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Minor nations and selling ships


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Will we have to deal with minor navies as well, such as Greece or some south American navies, in campaign?

And will we be able to sell ships to them we no longer need to strengthen them against a common enemy,  or simply scrap old ships. 

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2 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Only Major Nations will be playable. The interaction with minor navies is not yet fully decided, so we cannot promise something specific, although the ability to sell designs to minor nations is considered.

Those minor nations if allied/puppeted/annexed could provide the major nations with minor research bonuses in some areas or some unique ship designs. Just one idea :)

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  • 2 months later...

I think it should be heavily considered to have Major Nation's able to sell ships to Minor's...It was very common up through the first half of the 20th century for Nations such as Britain to contract out during peace time to build ships for smaller nations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the idea of selling ships to minor nations, even maybe having them take part in your wars or vice versa. Being dragged into a war by a minor ally that angers a major nation and sparks a larger war, that sounds cool. 

As it's been described it sounds like this game is gonna be rule the waves with 3D graphics. That's certainly awesome but itd be nice if you guys took this as an opportunity to go a little deeper with it all ya know?

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1 hour ago, ManuelSpain said:

At this time there are no South American nations. They were part of the huge Spanish empire. They had an army but with a Spanish flag just like Brazil served Portugal and had no own army. Greece had hardly any army.

"You fully manage the fleets and naval construction programs of the following nations that are available with their historical borders from the Imperialism Era to the Interwar Period (1890-1930+):"
>Argentina independence 1816
>Brazil independence 1822
>Ecuador independence 1822

>Venezuela independence 1811
>Chile independence 1810

plus Greece had a navy in 1890, with 3 new ironclad battleships being introduced just one year before the game starts (1889)

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6 hours ago, ManuelSpain said:

At this time there are no South American nations. They were part of the huge Spanish empire. They had an army but with a Spanish flag just like Brazil served Portugal and had no own army. Greece had hardly any army.

I think you are very confused about the time period, friend.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Ummm i prefer has an option manage a minor navy, less stress when you want a campaign game and a different set of problems when you lack apart funds, you lack the building ability depending of another nations.

Maybe add them in a variant of campaign mode where you have more focus in manage a smaller set of ships.

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