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Reporting for duty!


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Ok fellow Squids, just reporting in for the first time!. My friend was showing this amazing product off to me last night. So bought a pre-order not sure what that means.....would I get a beta key sometime in the near future or am a landlocked until the release?


All the best



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Ok fellow Squids, just reporting in for the first time!. My friend was showing this amazing product off to me last night. So bought a pre-order not sure what that means.....would I get a beta key sometime in the near future or am a landlocked until the release?


All the best



Most likely Friday...you are in for a good game.  

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Thanks for the warm wishes! Big fan of the Age of Sails I & II/privateer. Wow that is going back for a while. How realistic is the game? Big fan of JUTLAND. I hope it is not one of those new style platforms where you "pay to win".

Really love MP games. Does the game reward proper tactics and formations among players? Is there a command system ie. Admiral or rear admiral etc or just a free for all :(

Looking forward to Friday.

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Welcome ETF


Keep in mind everything at this point is for testing combat, getting feedback on ships, searching for bugs and is not a complete game. However, even at this point the game (combat) is a lot of fun. The game is realistic but it is not a full simulator. It does reward tactics and teamwork but right now there is no command system. It's a little more hands-on than some as you must aim and fire your guns manually while controling the yards etc. I think you'll be pleased.

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As Leviathan says the sailing is a bit more hands on and the sense of commanding a ship that is pitching around (especially on the stormy maps) is very impressive. The old Age of Sail games have a more top down feel and show their Talonsoft/Akella wargame roots with alot of big fleet action scenarios.  Naval Action seems like it will be more of a multiplayer focused game (PVE and PVP).


There, has been some discussion of what fleet actions with NPCs as well as other players and some sort of command interface/planning layer might end up looking like in this thread: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1846-fleet-commander-gameplay/?hl=fleet.  

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It's starting to smell like squid around here. An old Marine can smell it a mile away. Welcome Sir. Yer gonna love this game. More addictive than meth. NOT EVEN ONCE! This is much better than meth. teeth don't fall out and you don't have to sell your body for the next hit. See ya on the water.

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