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>>> Beta 1.03 version<<< [EXPIRED 20/01/2022]

Nick Thomadis

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Is possible to consider buff the stability value for "semi armored cruiser II".

I usually simple ignore this option in the campaign because how bad this hull is a gun platform. There is any reason why this hull is so bad in comparison with the other light cruisers hulls?


And if we look the big brother version this issue doens't exist anymore. Is in fact a good option.


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@BELEW848That was a bugged version of the Beta that appeared to show all nations as playable but actually resulted in not being able to start a campaign at all, even the British Empire and German Empire campaigns that were previously available. I believe the latest update to Beta v1.03 has fixed the issues with the Campaign loading so you can now continue to play British/German campaigns. The other nations are yet to be added to the Campaign.

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50 minutes ago, BELEW848 said:

i dont understand how am i seeing other people with new nations for the campaign and i don't. im in the beta i dont understand that and ive been playing when it was on there website long before it went to steam


It was an error fixed in most recent update to Beta 1.03 (Jan 19).

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1 hour ago, o Barão said:

Is possible to consider buff the stability value for "semi armored cruiser II".

I usually simple ignore this option in the campaign because how bad this hull is a gun platform. There is any reason why this hull is so bad in comparison with the other light cruisers hulls?


And if we look the big brother version this issue doens't exist anymore. Is in fact a good option.


That's far from being the biggest problem that hull has. The poor main gun placement (you can barely fit 3 main guns while in the other hulls with the same initial displacement you can easily fit 6-8 depending on the arrangement) already makes the semi armoured cruiser hulls barely useable. Unless they decide to allow main caliber casemate guns on the twin casemate mounts, there is simply no reason to use that hull instead of any other CL hull.

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2 hours ago, The PC Collector said:

That's far from being the biggest problem that hull has. The poor main gun placement (you can barely fit 3 main guns while in the other hulls with the same initial displacement you can easily fit 6-8 depending on the arrangement) already makes the semi armoured cruiser hulls barely useable. Unless they decide to allow main caliber casemate guns on the twin casemate mounts, there is simply no reason to use that hull instead of any other CL hull.

Yeah, you are correct.


I want to add the new french light cruiser IV doesn't allow the player to place guns in the superstructure. (upper level)


But if we are using the CA version now is possible to place them. Because they are secondaries in this hull and not an option in CL version?


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Secondaries other than 2- to 3-inch casemates are totally excluded from light cruisers until, I think, a much later date.  That means you can have at most 4x 2-inch guns or 4x 3-inch guns on the ship.  That’s it.  In reality,  of course,  such ships were  well-equipped with anti-torpedo boat batteries in addition to their main battery.  Secondary guns of at least 2- to 3-inch single open mounts need to be allowed at all dates. 

We also are still unable to mount 6-inch casemates or 6-inch guns as secondaries on any Armoured Cruiser hulls, even though this was nearly universal in reality.  

And I agree The “semi-armoured” cruiser hull would also be a good candidate for allowing up to 6-inch casemate guns, as well as single 7- or 8-inch gun primaries (ideally in open shielded mounts, not enclosed gun houses).

Edited by akd
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5 hours ago, BELEW848 said:

i dont understand how am i seeing other people with new nations for the campaign and i don't. im in the beta i dont understand that and ive been playing when it was on there website long before it went to steam


The bug that "allowed" you to see the other nations' campaigns also resulted in it being impossible to actually start ANY campaign, including the British and German ones, so the only thing you missed out on was seeing a couple of flags and infinite loading screens. :P

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2 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

As I see the enemy BB uses its secondaries against the incoming CA, does the CA have torps or not?

No torpedoes. The BB is using the secondaries against the CA because they don't have the range to target the BB. I will conduct more tests in a later stage with different conditions.


Note that at this distance the CA main guns have enough pen to defeat the BB armor so it should be consider a top priority imo.

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