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Hey, captains! I've had my eye on the game for some time, and lately I've been considering it more seriously. I've always loved open-world multiplayer titles, and I have a particular interest in the setting and premise of Naval Action. My question is fairly straightforward: would you recommend the game in its current state, or should I refrain from purchasing it presently?

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It really depends on who you are as a person.


The game has a steep learning curve - so a patience and tenacity is a requirement. It isn't the most solo friendly game either so the best advice I give any newcomer is: "Join a clan, go to teamspeak and learn from the best". There's a TON of fun in the game. And a lot of frustrations as well. Some of the frustrations is down to the development strategy (or lack there of) by the devs and some of the frustrations comes from the fact that the game is very unforgiving. Often - if you make a mistake the quarry escapes. Or if you're the one being hunted - the ship is lost. I cannot count the battles in which I have more or less been king of the seas. Nor can I count the battles that still haunt my waking dreams because of the mistakes I made.


So in short: (too late I know)

Get the game IF you like the era, IF you are patient, IF you can live with getting beaten down time and time again - even when you think you've mastered the game you can still find yourself in unfortunate circumstances, get the game IF you don't mind (well can live with) getting beaten by 4-5 players that just happened to find you in a position where there is no escape. Get the game if you like to socialize, to fight, to craft (imo a very, very good crafting system that only needs minor tweaks), and if you like to give and take in a game where the battles are what we live for and there atm isn't much else in the game. 

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4 minutes ago, The Geth said:

Thanks for that overview! It's reassuring to hear after everything I've been told by the Steam community. I think I'm going to try it out!

Well when you make your character don't forget to ask in nationchat if any clans are recruiting - they mostly are and the clans are a bundle of ressources and advice from "left-over" ships that clan-members that are already through the levels can provide you with to the ever invaluable advice as how to get out of irons.. 

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It depends on your expectations for what the game can deliver.   I enjoy trading and sailing, but I'm fairly easy to please.

The in-game community is very helpful.  They may ambush you when you are not paying attention.  A group of hunters might chase you down, catch you alone and capture or sink your ship.  But I've found the same players who will attack me may also help me.   After all most players are just looking for someone to fight.

 Some players say not to risk what you are not willing to lose, and to team up, and sail in a pack.  Get an escort if you are making a big trade run.  But it is just a game ... don't let a loss discourage you too much.    Someone usually loses in a fight.


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3 hours ago, The Geth said:

Thanks for that overview! It's reassuring to hear after everything I've been told by the Steam community. I think I'm going to try it out!

An advantage of getting in now is that you'll be able to learn a lot of the important things before future wipes and releases, so you don't have to be a complete noob when that time comes.  It's hard to really participate as a noob, which is frustrating when important things are happening rapidly after they make big changes to the game.  Research the national situations before chosing a nation, keeping in that mind things are really wonky right now for just about everybody, and start thinking carefully about joining a clan though you don't need to do that right away. 

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10 hours ago, Bearwall said:

It really depends on who you are as a person.


The game has a steep learning curve - so a patience and tenacity is a requirement. It isn't the most solo friendly game either so the best advice I give any newcomer is: "Join a clan, go to teamspeak and learn from the best". There's a TON of fun in the game. And a lot of frustrations as well. Some of the frustrations is down to the development strategy (or lack there of) by the devs and some of the frustrations comes from the fact that the game is very unforgiving. Often - if you make a mistake the quarry escapes. Or if you're the one being hunted - the ship is lost. I cannot count the battles in which I have more or less been king of the seas. Nor can I count the battles that still haunt my waking dreams because of the mistakes I made.


So in short: (too late I know)

Get the game IF you like the era, IF you are patient, IF you can live with getting beaten down time and time again - even when you think you've mastered the game you can still find yourself in unfortunate circumstances, get the game IF you don't mind (well can live with) getting beaten by 4-5 players that just happened to find you in a position where there is no escape. Get the game if you like to socialize, to fight, to craft (imo a very, very good crafting system that only needs minor tweaks), and if you like to give and take in a game where the battles are what we live for and there atm isn't much else in the game. 

I substantially agree to you suggestions, yet I would add one important thing: the game is full of timesinks (so that getting money and resources - for a new player - may be a long process) so you must actually have a lot of time to dedicate to the game if you want to achieve good results.

Edited by victor
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Just now, victor said:

  ... so you must actually have a lot of time to dedicate to the game if you want to achieve good results.

Depends on what your goal is.   You don't need a lot of time if you are content to use smaller ships and don't require many millions to be satisfied.

A player can have a very good experience with just a little time.  But will not own a fleet of large ships and control several ports.

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20 hours ago, The Geth said:

after everything I've been told by the Steam community. I think I'm going to try it out!

Good man!

Ah, the Steam community and their collective wisdom... ;)

Edited by jodgi
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