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Pirate hideouts

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I would really like to see pirates getting a few hideout ports ( similar to free towns pre wipe ) around the map. I'm not against the not being able to teleport to free towns feature as to give RvR / conquest more meaning but i don't think anyone can argue against it preventing pvp rather than encouraging it. Pirates were outlaws and not bound to nation ports and with their limited ability to produce lineships theyre crippled in RvR outside of shallows anyways. So why not give the pirates at least a single decent unique perk? The hideouts could be on a few chosen free towns or on some of the unused small islands... Maybe as little as a dock and a few huts with a barrel of rum? You could also consider removing mortimer town and moving the capital to the pirate island. Yes, this suggestion is obviously biased but i think it would be a good thing and very fitting for the pirate "nation". Swedes and Danes making millions with their trade juggling and i have no chance to raid them properly? C'mon guys...

This would give pirates something unique and encourage PvP ( which is still too rare ). Also pirate hunters have more business. win-win-win.

The pirates not having access to lineship permits is a good thing in my opinion but its also a hefty disadvantage. So something to balance it out would be nice...

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If this post survives and is not deleted!! 

Our amazing development team don't want pirates to be a nation but drop us all In one area and say don't act as a nation. We are restricted in crafting and with the news that we shouldn't be able to get any bps for 1/2/3 rate ships we are clearly not a nation in there eyes. But instead of spreading the pirates out over 3 or 4 ports (5th rate ports)  all across the map (sub Capitals). Then to allow pirates to pick one sub capital along with Mt as our home.

Then pirates will be more spread out and will start acting less like a nation and more like roaming bands of thugs.

Raiding is a pirate feature but we all know we will be excluded from it. 

Boarding mods should be pirate exclusive but that won't happen either.



Edited by monk33y
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As it stands the pirate faction still very much operates like a nation, only with a FFA mode and a craft ceiling. If pirates are truly to be unique a lot of things must change. Raids are promised, and whether this will be a pirate-only mechanic or not will determine future direction. Otherwise, pirates will be condemned to be the same generic mirror of the nations like in other games

However, as it stands, pirates are just as hamstrung on production and resources based on port ownership as any other nation. As such we will fight to conquer and defend ports, again, just like any other nation, with the added handicaps listed above. Removing pirate-owned ports and replacing them with unconquerable, possibly hidden (or initially undiscovered) pirate havens

So indeed, +1 to pirate hideouts and havens

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What about if Pirates were allowed to have ONE Freeport (or perhaps even another nation's port) designated as his hideout. Each pirate would choose his own. They could teleport to it as they would a their pirate national ports. BUT it would take up one of their port slots and would be VERY expensive. Like in the millions. There would also be $$ needed to continually pay off governors  

Intersting? Perhaps some pirate uniquensss and love without huge unrealistic buff?

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Dont know where the devs want to go? They gave some differents to the pirates like "outlaw battles" or "no line ships" but thats not enough in my opinion. I remember some notes about any kind of port raids. Dont know if that will ever be an pirate only in game functionality. But pirate only hideouts instead of faction ports are needed to make the pirate feeling alive

Edited by Sven Silberbart
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19 minutes ago, Snoggy said:

Pirates are a nation according to the devs.

Pirates are not a nation according to the nation players.


Neither nor...

They are a bastardized nation.

They shouldn´t get involved in RvR at all.

I guess the average freebooter would not care about politics, he would care about getting plenty of loot. 

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They shouldn't be, but they are forced to act like nations.. build ships, gather resources, fight port battles in rate ships against nations... the wheels have been spinning in place for years now.

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