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Hotfix 1 for patch 10.1


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45 minutes ago, ironhammer500 said:

The endless grind is no way to artificially make content, people will get bored and leave in mass again like last time when the game was on steam, no end game content, current content is pretty thin when you look at it which is bad for the game since when you have done everything that is it nothing left to do, not much players can do to create content, hell PBs are being punished if players wanna arrange the fights...They did this sorta thing in Eve arrange fights to keep content fresh in the game.

People didnt leave in mass untill unlimited teleports shrank the map to nothing and turned every 1v1 into a clusterfluck mess of revenge and counter revenge ganks. 9 of 10 of my friends quit at this time. I saw my faction lose almost every single player for a time. I remember days when it wad me and 4 or 5 otherguys. 

The mindset of some loud people seems to be that every person who plays video games wants massive raids or port battles or 25vs25 nightmares and wants to spend thier time on teamspeak with 40 other want to be generals all dividing the world.  A great many players like small group play and exploration and the fun of small battles. This game has consistently ran off everyone who isnt into big clans and big battles and seems doomed to just keep repeating it.

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1 hour ago, Mrdoomed said:

People didnt leave in mass untill unlimited teleports shrank the map to nothing and turned every 1v1 into a clusterfluck mess of revenge and counter revenge ganks. 9 of 10 of my friends quit at this time. I saw my faction lose almost every single player for a time. I remember days when it wad me and 4 or 5 otherguys. 

The mindset of some loud people seems to be that every person who plays video games wants massive raids or port battles or 25vs25 nightmares and wants to spend thier time on teamspeak with 40 other want to be generals all dividing the world.  A great many players like small group play and exploration and the fun of small battles. This game has consistently ran off everyone who isnt into big clans and big battles and seems doomed to just keep repeating it.

The teleport thing came later cause i cant dont find any causes in the patch notes, devs blame it on making the game easier but i see nothing of the sort, people simply got bored or fed up with the game.

Last year the the game came out on steam in Jan 2016, had around 5k people, then lost people slowly through Feb 2016 then lost a massive amount in March when the novelty factor wore off...


Seems the peak players is falling off slowly again, devs really need to get a grip on why people are leaving.

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16 minutes ago, ironhammer500 said:

The teleport thing came later cause i cant dont find any causes in the patch notes, devs blame it on making the game easier but i see nothing of the sort, people simply got bored or fed up with the game.

Last year the the game came out on steam in Jan 2016, had around 5k people, then lost people slowly through Feb 2016 then lost a massive amount in March when the novelty factor wore off...


Seems the peak players is falling off slowly again, devs really need to get a grip on why people are leaving.

Im not saying teleports are the worst thing ever or should be taken out completely im just saying they need a cooldown...start with 2 hours then mess with it. What im saying is its not the new wesring off that drove off most players what theu dont get is that most players are NOT hard core Trafalgar only guys and MOST players enjoy playing in a big map with freedom to do wjat they want. When devs shrunk the map with no limit teleports and speed boosts and the power curve set in and everyone has 1t rate ships or super player killer shipa it ran off the little gamer like me.

If 40 players is the goal them keep the status quo if they want lots of people they BETTER start to make this game enjoyable for solo quiet type players. Its fun again now because the power creep is gone right now and people dont have outposts everywhere to tp too.

I dont see why we cant try a different path for a short time but these giys stick to thier idea .

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17 minutes ago, Mrdoomed said:

Im not saying teleports are the worst thing ever or should be taken out completely im just saying they need a cooldown...start with 2 hours then mess with it. What im saying is its not the new wesring off that drove off most players what theu dont get is that most players are NOT hard core Trafalgar only guys and MOST players enjoy playing in a big map with freedom to do wjat they want. When devs shrunk the map with no limit teleports and speed boosts and the power curve set in and everyone has 1t rate ships or super player killer shipa it ran off the little gamer like me.

If 40 players is the goal them keep the status quo if they want lots of people they BETTER start to make this game enjoyable for solo quiet type players. Its fun again now because the power creep is gone right now and people dont have outposts everywhere to tp too.

I dont see why we cant try a different path for a short time but these giys stick to thier idea .

People are starting to leave, the post wipe fun is wearing off slowly, but why? Why are people leaving well most of them are new players finding getting started to hard, most players play for 5 hours then quit the devs need to ask them self why do people leave? It cant be cause its to "easy" cause now with it super hard people still leave...


TBH i think they gave up on NA and are hoping legends rakes in the crowds.

Edited by ironhammer500
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22 minutes ago, ironhammer500 said:

People are starting to leave, the post wipe fun is wearing off slowly, but why? Why are people leaving well most of them are new players finding getting started to hard, most players play for 5 hours then quit the devs need to ask them self why do people leave? It cant be cause its to "easy" cause now with it super hard people still leave...


TBH i think they gave up on NA and are hoping legends rakes in the crowds.

Im restarting from scratch. ..this is hardly hard or hardcore.  Just a one time grind to get past.

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6 minutes ago, ironhammer500 said:

Because you understand the game, imagine you forgot how this game worked...and didnt expect the ship loss.

Okay well I'm not going to argue semantics with you because it doesn't really matter in the end but I pick the game up and was playing it and doing quite well within about 20 minutes so I just don't understand that excuse but you also said you didn't think all the pvp on the pvp server was fair since you wanted to pve so you and i see thr world very differently. 

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The problem is the endless meaningless OS sailing time. Outposts should cost much lower and ships without cargo should be freely moved. That should help a lot to concentrate action in this huge map. they shouldnt force people to grind up ship xp in a chaotic, boring way, they should give cheap ships maybe for PVE mark for beginners, they should give more missions.

But they want us to feel the Ocean huge. No player has so many time to waste to play the game. I like this game, but it will be empty while it should be a big success.

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9 minutes ago, Mrdoomed said:

Okay well I'm not going to argue semantics with you because it doesn't really matter in the end but I pick the game up and was playing it and doing quite well within about 20 minutes so I just don't understand that excuse but you also said you didn't think all the pvp on the pvp server was fair since you wanted to pve so you and i see thr world very differently. 

Well there is no real safe zones like in Eve not large enough anyways for new players to really get a hold of the game. So yea PvP maybe discourage players due to this.

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Ah jeah, and about the new conqest system. I bet still some nations still has agrements to create port battles and get free conquest marks day by day. That system again a game breaker. That system is horribe.

Edited by DrZoidberg
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1 hour ago, ironhammer500 said:

Well there is no real safe zones like in Eve not large enough anyways for new players to really get a hold of the game. So yea PvP maybe discourage players due to this.

just go toMandinga or Grindstone and u can safely lvl up.

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in my opinion mark system should be this:

1 conq=5PVP=25 PVE mark

players should get some ships with guns for PVE mark till Indef. Like navy brig for 20, surprise for 80 indef for 250 (oak crew space medium cannon to make them capable to fight PVE/PVP) 

Rate ships and Agamemnon permits should cost like Aga 500 Bellona 1000, Buccanteer 2000, Victory 4000, La Ocean 5000 PVE mark.

In this system it should be relatively easy to get PVE/PVP ship for low and mid level and hard for high, and the game can get a real MMO feeling where u can get endgame to get ur dream ship, while u can fight and trade PVP and PVE relatively easy. The separated mark system is just good to force people play playstyles, what they dont want, while every player should go for endgame goals in the way they want. Thats the secret to make succesfull games like this, i think. Btw the combat on sea, the PVP, some PVE content is really superior, and the new trade model getting better. (More better if u make luxury resources, like tobacco, coffe, tea or what u want; make a new perk plantation mastery and let them harvest, make Europian traders in other freetowns day by day to buy them with silver and gold ingots aswell to concentarte the trading/hunting activity).

Edited by DrZoidberg
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I dont know why developers dont let move ships without cargo freely between outpost. I suggest to make a new outpost and OS move system, where captains able to send thier ships from one outpost to another automatically with estimated time and with some time penalty. In that time the ship could get "on the way" status, and cannot be used, but the player can play with his other ships. In that way trade activity, PVE, PVP activity should be just boosted, as players can move much easier, and can get thier action easier too, they wanted. The players, who play this game for sailing hours on OS can get thier joy too, as they can sail manually, and they get to the destination faster. If u think, this will empty the seas, its wrong. It will boost the population in certain areas, where the action goes. Minimum 50% of my gameplay time is OS sailing, what is unacceptable for me, who work, have family. Its just boring for me. I like this game better than any others before, but i feel soon i finish with it again.

Edited by DrZoidberg
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Another idea is if the port hostility level 50% or more that should doubles/triples the PVP rewards in that area. That help concentrate and make fair the PVP , and leave more areas for PVE, beginner peoples. That shuold help to make huge and more equal fights against gank types.




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So maybe im the most active forum member, but i write my suggestions again.

Concentrate and make fair PVP, trade/hunt activity by making Europian traders system and by doubles/triples PVP rewards in flip areas.

Make low levels easier with low price medium quality armed ships till Indef. frigate. (maybe till frigate)

Make unite mark system to let endgame reach with any gamestyle.

Make really progressive and balanced ship prices over Indef. frigate, but reachable with every gamestyle.

Let people play with busy life too by automatic movement between outposts without cargo.

(Make 1v1 solo misions for solo PVE lovers till Indef. frigate.

Make some more fleet misson. )

Pray that the 10-15 K people who still tried the game just give one more chance to it.

Play the best game ever! :)


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6 hours ago, Captain corn blower said:

Sorry that's what this game is about sailing ,this isn't World of Warships, that what they did back then  ,if you don't won't to sail far find a more active port and do the business around it and why do you have to sell your ships ? You know you can always get electronic battleship!!

Just sail as many u want, mate, i let u. But then plz let me reach port AFK in the same time automatically without cargo. First time i go by manual, i make outpost, and then i should send my frigs. automatically in the same time, as u go and love the Ocean. Then i can spend time with family, sport, and come back, and play there PVP. I think that wont hurt u? Or will? maybe u loose lots of players because they forced to do stg is boring for them... but u can play alone, if u want....

Edited by DrZoidberg
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Don't take this the wrong way guys but that's the way the game was designed and the way it works like it did back when they used to sail this way sorry they don't have a teleporter button that works that way so you instantly can go everywhere you want to go it requires you to put a lot of time in or just set off and let it sail itself and hope you're having a tional point-to-point is really good or just stay around for your local area if time is an issue hang in there have fun enjoy in time you'll get used to it and develop better tactics cheers!!!

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Ah, i just write my today adventure in Naval Action. In Mandinga i have 3 ships i cant teleport becose of patch some days ago. I farm there master and commander missions. I dont like it, but as PVP not focused and not fair in this hour, i do this. In mission i just recognized, that new "rum" system implemented, so i used all. I dont have any rum for my 3 ship, as i cargo my stok to kingston, and let down just so many should enough to make missons and farm another stock of rum. But this is hello kittyed, so..  So, i dicide to sail up to kingston with 2 ship just to get them there, and sail back to indef with some rum to Mandinga with a cutter. I took this 3 hour sailing adventure on youtube, just to let all people know around the world how great game has borned (joke).

Plz make easy OS repair system, plz dont stick meaningless life and gamekiller OS sailing system. let ships without cargo to move from one outpost to another automatically with the time penalty they should go with manual sailing. WITH THIS OS SAILING SYSTEM U MAKE SHITLOAD INACTIVE PLAYER ON MAP! 1000 player on a huge map, they most bound to thier zone, high percentage just OS sailing and not participating in real action. GAME KILLER MECHANIC. As game killer mechanic the conquest system (cheat enabled), hard low level progression possibilities,  fast hihg level progression possibilities (no real endgame). Let players decide how to sail (auto or manually) after exploring the map and making outposts. This game should satisfy players even if they want sail for hours or not aswell. unless its not vialble.

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6 hours ago, Hodo said:

I only play 2-3 hours to play most nights.  And I can still find PVP pretty easily on the Global server.  I have established an outpost near a hostile nation and its trade routes,  I go out, I hunt for an hour, find 2 or 3 people sink or capture them  And then return to port and log off.  Sometimes I spend the night transporting goods that I have captured back to my main base in Savannah.  And well that takes an hour in a Trader Lynx.  

Seems u solo player my friend. This game should satisfy u aswell, as me. I want to play with my friend, but cant. We all have job, family, and we prefer group fights, but for that we always should sail hours to get together.

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Ship knowledge table still too much. 

I don't understand why we need to do every damn ship to at least level 3.

If I'm learning a!1st rate, I should be able to learn them as a single branch, not have to learn all three just to unlock 1.

Same with second rates, we should be able to learn one then move on to firsts, not learn both.

Too much.

I do love the books and other knowledge trees though, those are a good idea.

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On ‎6‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 8:27 PM, DrZoidberg said:

So maybe im the most active forum member, but i write my suggestions again.

Concentrate and make fair PVP, trade/hunt activity by making Europian traders system and by doubles/triples PVP rewards in flip areas.

Make low levels easier with low price medium quality armed ships till Indef. frigate. (maybe till frigate)

Make unite mark system to let endgame reach with any gamestyle.

Make really progressive and balanced ship prices over Indef. frigate, but reachable with every gamestyle.

Let people play with busy life too by automatic movement between outposts without cargo.

(Make 1v1 solo misions for solo PVE lovers till Indef. frigate.

Make some more fleet misson. )

Pray that the 10-15 K people who still tried the game just give one more chance to it.

Play the best game ever! :)


this would certainly make me quit....  I enjoy a difficult game.  Easy mode is not challenging and not fun.  everything handed to you with no effort makes for a sad simple game that carebears would love.  if you want to make these changes probably should just make it a pve game and remove port conquest.  that way everyone wins!

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13 hours ago, randommexi said:

this would certainly make me quit....  I enjoy a difficult game.  Easy mode is not challenging and not fun.  everything handed to you with no effort makes for a sad simple game that carebears would love.  if you want to make these changes probably should just make it a pve game and remove port conquest.  that way everyone wins!

Non of what he asked makes it "Easy mode" idk why people keep waving this around, play a difficult game hahha Naval action is easy mode compared to EvE online, or what it used to be a few years ago. The devs keep wanting to copy EvE online in a age of sail style, but go  about it all wrong.

The game is super easy and kinda super boring now, Sail, hit a fleet...win...job done. Sail for more hours, hit another fleet, job done...


I think it is time they added dynamic AI wars and a campaign style story. What we was promised a Year ago.

Edit: Why is it anyone who asked to fix the eco or fix missions suddenly get hit by the PvP hardcores claiming the game would be easy mode?

Edited by ironhammer500
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3 hours ago, ironhammer500 said:

Non of what he asked makes it "Easy mode" idk why people keep waving this around, play a difficult game hahha Naval action is easy mode compared to EvE online, or what it used to be a few years ago. The devs keep wanting to copy EvE online in a age of sail style, but go  about it all wrong.

The game is super easy and kinda super boring now, Sail, hit a fleet...win...job done. Sail for more hours, hit another fleet, job done...


I think it is time they added dynamic AI wars and a campaign style story. What we was promised a Year ago.

Edit: Why is it anyone who asked to fix the eco or fix missions suddenly get hit by the PvP hardcores claiming the game would be easy mode?

sorry, but clearly you need to learn to read, his suggestions will not help with the econ at all.  and will hurt pvp dramatically.  two things that are already in serious decay.  they need to be fixed and this is not the way to do it.

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IF you don't have 3 hours to sail somewhere, could you not just make it in shorter legs? Sail an hour, fight with what enemy you see, then pull into a neutral or free port and log off. Tomorrow log in and finish the trip. This isn't really all that difficult to figure out, neh? Unless the log off is different in PvP (been awhile since I was there, so I'm not sure) you can safely log off at sea, so you don't even need a port.

The changes Dr. Z suggested take all the PvP potential away. Being able to TP around with or without cargo simple takes away all risk of being attacked unless you want to be -- meaning that you nor your assets are ever at risk unless you want to be. How is that not simplifying the game?

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