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>>>v1.09+ Feedback<<<

Nick Thomadis

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Germany has the strongest fleet because they have BB Helgoland. This is a different battle. The game is hanging on this ship again.


There are no words to convey how furious I am. F this Wunderwaffe BB Helgoland.

Okay, does anyone know if I can remove this damn ship from existence in save file? I don't usually do this, but it's unplayable.

Edit: Okay, I didn't touch BB Helgoland, however, with the help of a save, I forced my fleet to retreat.

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5 hours ago, Lima said:

Finally I met with speedrun bug that everyone is talking about. Absolutely nothing foreshadowed, but then the ship flew over the horizon.


After the disappearance of this ship, I unlocked the X10 speed in battle. And I don't use mods, since I don't need even more bugs on top of bugs.


I ended the battle at X5 speed, I did not look for a flying ship. Then the game crashed.

Edit: restart, yes, I've been talking about this bug for a long time, but still. I joined the cruisers to the destroyers and this old armored cruiser found new strength in herself...


Edit2: thats a LOT of strength


Edit3: crash

Now that you mentioned a mod. Is there any that unlock the sighting range? I'm so tire of being force to a mission and can't find sh1t for 10 minutes.

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Who the f*ck came up with this blockade without any fight needing to happen anway?

My fleet set in auto could have decimated that entire russian fleet but after 6 months of blockade by not even half ot their fleet not a single mission showed other than torpedo boats skirmishes. But I got the blockade.


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37 minutes ago, DableUTeeF said:

Now that you mentioned a mod. Is there any that unlock the sighting range? I'm so tire of being force to a mission and can't find sh1t for 10 minutes.

I used the speed mod when I first started playing, it was a long time ago. I don't remember where I got it. Now I have adapted to do work/exercises/read a book while chasing the enemy.

Edited by Lima
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I have noticed that when you refit a ship, the number of shells of the guns and torpedos, as long as you doesn't change the caliber, increases dramatically to stupid numbers.











The most visible example in the screenshots is a 16557 tons battleship with:

720(3(406))+440(1(73))+3080(14(73))+8480(14(6))+1060(2(6))=4781880kg=4781.88tons of ammo.

Yes, I know I calcullated All AP but the standar ratio has around 2/3 or 3/4 AP anyway. 

The numbers are: Shells(Guns(Weight))+...=Shell weight.

Thats a 28.9% of its own weight only on ammunition but this last scrennshot says it shoud be 376tons (2.3%) only.

Its a bug that greatly impacts gameplay because I don't have to care about holding fire at extreme ranges or running out of ammunition on a battle (I have destroyed huge 100+ ships fleets with only 2BBs and 4CAs).

It also means that on a refit I can choose reduced shells ammo to lower the flash fire and save weight with minimal to no impact on the game.

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So, I decided to come back and try out the new mod.


Basically, I applaud the inclusion of the world map and all, but I am dissapointed in the perpetual state of war and the scarcity of generated missions.
First I played with Japan, got quickly involved in a war with Russia and China. But except torpedo boats raiding the occassional convoy, nothing ever popped up. So I went back to Germany, because it is located in the middle of things.

Rather quickly, I got engaged in a war with the US. And Russia. And Italy. And China. And Russia. And Austria Hungary. And Spain. Only France and Great Britain stayed out. Well, many an enemy, many honors to be found.
But I must wonder, why the game is not called "Ultimate Admiral : Torpedo Boat", instead. Torpedo boats chasing down transports. Torpedo boats chasing down enemy torpedo boats. Torpedo boats ambushing enemy armored cruisers. Over the years I was at constant war until about 1924. With Russia alone I fought umpteen wars. I beat them, using mines and submarines to damage their units. Once in a while, a battle involving some battleships on my side and a massive number of enemy battleships, cruisers and destroyers pops up. Usually when my own task group returns to port to refuel and rearm, so my vessels are slower than normal. I had two big battles between 1890 and 1924, against Italy and Autria-Hungary and three other battles involving more than one battleship on my side. Almost all battles, I chase an enemy than turns and runs once the battle is joined. And even with much faster ships it is uncertain to catch them.

I still do not know how to generate a battle and there were many frustrating occassions.
In one, I placed some torpedo boats at the panama-canal harbour, which I took from the US some time earlier. The US did not like this and declared war. I began moving a more powerful squadron from Germany to this base, but the US were faster, catching my torpedo boats. But I escaped, the TBs making thirty knots, the fastest US ship making twentyfour knots.
The next month, my group moved closer, the same battle popped up again. I again escaped. The next month, the same battle popped up again, I escaped again. The next month, the same battle popped up again, I had to escape manually. Then my powerful squadron arrived...take this, americans...buuuuut, who would have guessed? No battle.

In another occassion, I was at war with russia (again). I blocked the straight of Tsushima with submarines and surface forces and moved in from the north with other squadrons. Submarines were over the place and sure enough, they got to attack the enemy (I wish I could decide to evade when only facing destroyers).

Russia repeatedly moved entire task forces through the straight (Japan was my ally at the time, but did not engage Russia herself). The same was true in the baltic sea, when I took the baltic states and finland from russia, basically mining the entire approaches to their only remaining port, blocking it with subs and surface forces. No problem for them to pass through. Same is true for the Panama Canal, which I now own. Enemy vessels can pass through without any difficulties, it seems. Same could be true for the Kaiser Wilhelm Kanal, but I am a bit unsure of this.
When my forces are weak, though, the enemy can attack at will.
I never got any port-bombardment missions. I had entire generations of dreadnoughts and battleships serving without seeing any action at all, though I was embroiled in constant war.
Also troublesome is the miraculous recovery of some countries. I defeated Russia for the Xth time, but when they attack me some month later, I agan face battleships, battlecruisers or armored cruisers. All, again against destroyers or small cruisers.

Economy is a small riddle to me. As of 1924, I own significant parts of the pacific, africa and the baltic states and finland. I have eight battleships, four battlecruisers, 8 light cruisers, 23 destroyers, two torpedo boats (nostalgia, I with I could construct them until 1940s) and 12 submarines. I have 200% transport capabilties and always decided to put GDP first. Research is at 70%, Recruitment at 80%, yet I am losing massive amounts of money. A bit problemematic for a world-spanning empire that is constantly fighting across the globe.

Other contries have much bigger fleet. Yes, their admirals are constantly remprimanded and replaced or banned from their countries, but their fleets remain.

I was also very dissapointed that formations are still not fixed. Since most battles are small, this is not a big issue, but the few battles involving larger amounts of ships, this is really bothersome. Divisions are formed not along classes, but types. So battleshis with a speed of 30 knots (yep, got the modern BB hulls already) are mixed with those doing 25 knots. Same is true for other ship classes. So you have to sort them out. This is almost impossible if "Avoid Collisions" is activated and only serves to completely confuse your formation before the enemy engages.
Slowing formations causes the first to decelerate, causing the following ships to veer away, often into the range of enemy torpedo boats.

There are some issues with building, for example not being able to fit some larger guns on german ship hulls or some casemates not fitting on some semi-armored cruisers, but these are minor problems, I have learned to use a maximum caliber of 420mms on battleships and I am fine.

Subs are cool additions, I like them and armed merchant cruisers with torpedoes were a rude surprise, so thumbs up.
Torpedoes are now...difficult. While essential in the early stages of the campaign, I feel they are almost useless around 1910s and on. So many torpedoes veer off, are duds are fire in the opposite direction. But the same is true for the AI, I guess.

Overall, I am now playing again and the new stuff is generally cool, but the old problems need to be fixed.

Ah, yes. Crashes, especially when battles with submarines are involved, are now frequent again. I have to return to the home screen and start the campaign anew.

What I find a bit strange : A turn is one full month. Travelling time seems to be a bit long for many distances, but okay. What is, however, a problem is the long reload and refuel time. Yes, taking on coals is a long and ardous process and heaving heavy shells is a pain, but taking up to FOUR MONTHS to refuel a squadron? That seems to be a bit odd and I would suggest to reduce and reload and refuel situation to one month.


AAAAnd another thing regarding torpedoes : Even at "safe" firing setting, my destroyers seem to launch their eels whenever they can and almost never, any torpedoes run close to their targets. Since the AI keeps turning away from torpedo carriers, sometimes doing multiple 360 degree turns, anything misses. But when holding back my torpedoes by turning the launchers off, they usually cannot turn fast enough to launch at all.
Again, this is an old, yet annoying, thing.

Edited by Darth Khyron
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3 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Hello all, 
please read what our latest hotfix includes.
Hotfix Patch v1.09.3

I'd like to request that you ask whoever writes up the patch notes to show the actual changes made in detail, instead of just saying "improved [thing]."
We'd probably be able to help more if we actually had this information.

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Happy to see an update

3 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Hello all, 
please read what our latest hotfix includes.
Hotfix Patch v1.09.3

I noticed this on v1.09.2 as well, but on v1.09.3 there is an inconsistency with the weights of the guns.  Scenario is on a battleship being constructed at the very beginning of a fresh German 1890 campaign, difficulty Normal, Enemies are historical and Fleet is create your own.

In the first screenshot, we can see that for the 3"/35 gun with no modifications is 19 tons according to the icon down at the bottom of the screen.  Hovering over it we see a tool tip that says the gun itself is 15 tons with the ammo being 3.8 tons, rounding up to the 19 we see at the bottom.  Behavior of total tonnage at the top is consistent with the numbers presented here.

If this is intended, and I cannot stress this enough, do this more!  It takes out all the guess work we hoping/praying that you can accommodate the ammo to when you plop it on.

For the second screenshot, the story is a bit different with the 4"/35 gun with no modifications.  According to the icon at the bottom of the screen, the gun is 27 tons.  However, in the tool tip, we see the weight listed as 30 tons with 4.3 tons of ammo, rounding to 34 tons per gun.  Behavior of total tonnage at the top is even more bizarre.  2 of these guns use up about 75 tons, so there is 10 tons not accounted for somewhere.

If that 10 tons that is not accounted for is, in this case, casement armor, I do not see a reason why it should be hidden from the tooltip.  It could be shown in a "Weight from armor" section much like base "weight" and "Ammo Weight" are.

Overall, I classify this bug as:  Minor.  While the game can easily be played with this bug in place, it causes needless frustration to the player as designs that should work according to one set of numbers given, don't actually work without giving any explanation as to why.

I have not yet had time to sort through the rest of the guns to see if the same issue plagues any others, these I just stumbled on.



Edited by Suribachi
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Why are you bothering with 1.09, there’s too many issues, players have accepted it.

It would be better to move forwards with 1.10 beta. Where all issues can be fixed and/or given an answer for their purpose. And where 1.10 can be released live as stable and where it could offer some redemption.

The last thing everyone wants is for reviews to continue spiraling downwards…


Edited by Skeksis
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2 minutes ago, Skeksis said:

Why are you bothering with 1.09, there’s too many issues, players have accepted it.

It would be better to move forwards with 1.10 beta. Where all issues can be fixed and/or given an answer for their purpose. And where 1.10 can be released live as stable and where it could offer some redemption.

The last thing everyone wants for reviews to continue spiraling downwards…


We have promised a last hotfix to fix v1.09 most important problems. We already work for v1.10 and we will address whatever is reported, to the extend it is possible, of course, in the next major update.

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35 minutes ago, Suribachi said:

Happy to see an update

I noticed this on v1.09.2 as well, but on v1.09.3 there is an inconsistency with the weights of the guns.  Scenario is on a battleship being constructed at the very beginning of a fresh German 1890 campaign, difficulty Normal, Enemies are historical and Fleet is create your own.

In the first screenshot, we can see that for the 3"/35 gun with no modifications is 19 tons according to the icon down at the bottom of the screen.  Hovering over it we see a tool tip that says the gun itself is 15 tons with the ammo being 3.8 tons, rounding up to the 19 we see at the bottom.  Behavior of total tonnage at the top is consistent with the numbers presented here.

If this is intended, and I cannot stress this enough, do this more!  It takes out all the guess work we hoping/praying that you can accommodate the ammo to when you plop it on.

For the second screenshot, the story is a bit different with the 4"/35 gun with no modifications.  According to the icon at the bottom of the screen, the gun is 27 tons.  However, in the tool tip, we see the weight listed as 30 tons with 4.3 tons of ammo, rounding to 34 tons per gun.  Behavior of total tonnage at the top is even more bizarre.  2 of these guns use up about 75 tons, so there is 10 tons not accounted for somewhere.

If that 10 tons that is not accounted for is, in this case, casement armor, I do not see a reason why it should be hidden from the tooltip.  It could be shown in a "Weight from armor" section much like base "weight" and "Ammo Weight" are.

Overall, I classify this bug as:  Minor.  While the game can easily be played with this bug in place, it causes needless frustration to the player as designs that should work according to one set of numbers given, don't actually work without giving any explanation as to why.

I have not yet had time to sort through the rest of the guns to see if the same issue plagues any others, these I just stumbled on.



After some digging around, I realized what was happening and it is not necessarily a bug, just information that is not presented very well, at least in my opinion.

I found that when adding the guns onto the ship, the weight of the ship is increased because of more crew, crew quarters, and armor for those gun emplacements exactly at the amount I thought was "missing".  Turns out, this is the same for other items too, like the towers, funnels etc.

I think that the weights shown in the tool tips should reflect the weight of the object as well as the changes in weight due to crew, quarters, and armor as already configured up front so there is no guess work.

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Hey, you see this 60,000 ton battleship, right? There is a great idea to attack it during the day in perfect weather with our 4 DDs. We have 2/4 inches incendiary shells, everything will be fine.



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1 hour ago, Lima said:

Hey, you see this 60,000 ton battleship, right? There is a great idea to attack him during the day in perfect weather with our 4 DDs. We have 2/4 inches incendiary shells, everything will be fine.



Probably this BB have a lot of guns instead of torpedos, rookie mistake, if the BB was constructed accurate, should have a lot of torps and ability to heavy damage at least one DD. Anyway 4 DD vs 1BB, 2CL, 100% lost battle for BB. 

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Game hung up while assigning task forces for battle, had to task-manager out.

Economy broken. Barely hanging on at war, with a fleet of 54 surface ships 2/3s of which is in-being, and the largest economy in the world by far.

While at war some time back budget went from +$100 million to -$100 million in a month, and the game acts as if I'm under blockade when I never was. Peacetime expenditures is impossible to maintain. This has been going on for more than 6 years in the campaign now.

Edited by Admiral Donuts
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Yeah, that's definitely a fair autoresolve

My BC had 14" of main belt armor and 16" guns with 35kn top speed and regular crew
The American CA has 0-11" armor and 8" guns with 32.3kn top speed and cadets crew
So unless the Americans managed to somehow torpedo the sonar-equipped BC with an escort of 3 sonar-equipped DDs...

What happened? Autoresolve is basically unusable at this point, which makes unskippable battles like this a real pain.

I don't want to spend like 20 minutes chasing a single CA for a great great reward of like 100VPs

Edit: I managed to catch the repaired Miami with another BC of the same class and 1 DD escort. These are the results: (2nd screenshot). I didn't employ any sophisticated tactics or anything, just fired at Miami until it sank. No magic. Is it so hard, mr AI autoresolve?

Edit 2: wait, I just realized this isn't "same class BC", this is Santa Clara herself. What? I didn't build new ships since then. It's October 1942 now, so Santa Clara is supposed to be at the ocean floor for like 4 months already


Edited by Abuse_Claws
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A couple of known bugs while I'm at it

  1. While designing a ship, if you change boiler type and then set engine type to diesel or gas turbines, while "boilers" component is disabled, the selected boiler type still impacts smoke interference and funnel capacity.
  2. When making peace with one country, all missions generated for this turn are removed, even those that are not against that country
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1 hour ago, Abuse_Claws said:

Yeah, that's definitely a fair autoresolve

My BC had 14" of main belt armor and 16" guns with 35kn top speed and regular crew
The American CA has 0-11" armor and 8" guns with 32.3kn top speed and cadets crew
So unless the Americans managed to somehow torpedo the sonar-equipped BC with an escort of 3 sonar-equipped DDs...

What happened? Autoresolve is basically unusable at this point, which makes unskippable battles like this a real pain.

I don't want to spend like 20 minutes chasing a single CA for a great great reward of like 100VPs

Edit: I managed to catch the repaired Miami with another BC of the same class and 1 DD escort. These are the results: (2nd screenshot). I didn't employ any sophisticated tactics or anything, just fired at Miami until it sank. No magic. Is it so hard, mr AI autoresolve?

Edit 2: wait, I just realized this isn't "same class BC", this is Santa Clara herself. What? I didn't build new ships since then. It's October 1942 now, so Santa Clara is supposed to be at the ocean floor for like 4 months already


While I was trying to sink German bugwaffe with the help of an auto-resolve, I realized how bad the auto-resolve is.

However, first let's talk about German ships, this in itself is a problem. The fact is that the German ships are simply terrible. They lag behind the rest of the world in technology. In my game, China has been dead for 20 years, but 20 years ago they had better ships than the Germans. I'm not just talking about their old ships (although in 1930, half of their fleet was not upgraded ships from 1890), but even their most "modern" ships are just garbage. Again, literally China in 1910 years ago had better ships. At the same time, they do not have the worst economy. I just don't understand why Germany is so bad. I definitely don't associate Germany with a bunch of cheap ships.

A typical example of German engineering.


Returning to the auto-resolve. I lost a lot of modern ships while I was trying to sink these bugged German ships (the whole class of ships was bugged). Even when I assembled a giant fleet, it still suffered losses. I'm losing battleships at 30 knots and radar 2 because of a bunch of ships from the 1900s. When I was finally able to engage the Germans (all the bugged ships sank), one salvo from this battleship was enough for each of their ships.

Below is the TF I used. Yes, this TF in which each battleship is worth more than the entire enemy fleet somehow suffered losses.


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12 minutes ago, Lima said:

While I was trying to sink German bugwaffe with the help of an auto-resolve, I realized how bad the auto-resolve is.

However, first let's talk about German ships, this in itself is a problem. The fact is that the German ships are simply terrible. They lag behind the rest of the world in technology. In my game, China has been dead for 20 years, but 20 years ago they had better ships than the Germans. I'm not just talking about their old ships (although in 1930, half of their fleet was not upgraded ships from 1890), but even their most "modern" ships are just garbage. Again, literally China in 1910 years ago had better ships. At the same time, they do not have the worst economy. I just don't understand why Germany is so bad. I definitely don't associate Germany with a bunch of cheap ships.

A typical example of German engineering.


Returning to the auto-resolve. I lost a lot of modern ships while I was trying to sink these bugged German ships (the whole class of ships was bugged). Even when I assembled a giant fleet, it still suffered losses. I'm losing battleships at 30 knots and radar 2 because of a bunch of ships from the 1900s. When I was finally able to engage the Germans (all the bugged ships sank), one salvo from this battleship was enough for each of their ships.

Below is the TF I used. Yes, this TF in which each battleship is worth more than the entire enemy fleet somehow suffered losses.


The problem of those "unfinished" ships is not related to German Engineering or general AI engineering. It seems that at some time you interrupted a game turn because it was taking too long (closed and restarted the game)? Then some ships may have saved themselves in this condition, so when you restarted the campaign, they became permanently broken and will cause turn lags in all subsequent turns.
It would help very much to know if this was the case.

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Submarine missions are still bugging out at times...

It's better than it was. But at some point the very first attempt to auto resolve a sub battle against task forces, it will not do it and we have to back out and reload the campaign. The result of the battle then always shows 0 VPs.

There are times when the battle screen comes up with subs and there are no enemy ships present. Then the subs are detected and 0 VPs anyway.

In my latest campaign they are MOSTLY showing in the missions panel. But sometimes they are not.

I don't know if this one is by design - Subs versus task forces freezes both the task force in place and the subs in place, then comes up as a mission in the following months and sometimes every month for a year before the forces move on.


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