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Posts posted by LeBoiteux

  1. Quid de l'animation des voiles des chébecs ?

    Y aura-t-il des shallows et des ship damages dus aux intempéries, échouages, vieillissement, etc. ?

    Y aura-t-il d'autres navires méditerranéens typiques ?

    Qu'est-ce que c'est le "British channel" ? La BBC de l'époque ?

    Quel sera le 'real flag' de la France ?

    Est-ce que les fans de simulation seront comblés ?

    La timeframe ? Serrée ou NA-esque ?

    Carronades ou pas carronades ?

  2. 36 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    Stop trolling or I will troll u at every post.

    Le Requin is french. Its design is based on ships used by the barbary states and other mediterranean pirates.

    Devs know where the money is as the best selling ship was rattvisan, a 70 gunner. Most people did the tutorial and exams to skip using your little fishing boats. 


    I'm not trolling at all. I for one have a life besides this forum.

    However anyone who claims to like Spanish ships, ask for more and who'd know a bit of naval history should be fond of LRQ and could consider her as if she was Spanish.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Nooop said:

    Sea exploration:

    Randomized map is generated. All blank when you press m. Sailing around in a grid square for a while creates a level 1 chart of that square that appears in your inventory. Having this chart with you reveals the map and protects against navigation hazards like running aground in shallows and random mishaps. Maps can be sold or copied. Mapmaking can be leveled up for better charts that protect against hazards better.

    Land exploration:

    Ports begin terra incognita. You can build an explorers camp that crafts exploration points from explorer commodity and hardtack. When enough points are accumulated you get a chart of the port showing its natural resources.


    Town can be founded. Construction shop takes lumber and tools and crafts housing. Once houses are present, the town can receive immigrants. Once in place, they consume commodities and generate labor hours that can be purchased. Immigrants prefer to go to ports with plentiful, cheap commodities.

    Suggested in 2014-2015.

    Back to the future 🙂

  4. Quelqu'un connait-il un ouvrage fiable sur les drapeaux français de l'Ancien régime (Moyen-âge et surtout Temps modernes (16e s. - 18e s.)) ?

    NB : si je dis 'drapeaux' @Surcouf, c'est bien parce que je pense à l'armée de 'terre' (infanterie, artillerie, cavalerie) et accessoirement à la Marine.

    (un livre, pas un site internet qui a vaguement copié-collé les info d'autres sites.)

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, MartinMillen said:

    “LIFE IS TOO SHORT! I wanted to brighten it up as much as possible, and I shall never regret the decision which I took. Whereas had I acted differently, I would have nothing but regret.” These words were written by Rose de Freycinet, a woman from France, in her journal—and the “decision” was to disguise herself as a man in order to travel the world aboard the French corvette Uranie in 1817. Shipwreck, scandal, and homesickness stalked de Freycinet during her global tour, all documented in her journal, Mémoires, now kept in the State Library of New South Wales, in Sydney, Australia. Quote from The Adventurous Seafaring Women of the Age of Sail, in Their Own Words

    You can't mention Rose de Freycinet without mentioning Jeanne Baret (even though she didn't write anything iirc) 🙂

  6. right-click = cliquer avec le bouton droit de la souris pour faire venir le menu (cf. image) et cliquer sur 'Ouvrir l'image dans un autre onglet' :


     Puis tu vas dans cet autre onglet et tu copies le lien de cet onglet et tu le colles dans ton post de NA.

    J'imagine qu'il y a aussi une autre façon de faire mais ça marche comme ça et ça me va.

    Voilou 🙂 

    PS : j'espère avoir été clair cette fois.



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