_funnel_7_bismarck,,funnel,Uber Funnel VIII,,928,1255000,,80,bismarck_funnel_a,1.29,,funnel,,"need(BB_Modern_Germany_Wide;BB_Modern_Germany_Wider), needunlock(late_BB_funnels_level_4)","funnel(1), fcap(110), smoke(69), size(16.5)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,928,742.4,,


In the same "parts" file, we have in the beginning  all the hulls, and below all the parts used in game.

Here we can see that this funnel have "BB_Modern_Germany_Wider", so we know that this funnel is available for the Super Batteship II hull ingame.


And that is it. Knowing this, you can edit stats, create new hull packages or changing parts size, etc, etc...



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On 9/2/2023 at 7:43 PM, o Barão said:














modern_BB_funnel_7_bismarck,,漏斗,优步漏斗VIII,,928,1255000,,80,bismarck_funnel_a,1.29,,漏斗,,“需要(BB_Modern_Germany_Wide;BB_Modern_Germany_Wider), 需要解锁(late_BB_funnels_level_4)“,”漏斗(1), fcap(110), 烟雾(69), 大小(16.5)“,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,928,742.4,,



在这里我们可以看到这个漏斗有BB_Modern_Germany_Wider”,所以我们知道这个漏斗可用于游戏中的超级蝙蝠侠 II 船体。



I have modified the corresponding countries behind the Russian Super battleship II in the parts.I thought this would allow more countries to use this hull

bb_7_soyuz,,hull,Super Battleship II,,-1,-1,1.6,1150,ussr_hull_a,1.22,,,"spain, china, russia, austria"type(bb), BB_Soyuz_Big, Big_SuperStructure, Mixed_Quads, bb, g4","hsize(9700), hull_form(73), stability(80), floatability(75), endurance(99), spot(0), turn(27), vis(9150), beam(0), draught(0)",,,,0.2,4,6,86000,117000,,-12,12,-22.5,18.5,0.75,0.65,30.5,3,6,,30,,

But there was a problem with the game, and there were a lot of bugs in the design interface

Is it not enough to only modify the country corresponding to the part.Please guide me......


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8 hours ago, MRweng121 said:

But there was a problem with the game, and there were a lot of bugs in the design interface

Is it not enough to only modify the country corresponding to the part.Please guide me......

Careful when typing the data to avoid any errors. It only takes one small mistake to make the UI crash or go nuts. You are missing ...",... in the text. Between ...austria"type(bb)... It should be ...austria","type(bb)...


bb_7_soyuz,,hull,Super Battleship II,,-1,-1,1.6,1150,ussr_hull_a,1.22,,,"spain, china, russia, austria","type(bb), BB_Soyuz_Big, Big_SuperStructure, Mixed_Quads, bb, g4","hsize(9700), hull_form(73), stability(80), floatability(75), endurance(99), spot(0), turn(27), vis(9150), beam(0), draught(0)",,,,0.2,4,6,86000,117000,,-12,12,-22.5,18.5,0.75,0.65,30.5,3,6,,30,,

Edited by o Barão
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20 hours ago, o Barão said:

Careful when typing the data to avoid any errors. It only takes one small mistake to make the UI crash or go nuts. You are missing ...",... in the text. Between ...austria"type(bb)... It should be ...austria","type(bb)...


bb_7_soyuz,,hull,Super Battleship II,,-1,-1,1.6,1150,ussr_hull_a,1.22,,,"spain, china, russia, austria","type(bb), BB_Soyuz_Big, Big_SuperStructure, Mixed_Quads, bb, g4","hsize(9700), hull_form(73), stability(80), floatability(75), endurance(99), spot(0), turn(27), vis(9150), beam(0), draught(0)",,,,0.2,4,6,86000,117000,,-12,12,-22.5,18.5,0.75,0.65,30.5,3,6,,30,,

Edited 16 hours ago by o Barão


I am also a player who uses your mod. I really like your mod

but I tried to modify the style of the Chinese hull, but still use the Italian sub cannon Although it is indeed very advanced and fashionable, some of my friends and I don't really like that style Just modifying the hull in the part doesn't seem to change the model May I ask how to make Chinese ships use other types of turrets

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1 hour ago, MRweng121 said:

but I tried to modify the style of the Chinese hull, but still use the Italian sub cannon Although it is indeed very advanced and fashionable, some of my friends and I don't really like that style Just modifying the hull in the part doesn't seem to change the model May I ask how to make Chinese ships use other types of turrets



To change guns you need to go to "partsModel" file.


Go to the china section and change the models for new ones. There are some things that you need to take into consideration. The guns are chosen taking into account the ship class, caliber and gun mark. And also you need to know to what gun model you want to change.


To make things easier. Check the gun you like in custom battles. Note what ship class is using, caliber and gun mark. Then it is easy to find in the "partsModel" the gun model you want. Copy and paste to get what you want.

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1 hour ago, o Barão said:








I am a Chinese player.with many friends love this game and your mod. ,express my and my friends’ gratitude to you

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4 hours ago, o Barão said:






Ohhh, one more question. If I want to launch  gunX4  installation for some countries again, which parts should be modified? I tried to modify the ship style in Parts and copied the entire American part in Parts Model, but it seems to have no effect. My friends and I really like your meticulous spirit and respect for history. But we still hope to be able to create ships more freely in the game.Please mock us heartily for our fear of not being able to build the strongest warship.




wait. I'm really sorry, I have carefully reviewed your post again and found that you have already taught everyone how to do it early. Sorry to bother you

Edited by MRweng121
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I tried to replace the KG5 style 15 inch guns for england with the hood guns but the game crashes whenever I run it. why could this be happening? thanks in advance

It looks like it only crashes when I modify the british guns as i can replace the turrets on other nations



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5 hours ago, Nsalez said:

I tried to replace the KG5 style 15 inch guns for england with the hood guns but the game crashes whenever I run it. why could this be happening? thanks in advance

It looks like it only crashes when I modify the british guns as i can replace the turrets on other nations



It seems you are missing ... , ... in the end of each line.


If you copy and paste the text, it will be much easier for me.

Edited by o Barão
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On 9/10/2023 at 8:52 PM, o Barão said:

It seems you are missing ... , ... in the end of each line.


If you copy and paste the text, it will be much easier for me.

Heres the full line:

"gun_15_x1_britain_bb, bc, ca",,

381,gun_15_x1,britain,"bb, bc, ca",





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On 9/17/2023 at 6:52 PM, Nsalez said:

Heres the full line:

"gun_15_x1_britain_bb, bc, ca",,

381,gun_15_x1,britain,"bb, bc, ca",





I didn't find any error in your text, so I tried myself to implement the Hood guns. And I got the same error. The game UI will crash. I can't explain why, I never saw this before. You can maybe make it work by editing the default 15" guns and leave the British 15" blank. This will force the game to use the default model.

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For the gun editing issue, the only way I got the edit to work is by making the text file the exact same size as the one I'm overwriting. I did this by adding 0s to the model size modifiers until the text counter was the same I started with.

When I tried using a file that is smaller, even by one letter, the game would crash on start up. Using a file that is larger would cause issues with selecting ship hulls. This was with the british guns.

I noticed this by using UABE's view function, which would cut off the end of a file that was longer than the original.

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On 9/20/2023 at 4:44 PM, o Barão said:

 I am already working on the N.A.R. v1.0, but it will take a few weeks for everything to be ready. I expect to be ready when 1.4 goes live.

been playing the beta and i just cant get used to the game with out the mod had to revert to main branch after 1 campaign cant w8 for 1.0 thank you for your work o7

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  • 4 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, Astor said:

So what can we expect from the 1.0 release?

Will it be more like but adjusted to 1.4 update, or are there some new adjustments too?

Looking forward to it!


Good question. The devs in the last update added many new hulls and parts to the game. That is great, but is a grind to import everything to the mod. So I will need some time to have the 1st version ready.


I expect to have BETA v1 ready in a week or maybe less, and this will include almost all the new hulls added from the devs. Not all. There are two ships made by the devs that I already have in the mod. So 85 new ships instead of 87.

I also added this change: show_tooltip_timer,0.1,Delay before appearance ToolTip,,,,,,, *stock 0.5


After Beta v1 is live and if there are no issues, my plan is:

  • To see all the new hulls added by the devs in detail and look for ways to improve it if needed.
  • To check all the new guns models added by the devs to see where I can use them.
  • To rework the DDs 1,2,3 and 4 hulls. 
  • To take a look at the german CL IV to implement something that resembles more the Magdeburg, Wiesbaden, Karlsruhe.
  • Create the Konigsberg class?
  • Check the ship cost and refit times in the campaign to see if there is a need for any tweaks.
  • Check if the night the status is working, and if yes to enable in game.


And that is the end.

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Yes a rework of the DD 1-4 is really needed, it's also nice that we get new towers with the update 1.4 here too, which help to diverse it more.

Also something that bothers me a bit are the german pre-dread cruisers. Armored Cruiser 1-2 are literally the same hulls (AC3 is also the same design but different enough to 1 and 2 at least) and are actually BB hulls. We have not really something like a Scharnhorst hull (or at least close to it).

Edited by Astor
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17 minutes ago, Astor said:

 it's also nice that we get new towers with the update 1.4 here too, which help to diverse it more.

Yes for sure!!! 👍

17 minutes ago, Astor said:

Also something that bothers me a bit are the german pre-dread cruisers. Armored Cruiser 1-2 are literally the same hulls (AC3 is also the same design but different enough to 1 and 2 at least) and are actually BB hulls. We have not really something like a Scharnhorst hull (or at least close to it).

Sadly no and that German hull is very important. One hull to represent so many ship classes. SMS Prinz Heinrich; Prinz Adalbert class; Roon class; Scharnhorst class 

I knew that it would be impossible to have everything, but at least the devs tried to please us with many hulls in the end.


Now, to not have the Nelson tower in game, that I will never forgive.:D


Edited by o Barão
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