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Everything posted by Krumpf

  1. Devs should just get back to developing Legends which is the game THEY wanted to make from the get-go before WE badgered them into making this OW mess where it has boiled down to them pissing off half the community with each tweak or change and making the other half happy then when another thing is changed the formerly pissed half is happy and the formerly happy half gets pissed. I have no idea how they muster the motivation to come to work each day knowing no matter what they do they are going to get bashed for it. God bless them all.
  2. Advanced Battle Aspects > Unit Skills > Firearms Then this from > Melee
  3. Same thing with infantry brigades, at what size does their shooting become less effective as "not all soldiers can fire or fight" at the same time? Give us some usable information for once.
  4. I would consider switching from EU to GLOBAL if I could take my accumulated ship knowledge, gold, and ships with me. I like the game and all but will absolutely not start over again before release.
  5. I will play the heck out of NA Legends the same as playing the heck out of NA OW. It's a win-win as far as I can see. People may buy Legends for the combat and they then may gain an interest in the OW aspect while those who play OW but want some instant(ish) PvP will have that option with Legends. The two will complement each other nicely I believe. Looking forward to it.
  6. Why not make it that you gain ship knowledge per rate of ship instead of individual ship. Sail the Mercury or Snow and the XP goes towards 6th rate knowledge that unlocks knowledge slots on all 6th rate ships, same with 5th rates, gain XP with a Surprise or Cerberus and it goes towards all 5th rate ships, etc. Also, as it is now the battles give you ship knowledge XP and separate rank XP. It would be nice as a reward to have the rank XP go towards the ship knowledge if you are at max rank to represent a seasoned captain's ability to rapidly apply his knowledge to new ships and maybe even ship knowledge XP being applied to rank when using a ship/rate that has been completely unlocked to help speed levelling along.
  7. You have absolutely no value for labor in any of those equations and since crafters are restricted by limited hours they do have value! There is labor in extracting the resources from the production buildings, labor in processing the oak into charcoal, and labor in crafting the cannons themselves. I have a formula that I use for crafting and a markup policy that may not give the best profit but definitely does not gouge my customers. For reference on the cost per labor hour, on PVP1-EU in the US it was common practice for aspiring crafters to sell their labor hours to assemble components for the seasoned crafters at 100g per labor hour. Also, a crafting note gives 500 labor hours and is 50,000g to craft. Don't even get me started on amortizing the costs of the workshop and various production buildings needed to be self-sufficient and the time it takes to gather the resources from outposts, the initial smuggling runs to get coal from a Spanish player and occasionally a Pirate and the way extra costs that went along with that. I can appreciate your time and effort and the intent of putting this information out there but players need to realize there is more to crafting costs than just materials. What I fear happening is players using your chart to brow-beat cannon crafters by saying for example that your chart says a widget costs 500 gold to make so I want to buy it for 510 gold and not a gold piece more! In my business life I had a simple philosophy, "You can shear a sheep over and over but you can only kill it once" or make a small profit with a customer many times or gouge him once and lose him. Labor is valued at 100g per labor hour Coal is 43g per unit (Mine gives 8 coal for 240g plus 1 labor hour. 240+100=340/8=42.5) Iron is 73g per unit (Mine gives 8 iron for 480g plus 1 labor hour. 480+100=580/8=72.5) Oak is 98g per unit (Forest gives 4 oak for 292 plus 1 labor hour. 292+100=392/4=98) Charcoal is 42g per unit (500 charcoal needs 200 oak logs plus 13 labor hours. (200x98) plus (13x100) / 500 = 41.8) So... 6pd Longs are 140 iron and 30 coal plus 35 labor hours for 10 cannons. That's (140x73) + (30x43) + (35x100) / 10 or 10,220 + 1,290 + 3,500 / 10 = 1,501 My base production cost of 6pd Long is 1,501g and my selling price is 2,064g (rounding in my spreadsheet) each after marking up the cost of only the resources by 50%
  8. Just don't piss off Lord Vicious and you should be fine...
  9. Will there be another wipe or is this it? Sorry, have been lurking in the dark corners for a while and am not quite sure its safe to come out. Looking at things from when I last played it religiously the game seems to have matured/polished quite a bit, well done!
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