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PIerrick de Badas

Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. 1) Light ship hits another light ship at 90 degrees. The first one loose bis front masts and si top damaged. The second one is sunk 2) Light ship hits medium size ship (frigate) at 90 degrees The cutter sunk the frigate is damage 3) Light ship hits a 1st rate and 90 degrees. The cutter sunk the first rate tale minor damage and in reverse 1) 1st rate hits a 1st rate at 90 degrees Both get heavi damage and lost sails and masts. One or twi first rate may sunk 2) 1st rate hits a frigate at 90 degrees Frigate is retourned or enough damage to sunk. Front masts of first rate is destroy and maybe other masts 3) 1st rate hits a light ship at 90 degrees First rate cut the cutter in two or sunk it. First rate is not really damages.
  2. Perso je vote pour l'hermione du fait de sa médiatisation actuelle. J ai voté aussi pour l orient qui apporterait une classe de navire peu représentée dans le jeu et aussi car ce fut un navire amiral au destin tragique et nombre de fois chante et peint. Il est bien plus présent dans la culture maritime du fait de ce fait d arme qu en importe quel navire francais
  3. Bienvenue à tous sur le forum, j'espere que vous ferez de la pub pour le jeu une fois que vous aurez la chance de le tester. Si vous aveaz des questions le concernant, on pourra essayer de vous répondre sans briser la NDA qui est de toute facon très poreuse. Dans le sous forum sur les siuggestions l'admin vous invite a donner vos priorité de dev alors hésitez pas!
  4. QUelqu'un est alé a l'expo a versailles? Ca me dit bien mais je suis pas sure qu on puisse y prendre des photos
  5. +1 in pvp my ennemy fail to track and never finish the move. I sunk it after 10 minutes with him crying
  6. hi! f you want to give help, i think you're going to be welcme nicely There is a forum dedicated to production of ships and graphism for game. Have a look on the shipyard
  7. French press begin to be aware of existence of UGG. You get a nice preview in Canard PC that in summary say that with more effort, more maps, and more features around the battle of gettysburg, UGG could be a serious opponent to TW games.
  8. i Would spend money in : - Good colors/figurehead for my ships (visual customistion => €€€) - Gold ship that make me win a large amount of ingame cash that i can spend to upgrade my ships. Like in wot this ships are not the best of their clas but they get a large advantage in gaining ingame cash. - Captain account that give +X% cash +X% xperience in battle as every games like wot/war thundert etc were people drive something trying to kill someone - Buying the game if necessary but i know some of my teamate would not that could finally make the other one ready to pay not pay because we want to play as a team.
  9. the last round was named "final test" so i assume they are not going to add new tester but i may be wrong
  10. As the game is going to be started in pew pew mode, it's still important to give players a goal ig. It could be to deblock big ships, it could be to get best leaderboard, it could be to overrules others society but bc to not send a games that is great while played but wihtout make something around a least a minimal work around. Wot would not have been a succes if wargaming would have just launch their game with 4 tanks and nothing more. The xp/money force people to play to become better and the society force people to become better to control something. It encourage people to play. I play on steam many games greats that just stop because players were not playing it. It was a shame, it was hard because i really loved them but it's players who finnaly decide if they want to pay or not on your game and if they want to spend time in. If people need to wait 10 min to get a fight, slowy but surely everyone will leave the ships so focus a bit pz on what you plan to launch, pewpew ok, but something around is necessayr for my point of view. For example you can see as "old" tester stop to play between the patch because we don't feel the "necessary" to play.
  11. yes but i don't remember the key look on nda and screen topic
  12. Moral could be a key to solve bad action of players. Ganking decrease yrou abilitie to be follow by your crew. They don't respect you because you're not respecting the flag and the honor code except if you are a pirate and you don't gt the same moral way. Sunking ships, refusing surrenders may decrease the crew morale too. A low morale crew is more ready to auto surrender if the ship is badly damage, it's not reloading as fast as it can and the sails are not sailed as fast as they could. If the morale is too bad, bonus ofofficier are decrease or rising 0 effects. For pirate, morale is not working the same way. Your crew want blood and money. Ganking is not bad but loosing too many crew memebrs into a fight is bad for the crew morale. Taking damage is bad too because it means repair and cost for that. Morale may solve many actions by forcing people to play as people would like to see them play
  13. Don't make mods, just allow captain to make the ship they want with the guns and the sails and the rudder they want. Each captain will have his own ship. In fact, it will be like the mods but more realistic.
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