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Everything posted by Chunx

  1. I see no gaps! I see only smooth sailing ahead!
  2. They are definitely looking to have those ships in. They actually have a thread around here asking for help with some specific 3D modelling. Those ships are part of the list they would like people to help with Fear not. We will see a wide variety of ships in Naval Action. I'm with you though, anything Frigate or smaller is wonderfully awesome to watch and use.
  3. I can only imagine that is because they look the most impressive to most viewers. Other than that, stress testing I guess. The fleet action, rendering so many particles and such would put a big strain on what they have completed so far. Oh also Dino, nothing is a stupid question if you don't know the answer mate
  4. Yeah I can agree with minimap what is visible only. All I was pointing out is that any land mass, reef, shoal or what have you should show up regardless of your view at the time because it has been mapped out and your captain would theoretically always know where he/she is. Some people might see that as a bit meta gamey but those first rates have quite the wide turning circle. This would simply give newer and some older players the chance to NOT crash into everything while they are learning/playing.
  5. Hahahahaha I bought it for the lore only....
  6. Well you could have them displayed on the minimap by default and the way you could pass that off is to say that it has been mapped. Enemy ships won't be on a map but dangerous patches of coast ie. Reefs, shoals and general shallows will be marked on a navigation map that you WOULD have.
  7. I voted for a balanced game myself because I believed that is what would draw in the most people when the "let's play" videos go out on youtube. Personally I like the realism
  8. I'll just be happy that I can customise my ship to be something that no one else has! Customisation rules! What I would want to know is this: What will be the visual impact on our ship from customisation? Will things look different? Longer guns? Thicker block and tackle? Shallower keel? That sort of thing. Being able to slightly change the look of the original ship with customisation I think is what I would love most.
  9. Well maybe there can be the best of both worlds here. Whilst the devs I'm sure would love to see this succeed even if there was no money in it, something needs to be done to ensure it's financial continuity. So you could do something that not many have done before. First though, if the devs decide to go with F2P they can NEVER have P2P. So many people who join after release would be OUTRAGED by it and think either; The game is sinking and becoming money grubbing. OR Plain and simple "I wasn't paying for this before, why should I start now?" So you would safely assume that P2P to start with would be a safer option to provide an ongoing income for the game. Now yes that also raises complications about not as many people playing because of the monthly fee and then if you charged say $50 to buy the game as well that might turn even more people off. But..... What if, on release you charge that $50 (I would happily pay console game price if this game turns out like I think it will) but instead of charging $10-$15 monthly sub.... you instead charge a $5-$10 sub, with a discount to buying the game in early access stage. Say, $24.99 a pop. That way, you gain a large community before the game is launched. You get to stress test everything while getting some funding as well. You launch with the $5-$10 P2P option and charge $49.90 for the game itself. Now when you look at those numbers compared to a lot of other games being released these days those prices will jump out at you. "Oh sweet this game is UNDER $50" "Holy hell! $7.50 for a month! Just means I eat at home tonight instead of getting McDonalds." Both of those will just leap out at people and you will still have the best of both worlds. A P2P system at the start to provide some semblance of financial security and a low sub price to keep people there and bring more in. That's just my opinion anyway. Feel free to point out pros and cons
  10. I'm not sure how they would implement it but I do tend to agree with you. As one of the many PotBS players on here I understand that was a major problem. Even when they added bonuses for creating characters in the low pop nations it didn't grab enough people. So yeah, some sort of balance needs to be put into place. Unfortunately people will be none too pleased if you just lock a nation so they have to join the under-pop ones. ------ As for economy. Bring it on. As a large player of X3 Terran Conflic and Albion Prelude I want a trading empire dag-nabbit!
  11. Absolutely, the quality of the vids is amazing. Even if I DO have to leave it a couple of seconds just so I can watch it in HD
  12. Whole heartedly agree. I think the attention this would get from Steam would be awesome when they have some way of people throwing money at them but as for the amount of tech support they would need to provide for the multitude of testers... I think that would draw a lot more energy than the devs have whilst in the alpha phase.
  13. Fairly new to the forums here and in general NA but it looks as thought you guys have gotten a fair bit done since the last update. Good job guys!
  14. Thanks muchly. Also, hey Bob and everyone else.
  15. Chunx

    Bartle test

    Explorer 67% Socialiser 53% Killer 53% Achiever 23% Hmm.... seems I'm good at getting lost in the woods and talking to rabbits but I'm a bit of an under achiever....
  16. Om-nom-nom, thank you sir. *Goes and browses books*
  17. Chunx


    Now SWG, that really was a good game. Was absolutely pumped for SWTOR until I played it and found that space combat was a rail shooter . Yeah I had the same though, played SWG, wandered around EVE for a little bit which I inevitably do and then came over to PotBS for the beta testing. It was really good and hopeful at the start but playing from Australia as I'm sure some people can understand the pop was at most times a little low and underwhelming :\. Otherwise it was a great game, rocking around with VDD on the Aussie server before it got canned and then after that I couldn't really get back into it. As for NA, anything that brings me closer to realism is in my opinion a better game for it. If it is hard because "that's what it was like back then" then I am all over that, fan-girling until my hair turns bright pink and my legs become hairless. I think my favourite post-PotBS experience was reading the forums, my oh my. More trolls than Skyrim and more flaming going on than the fire dept. could handle.
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