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Game Crashes

Black Dynamite

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Is anyone else's game crashing after this latest patch? Before I could play it non-stop without any problem, but today alone I've crashed twice within a couple hours. Also I had trouble logging in one time as it said (Authentication error) but I was able to log in after trying again. 


My specs are gtx 660, 8gb of ram, and an intel i5 3570k @ 3.40Ghz and i usually get a solid 60fps on high

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Hey Guys. I got finaly a key but the game keeps crashing all the time.


If i try to start it up il get always this error




and then the game simple chashes.


These are my System specs:


CPU: Intel® Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz

RAM:16278.2 MB DDR 3

Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series

Mainboard: ASRock Z68 Pro3

Windows 7 64Bit


Playing all the time over my Samsung TV. No problems so far.



Any Ideas?

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Hey Guys. I got finaly a key but the game keeps crashing all the time.


If i try to start it up il get always this error




and then the game simple chashes.


These are my System specs:


CPU: Intel® Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz

RAM:16278.2 MB DDR 3

Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series

Mainboard: ASRock Z68 Pro3

Windows 7 64Bit


Playing all the time over my Samsung TV. No problems so far.



Any Ideas?


Are your drivers up to date?

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Please use Navalactioncrashsender.exe after a crash

It's located in the game folder in Steam. Something like /program files/steam/Steamapps/common/navalaction/

The Crashsender is also crashing. Same Error just with a different resolution. (Switching to resolution 380X435 failed, trying lower one)

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Got  nearly 90 Games on Steam. Never got any Problems so the driver should work. Btw, i was trying 3 different drivers. This is the first time that such a Error occurs.

I searched also google for like 3 hours and it looks like there is something wrong with that Unityengine thing.

And lowering the resolution didn't work either.


If i force NA to start with this parameters "-force-opengl" The game starts. But then it shows that it only support Shader 5 and i got only shader 3.

Thats maybe because of opengl is not supporting Dx11?! but well, the resolution error dosnt show up.


So, no idea whats going on here.

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Yesterday in the second Trafalgar match, I was one of two ships left in my fleet (What do you expect? We were the French). I had full health and was planning to take at least a few down with me, when my controls locked up, and the game quit responding. I had to force quit. I tried to rejoin, but as soon as I got back in, everything locked up again. Finally I just quit, and restarted my computer.


After that I could get back in the main lobby, and join other games.


I didn't know about the crashsender, but next time I'll use it.

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Got  nearly 90 Games on Steam. Never got any Problems so the driver should work. Btw, i was trying 3 different drivers. This is the first time that such a Error occurs.

I searched also google for like 3 hours and it looks like there is something wrong with that Unityengine thing.

And lowering the resolution didn't work either.


If i force NA to start with this parameters "-force-opengl" The game starts. But then it shows that it only support Shader 5 and i got only shader 3.

Thats maybe because of opengl is not supporting Dx11?! but well, the resolution error dosnt show up.


So, no idea whats going on here.


The game is written in Unity, so if there's a problem between Unity and your driver/card combination, you'll have to wait until Unity fixes it.  In the mean time, you might want to send one or two of the more detailed threads to the support email so they can see what the problem might be and determine if there's anything they can do about it.  That information needs to be more than "it doesn't work" - it will need to have specifics of the paraticular Unity DLL that is failing, any stack information, related objects (such as a particular physics object that conflicts), etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I'm able to play the game fine on low settings with my laptop, but as soon as I load into a PVE light battle on my desktop (Main PC) It freezes and I get a Client.EXE crash message and am forced to close the program. Do you guys have any suggestions?


I'm running on a PC with windows 8.1 and a GFX card that supports DX11 and Shader 5.

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Bump. Started happening after recent patch.

Revision: 13848.Clean.Prod

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
  Application Name: Client.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp: 54819edb
  Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
  Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.17514
  Fault Module Timestamp: 4ce7ba58
  Exception Code: c0000005
  Exception Offset: 000222c2
  OS Version: 6.1.7601.
  Locale ID: 13322
  Additional Information 1: c1d8
  Additional Information 2: c1d8b81be8f0f61fdf97639eb3d52137
  Additional Information 3: 8f8a
  Additional Information 4: 8f8ac2c0d29cddff073ac3d62c1ba7d3
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Open the program files of the game it it will be right next to the client. To do this right click on naval action beta in steam then >properties>local files>browse local files. Then type info about the crash and press report  ;)


 Good job helping.. a +1 plus 1 for you

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