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Game is Broken

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Same guy buys three Flags and the same 15 guys take three undefended ports in one night.  WHAT A FRIGGIN JOKE 



Also the latest patch made it impossible for the daytime players to buy flags anymore.   Are the Devs purposely killing their own game?

Edited by angriff
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Do you have any suggestions?

Might be nice if they did not restrict gameplay for port capture to High Ranked Gankers.  It was just fine when we could put a small group together and take a city of two.. Now the only fun is for big GANGS   There are not player attractors so you dont know where the players are so you move around waiting for some guy to pull fifteen flags then where do you go? 


There are better way to allow for front movement with out allowing the large groups to spoil the fun of smaller groups with mechanics that favor large sums of money from one player. 

Edited by angriff
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The flag creation system for Port Battles is already slated to be phased out - The August, September, and October content patches have been reserved for rolling out the War and Peace setup, which will remove the flag as a battle trigger. The intent seems to be to create formal in-game alliances and states of war while addressing some of the issues you identify - the lack of player attractors and front lines, the ability to game the battle trigger to take ports cheaply or deny port battles, and the dominance of one-off contributions by players with plentiful resources rather than cumulative efforts by nations as a whole.


Angriff, you could wander along to http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13606-war-and-port-battles-rework-moderated/ and lend your voice there.

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The game is not yet finished...it is a 3 legged table...this is not the same as broken.


Port B mechanics are due to be completely reworked.


There will be no 'flags' most likely. The Devs are purposely building their/our game.


Provide constructive feedback...for example mid-range missions are now to hard to make money 50k reward - 40k crew - 6k repairs + new repair kit etc.


Let them balance.

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 It was just fine when we could put a small group together and take a city of two.. Now the only fun is for big GANGS 



this game is like eve online, if you come alone they will bring 3, if you come in a 6th rate, they will come in 4th rate.

games like these are not ment for small gangs/solo play if you want to change the map. you can harass and do raids as a small group/solo player but that is all it will ever be.

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You can also do your own thing then buddy up in Nation chat when its time to take something, we often run with a number of loosies....and they are very welcome.


TBH, 3 people shouldnt be able to take a port...and one suspects when the new PB's come in, it wont be possible...but it will be possible to agitate the hostility of the port by biffing close to a port.

Edited by Jeheil
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Being on the receiving end of your example here ( :mellow: ), I anxiously await the impending changes to PB/diplomacy/etc.  This is going to be a long-awaited enhancement of the game.  May take a few patches to get it right, but we all know it's in a poor state as it is now and needs an overhaul.


But my opinion on this is a little different.  I think instead of this issue pointing to a need to focus on game mechanics as being the problem (since they will change, we don't really need to worry...), I think that what this really points to is a need for players to be forcefully restrained by the game.  Players will clearly take advantage of game deficiencies unless they are forced otherwise, so it's probably a good thing that gameplay has shown these flaws, and it's the reason we test it.  But the team spirit doesn't live too much in this game right now, just a willingness to get ahead at all costs.  Taking advantage of the shortcomings of the PB system, etc, as you pointed out above, to the credit of alpha status, does shine a light on this.  I think it's a good thing ultimately, so the devs can get it right.


Still, I want those 3 ports back !  :lol:

Edited by Jean Ribault
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this must be the OP's first experience with a shotgun hustle


dry your eyes there. The current system is going away. dont know how you could have thought this game was broken with that system anyway. considering the game has had that system for a long time

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