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Everything posted by PhoenixLP44

  1. No offense but please learn some punctuation.
  2. you can tell the governemtn decrease relations with a certain country but not much more )which I hate please give us more control over the country we are playing as)
  3. @Nick Thomadis what are the devs thoughts on setting your taskforces layout manually before entering battle? I have always been annoyed by divisions being spread out amongst the entire taskforce and having to get in line first before being useful in battle. Also can we get a new faq channel?
  4. One thing I would like to add to this post: The devs need to improve their communication with the community. Posts like this one just exist on the forum without any notable public response from the devs.
  5. did you make sure to replace all the tech for your country?
  6. I would suggest using another file editor on your pc like visual studio code or hell even word works fine ish
  7. don't forget the random slowing down and freezing in place
  8. the change leader feature does work you just need to disable it so the lead ship never falls behind
  9. Yeah I might have been a bit harsh on the devs but there are just so many frustrating bugs appearing lately and I am playing this game since alpha 3 or 4 so i have encountered enough of these bugs to just be mildly annoyed by them. Also I know how much of a pain bugfixing can be so the devs have my full respect with how good of a job they have done fixing anything that is reported to them. I just sometimes wish there was more transparancy as to which ideas the devs have concidered from our feedback and which not.
  10. Good list. 12. As for aircraft carriers the devs have more or less confirmed that they wont be added into the game at all (for the love of god make it a DLC if you need the money but add them) Oh. And one thing to add to this: --- FIX THE DAMN BUGS!!! --- especially the newest one where your ships freeze and/or slow down for no reason at all
  11. how on earth did anyone find this post after three years and thought lets reply to this thing
  12. I know crew and Engines can be some of the most expensive parts of a ship but this is just ridiculous. Like even a nuclear reactor would cost less at this point and would be magnitudes of times more efficient.
  13. Try to reinstall your game, you might have a corrupted file. Also disable any mods you have they might be the cause.
  14. Honestly playing as the head of admirality is kinda tideous and there are too many events that can be frustrating at best. In my opinion it would be better if we could control our country directly even if it isn't realistic to do so as an admiral.
  15. Has been request a bizillion times and the devs have not added it for some reason. Like I just spent 3 hours in the game and a good 30 Minutes was spent organising my formations in battle until they were somewhat usable. Who in their right mind would build formations like the ones we have in game now?
  16. You might want to put this into the support channel. It is more likely that you will get help there
  17. you might want to give some more clarification on your questions here
  18. Ai ships are dirt cheap and poorly built that is why they can get them out in such huge numbers. Also Ai gets economic bonuses on higher difficulties so they can build more stuff. I have noticed this myself as I have a tendency to just select the latest stuff and stick with it while my cost goes up to 12 billion on my best ships (costs is crazy high for later modules please fix)
  19. First of all how did you lose your entire fleet against the french? As for the money no idea how you got there but it doesnt seem normal to loose that much money with only one ship in the fleet. Tech is weird so just deal with having a maximum of 15.6k cruiser with a maximum limit of 20k. Torps do have some defects which make them go in weird lines and the spread is there to compensate for bad aim I mean to hit a wider area of the ship (doesnt make much sense to only flood one compartment). Also relating on the topic of torpedos save aim means that the ship will only fire if a hit is very likely. If you want to just go leeroy jenkins and fire them at almost max range set them to agressive. I hope this helps somewhat.
  20. Are you playing on an older version? Because the devs have tried and mostly succeeded in fixing this problem.
  21. Have you checked your graphics drivers? because that is not normal
  22. They are working now. Also the refit is eorking as intended. If you want to build directly from a refit design you need to copy and save it. Refits are only there to improve previous designs.
  23. Torps only launch if the enemy is within range so they shoudln't fire at enemies which are out of range but heading towards you.
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