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3rd vs Connie ..

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Only thing separating the Coni from a 3rd Rate is 200 less crew, faster speed, and 1 less deck of guns and a lighter broadside weight.  Otherwise the Coni is longer, and the wood in the coni is thicker and stronger.  In game terms the 3rd rate has more hp of course.


The ship experts we have around here have said in the past that shorter ships tend to have better turning but a lesser hull speed, while longer ships have a better hull speed.  It makes sense to me that the Coni would turn just as bad if not worse than a 3rd rate.  I don't exactly know what the experts would say, maybe Alex Conner or Maturin or someone could shed light.

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Look here for Gun/Damage comparison if needed:




Cerberus (CE and red), Renommee (RE and brown), Surprise (SU and pink), Belle Poule (BP and purple), Frigate (FR and green), Pirate Frigate (PF and black), Trincomalee (TR and blue), Constitution (CO and blue).




3rd Rate (3R and orange), Bellona (BE and blue), Pavel (PA and red), Victory (VI and green), Santissima Trinidad (ST and purple).


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Its 2.05 for the Connie vs 2.01 on the 3rd, disregarding trim and upgrades.

No, it WAS 2.05 vs 2.10 before the patch.




Have you noticed how large the Constitution is? It's actually longer than a 3rd rate and probably has more in common with it than it does other frigates.


They look the same in length to me. In height thought, the difference is huge.


And if its all about length, how come the Cerb turns way worse than the Reno and Surprise ?


Imo, it shouldn't be about length but weight. Same with acceleration.

Edited by DarkspaceII
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The main resistance to a ship moving or turning is water resistance. Weight only has an impact when it increases the draught of the vessel thus increasing the area of hull in contact with the water. This is why timber densities having an impact on terminal velocity are a game thing and not reality. A Trincomolee built out of fir would have had more ballast added to have her sit in the water at the same place at burden, live oak less ballast. The real impact it would have is stiffness. The fir built would would be stiffer then the live Oak due to lower CoG from the increased ballast.


Bellona and Constitution have/had nearly the exact same draught/draft, while the Constitution has a longer keel. This means when trying to turn the Constitution has to displace more water laterally. However in a straight line she has a higher hull speed. Which if you want to know why I will let someone with better typing skills and more knowledge explain here:



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Look here for Gun/Damage comparison if needed:




Cerberus (CE and red), Renommee (RE and brown), Surprise (SU and pink), Belle Poule (BP and purple), Frigate (FR and green), Pirate Frigate (PF and black), Trincomalee (TR and blue), Constitution (CO and blue).




3rd Rate (3R and orange), Bellona (BE and blue), Pavel (PA and red), Victory (VI and green), Santissima Trinidad (ST and purple).


 Thank you very much ! Awesome graphs :)

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They look the same in length to me. In height thought, the difference is huge.

And if its all about length, how come the Cerb turns way worse than the Reno and Surprise ?

What length they 'look' to you is ultimately not very important.   :P


I'm skeptical that Cerb turns slower than Surprise. But I routinely called for Cerberus to be the most maneuverable frigate, so if it's not the case, it should still happen.



Dead link http://sailingmagazine.net/article-808-why-are-longer-boats-faster-.html

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