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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. Hi Instead limited economy as proposal by devs were destroyed by community here is my proposal: Introduce tax system in game - (i know next job to do but maybe worth to try?) Example: Governors set up tax on all buildings in port (region) for example: range 10% to 30-40% maybe to avoid more problems like xteaming or acting against nation. Tax money could be use by governor (or automatically if reach certain amount in treasury) to upgrade port defence level and (or) economy level (each one more economy level boost production output in buildings by certain number) Add to this weekly unkeep costs - lower than tax amount a kind of rent costs. Also there should be donate to treasury option for those rich players who want invest in port infrastructure and profit from it in matter of faster and smoother production or raw materials collection. At the end gave your enemy double motivation to attack the port (region) and mess with enemy nation eco-system. Share your thoughts
  2. Nobody saying PotBS have no weak points - indeed there was a lot of them (most annoying is x-teaming for me) - All i wanted to see in NA were best ideas implemented in PotBS and learn what mistakes to do not reply, but hey mark my words: For a 9 years old game population is similar to Naval Action in current stage - this should give developers to think... Poke me about Naval Action in 9 years time please. And to be clear - still have faith in NA...despite all
  3. Welcome Remus wait with your guides until final version this time:)
  4. Why you not choose PotBS style (PvE with voluntary PvP and PvP zones around flipped ports/regions i terms of Naval Action map size) since begining? Now doing those annoucements you make both PvE and core PvP players moaning and there is a risk of another population drop...Just want share my dear american friend opininon here: "They got very good artists, coders and graphics makers but NOT game designers..."
  5. What refund? It was clearly said that there will be wipe in the future. Some chaps need understand that they still testing game and this is not final game version. So no more moaning please.
  6. I admit finally we can see bright light in a tunnel. I like most of it and one durability is the best news. You may consider or server merge or resize world to fit low population in case not all people who bought game will back in next few months. Lot of my friends said they love game but simple don`t have time to sail few hours - its fun killer factor. Despite all i wish you to finish this game and make it more playable and user friendly.
  7. Greetings for best "rus" players on Potbs and NA from Bart. Take care mates.
  8. Welcome if ya bring half of those numbers yo talking into game i personally buy ya a good scottish whisky pal
  9. More brits will join pirates now. Great job lads smart tactics destroy nation from inside. Not the first time...prolly not last
  10. Guys you missed very important part here: Maybe now will be easier to imagine that
  11. Beside all hard work developers made i would say game is on half way to release. And i got patience (check date i`m joined this community) so no bother wait few more months to get final product that make me smile and happy for another few years. Go devs do it properly !
  12. Присоединяйтесь к нашему новый форум: http://www.podw.eu/forum/
  13. Hi there Thoughts: Imagine sailing LGV with NPC fleet for example Suprise and Privateer. You get attacked and now you have option to take command of one ship from your fleet (Suprise or Privateer) in battle before it starts. What you think?
  14. This i tricky one - honestly. On one hand we got real life stuff and loosing ships because of that it seems bad on the other hand camping battle screen on purpose is nothing like cheating. Maybe try escape by spawn quite far from battle but not directly in port? Or give second option teleport to near friendly/neutral port but lock players there for certain time (15 min?) Dunno...i dont like limits
  15. Made wee proposal in other topic - give a chance to less experienced players and make 3 categories of events: easy, advanced and hard each with apprioriate rewards. Looks like second day same players on leaderboards. Tiphat to their skills and knowledge of game mechanics. As well PvE challenge depend a lot from NPC spawn - sometimes upwind and we wasting time to get closer. Ship proposal: Suprise Question: about demasting challenge - are we able demast completly now?
  16. Got some free time to test a bit Here my thoughts: I like remove fine woods from crafting but i proposal to keep this as a rare drop from NPC used for future refits of ship (pirate frigate etc) I like events - tried few times 30 min trial - manage sunk 3 ships with 13999 damage output - noticed a lot depend where NPC spawn got few times them upwind so waste a bit time to get closer. Overall its good idea but need more variety (come later) and somehow limit same players get rewarded day after day to give chance less experienced players. Maybe make 3 levels of them: basic, advanced and hard mode with proper rewards? Hype on events drag off players of OW as well...Not got chance test PvP yet tho...sadly time frames are almost out my time for playing. Tow maybe a lot helpfull in mobility of players intrested for PvP Nerf War supplies - great job there. Personally i would like to see them maximum at 33% No more Coward - great news since never liked (and used) this perk - who want be a coward at the end? Brace command seems to be essential since we get so much casualties by raking - never tested yet properly but heard some opinions this need tweak. Nice to splinter damage get lowerded a bit - was tired when pvp fights ended after 2-3 good rakes Like OW speed boost - maybe worth risk and speed up by another 10% - world is huge, player base small and lot of players not got so much time to sailing by hours...
  17. Lets keep fine wood in game as a rare drop from merchants NPC and use for refits of ships (pirate frigate for example)
  18. Cooldown means ability to re use perk right? You want tell me that you loose rudder for 5-7 minutes when use perk? Not get this tbh...
  19. Only way to check this will be wait and hope we get enough population on servers. Instead bad reviews try advertise a game - profit for all
  20. Try harder then Bring more people near flipped port - benefits for all: more PvP. Economic side of warfare should have more supporting role than deciding if port will be flipped or not. How eco bomb are related to history? If you want conquer port you have to cut supplies lines and blockade and finally landing operation. And you quite right in one: hard to get people to do anything NOW...after patch(es) will be way better i belive. And don`t forgot all game features are in process of testing them so devs can pick what should be or not in final game.
  21. Personally i think 25% will be enough but let us test it first
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