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Posts posted by LeBoiteux

  1. 1 hour ago, Sento de Benimaclet said:


    Unfortunately, in Spain, after the fall of Ensenada and due to political issues, the construction model studied by Jorge Juan was gradually replaced by the French model, and the naval recovery plans in Spain were stagnant. Shortly before Jorge Juan died, he wrote a harsh letter to Carlos III for his blind subordination to the French naval model, predicting serious losses, as would happen in Trafalgar 32 years later, when light English ships, surely inspired by Juan's studies, gave at the end with the heavy and ancient Spanish-French fleet.

    French 74-gun Téméraire, 80-gun Tonnant and 118-gun Océan, etc. classes, being shit ?

    Not sure all the Naval Historians will agree with you... 😉

    10 hours ago, Citoyen J said:

    2 ships of the temeraire class will come  in game? the Redoutable and the Duguay-trouin (hms implacable)?

    The two ships are not exactly of the same type. The Duguay-Trouin belongs to a variant. See here. Moreover, Admin seems to imply that this ship will be British in game and only visible as HMS Implacable. It makes too (small) differences.

    And NA "is fond of" Trafalgar 🙂

    btw I'd rather see in game captured ships with their original name and nationality... (or at least, both versions)

    From @Wagram :

    HMS Implacable :

    On 12/5/2018 at 7:40 PM, Wagram said:


    comparée à celle du Duguay-Trouin...http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/145178.html

    French Le Duguay-Trouin :


  2. 1 hour ago, Citoyen J said:

    certainly, it would be very surprising if these  « fleurs de lys » survived the "Convention nationale" 😆.  the names of the ships themselves changed according to successive political regime

    the Redoutable was called Suffren at its launch in 1791 until 1794

    Je demande ça parce que j'ai lu, au sujet des pavillons, sur le site de l'Ecole navale :


    Le 5 décembre 1790, le ministre Fleurieu ordonna que « tous les bâtiments de la flotte française arbore le pavillon tricolore en mettant dans cette cérémonie l’appareil et la majesté nécessaires, observant qu’on ferait en cela une chose agréable au roi ». Mais la marine, très attachée à ses traditions, ne tint pas compte de ce changement. Le 15 février 1794, Jean Bon Saint-André, envoyé à Brest fit supprimer par la Convention l’usage du pavillon de 1790 au quartier tricolore pour imposer le pavillon national. Pourtant lors de la bataille d’Ouessant le 1e juin 1794, seuls le Redoutable et la Montagne où se trouvaient Jean Bon Saint-André et Villaret-Joyeuse portaient le pavillon réglementaire. Tous les autres navires sans exception portaient encore le pavillon blanc à quartier tricolore qui fût tout de même accepté par les officiers et les équipages au moment où le décret de février venait à nouveau de tout bouleverser.

    Je n'ai pas cherché de sources pour le confirmer/infirmer.

    Ce qui est (peut-être) vrai pour un morceau de tissu facilement changeable (et que l'auteur de ces lignes appelle "traditions")  peut l'être (un temps) pour un morceau du décor sculpté...

    Il existe certainement des plans british de navires français capturés à l'époque pour trancher la question.


  3. Interesting suggesting !!! 🙂

    'Je vais enfoncer des portes ouvertes', as we say in French :

    22 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Warships in the age of sail are nothing more than gun platforms. (...) They were designed with usage of certain guns in mind.

    Shouldn't the first consequence be a less massive use of carro in game (full-carro ships) ?

    22 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    a USS Constitution built of Live Oak and Oak would be able to carry the heaviest guns for her - the 24's and the 42's. But a Fir and a Teak construct wouldn't be able to carry that heavy armament.

    Really, I mean IRL ? (genuine question) 

  4. What's really interesting about a civil war is the consequences if it works : the creation of a new country (the USA, Haiti...), a political change (the French Revolution in 1789, the Russian Revolution in 1917...) or the risk of collapse of a empire (say the Roman civil wars).

    Otherwise, it's not 'civil wars', it's just replacing 'nation wars' with 'clan wars' (and increasing the number of opponents) .

    And a civil war is a very infrequent event in a country, if ever.

  5. What a great piece of news !!!!

    Hoping there'll be more and more types of 'ancient' ships rebuilt in the future.

    6 minutes ago, Surcouf said:

    but l'Hermione remains a little larger and more powerful.

    'powerful' in terms of firepower and/or speed/acceleration ?

  6. 11 hours ago, Seleukos of Olympia said:

    The historical setup of this game appears to be character-centric - that is, it follows the careers of two particular naval heroes, one British (Nelson) and one American (John Paul Jones). Since the latter didn't only fight for the US I wouldn't be surprised if we saw some Russo-Ottoman action in the later part of his career.

    Which particular Spanish or French naval heroes would you like to play as, that would afford a similarly exciting game as the other two? That's the question we should be discussing, unlike whether all of the Spanish Empire can be included.

    I'd be interesting in knowing how many gamers, before buying the game, have ever heard of John Paul Jones or knew when exactly Nelson lived and what battles he actually fought...

    There were quite a few 'Ultimate Admirals' in all the naval nations of the modern period of Age of Sail (say 1650-1830) that could be made 'exciting' in a game or a DLC. In France, at least one can certainly be found among Duquesne, d'Estrées,  Vivonne, Château-Renault, Tourville, d'Estaing, Grasse, Suffren, Gauthier de Rigny...

    And ppl like diversity of nations in historical games. 🙂


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  7. 31 minutes ago, Louis Garneray said:

    I guess I'll wait for the French & Spanish to be added to consider buying the game.

    So will I.

    31 minutes ago, Louis Garneray said:

    The game should be advertised as "epic naval campaigns in the period of the American Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars" only.

    The US campaign is advertised as follows : "Our young nation is surrounded on all sides. The British cannot accept our independence. Vicious pirates prey on our merchant vessels. Even our former allies, the French, are now against us". As far as I know, the only period when the French were against the USA is during the Quasi-War (7 July 1798 – 30 September 1800), that is during the French Revolution and the French Consulate, that is not during the French Empire, thus not during the Napoleonic Wars.

    As for the UK campaign playing Nelson, it seems to take place during the reign of King George III (1760-1820), thus during the AWI and the Napoleonic Wars, right ?

    However, not making France and Spain playable nations during this period of the AWI, French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars is quite "daring" in terms of History. 

    Some other solo tactical war games also offers those one-sided campaigns (Order of Battle: World War II...). 

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