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Important! Chat. Politeness and such

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Name has been noted and added to the list of my personal Crusade/Inquisition

Isn't THIS exactly the kind of thing that many of you are saying you want to avoid in this game??? But several posts after this... ive seen NO replies questioning it. Still reading and hoping its called out!

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Well that's why I say that we're lucky that our community is right now mostly composed of mature individuals with a good sense of what they want for this game - a sportmanship atmosphere, respect and good fun between players. I doubt anyone here would fall for using naming and shaming for his own particular reasons and dislike for a certain someone, instead of doing things for the good of the game. And if anyone gets caught on doing it, well ,he'll be putting himself in evidence, so whatever such a try would probably backfire.


Again, the key here is that this community is still young and healthy enough. What I propose wouldn't be tolerable nor acceptable nor would certainly work in an environment poisoned by trolls, ignorants, immature kids ,etc. You allow for Name and Shame in WoT or War Thunder, the consequences would be disasterous because the communities themselves already are "infected" with bad behaviour as an habit.


but if we take that approach in a community like this, I'm sure there'd be no such trouble. Again that's just me and my opinion. I know name and shame "tactics" have a bad reputation but that's because they've been pulled in the past mostly in games with pretty bad communities with massive egos and private agendas. But if established in a clean environment, I think it would work perfectly.


Sir Rambj,


I just want to add to your post something that you mite forgot to say or to touch a bit there.

You are drawing some parallel with WoT and WT and you are absolutly right on those matters and for in game and forums behavior .

But that is happening in many games not just in those 2 so my point is loads and loads such players will come to this game when it would be fully released and you have to be aware of that.

So what can we really do about it as you said and you are right i quote you here > because the communities themselves are already infected with a bad behavior as an habit < and not just in game on forums also.

Habit is a nasty thing once you get her its hard to get rid of it (when it is a bad habit).

Now that being said i agree with lots of you here that we first need to be role model for that kind of players and that we do what is in our power to do

and that is helping any newcomer with his problems with his question and show him around a bit maybe explain to him some tactics so he can fill in better and that he understand the game dynamics better.


But what about those players that you stated that are there and they are in big numbers not small and they will come to this game you, me , we cant stop that from happening and they are like you said already infected with a bad habit both in game and out of it and they are like that probably in real life too .

So my question is what to do with those kind of players and there will be those kind of players ?

And its good that you posted this so early on before the game really starts coz by then it will be to late to adress the matter when the weal is already in motion.

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If I decide, that high risk (like in your example - small ship ramming bigger one-it will usually end with smaller ship doom) ramming can make difference, and in effect -help my team/squadron/fleet, then I will not deliberate if that's nice or not - i will just ram. That's tool for victory, total destruction of enemy fleet, achieved by all means.


Source-‘Appendix IV: Memorandum on Sea-Power and the Principles Involved’, printed in Nicholas Tracy (ed.),The Collective Naval Defence of the Empire,1900-1940 (Navy Records Society Vol.136, 1997), p.7.



First you all must get the difference of spite intentional ramming and ramming or not even ramming its a gently slap in your bow allmoust no dmg as dmg is done but you wrecked his bowsprit to achive advantage in battle over that ship for your self or for your squadron . (Example).


Now intentional ramming in some rare situations are also welcomed and i did it more then once.

(example) > Line is formed by both sides at one point one guy from the opposite team see a gap in our lines and he charged to our last SoL in line for a raking shoot in his Bellona (player name >abond<) our last SoL is Victory (player name >Atomic Tiger <) im saying names here because i know they wont mind and those 2 player are very mature and with a very good behaviour in game and out of it and they are also a very good players in NA and i enjoy playing with them.

I was in a Trinc near Victory at his outside parallel with him and i saw what is abond panning to do so i slowed down a bit in my Trinc with full health with all 3 repairs still on and i turned  starboard at a right time and before abond had a clear shot i rammed with full speed in his bow (head to head) and i stoped him there did some dmg to him i got the whorse end was really in a bad shape and i managed to place my self in the middle of vic and bellona

then Bellona open fire on me as he saw he will not be able to pull that raking shoot on Vic and with dmg that i recived from ramming + that B/S of bellona i was sinking fast and no repairs is able to stop it.


Now most players will asap start to bitch at me and calling names and stuff but not those 2 guys that are involved in this mess (fight,accident)

They both where so happy of that move made by me and said that they never seen noting similar so far and that i did more then great and that there is absolutely no holding grudges at all from that move i did.

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So what can we really do about it as you said and you are right i quote you here > because the communities themselves are already infected with a bad behavior as an habit < and not just in game on forums also.


And its good that you posted this so early on before the game really starts coz by then it will be to late to adress the matter when the weal is already in motion.

See this for some ideas:


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So what can we really do about it as you said and you are right i quote you here > because the communities themselves are already infected with a bad behavior as an habit < and not just in game on forums also.

Habit is a nasty thing once you get her its hard to get rid of it (when it is a bad habit).

Now that being said i agree with lots of you here that we first need to be role model for that kind of players and that we do what is in our power

I want to let the players who are newer to game know about the AUSL, and while founded by the leaders of the early Naval Action fleets and clans, membership is open to all and by simply placing the small icon in your signature you are publically stating and showing your support for the principles that most of us want upheld in this game.

You can find them here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2147-announcing-the-association-of-unified-society-leaders-ausl/?p=44336

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