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Dan Dare

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  1. I do strongly support the idea of a bank of desings, really i hate some dumb compute-desing ships, they are inmersion breakers...for example the diferent sizes of funnels, incredible...diference on diameter is understandable, but hight?, well some British BC's and someothers destroyers had the foremost funnel higher than the others but who on hell will put the largest funnel in the middle or the aftermost position???!!!, nope.... Being said that...well...somehow.. I found quite radical that "AI ship design should be removed entirely...", we need options so give me options, .... and also what i will appreciate is that auto desing is being improved or documented from real life...,come on guys chek the Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships series of books (or Jane's)...do some googling...you sure will found them...I guess they are quite cheap nowadays I do like the game...please make me love it (btw...having a point of view from the bridge wings or the weather deck on top would be much appreciated...I want to roll with my ships!!!!)
  2. Don't forget to add a drydock to the layout, just in case...
  3. Pretty sure variety will arrive...be patiente...zzzzz
  4. When vessels are in line, the 2nd and rest of then are all the time correcting their bearing, so they look like vibrating...
  5. IMHO nbr of reload torps is not the issue but the time it takes to reload them. For me it is somehow strange not just cause of the rigging and movement that the standar reload procedure should involve on an exposed deck of a surface vessel (mainly a DD or a CL) but if it is sailing at some 27 up to 36 knts under fire and manoubring sharply, i can't see this happening on the short time the game shows nowadays...add to it some sea state... Tradicional DD torp attack doctrine of the dates the game depicts is using salvos (all out) in order to force an aproaching attacking fleet to withdraw (or suffer the consecuences) and the countermessure against such an attack is to send your CLs an DDs against the enemy DDs To cut down the nbr of reloads even more will bring your fleet protecting DDs unefective on their role after just an engagemet on a campaing scenario, I should said that while it is correct some WW2 japanesse DD get few reloads, those are "long lances" on vessel that could launch 12 or even 20 at the same time at an efective distance of 20 Km (allies torps were 10 Km and with smaler warheads), if you just have a 5 tubes launcher of an smaler torp it would mean you might have more reloads on the same vessel displacement...so IMHO its a matter of vessels weight and speed that could make your/ai desing to select a reduced load....for me the actual nbrs of reloads as the standar load is a good compromise Depth of a torpedo on the dates the game simulate and in a combatant surface vessel against combatant surface vessel should be something around 5 mtrs, no more.. it is true that Germany in ww2 had the magnetic piston that made a torpedo under the keel catastrofic but they shoot it from U-boats,with a totally different attack doctrine, at closer distances than in a surface action from a much slower platform against a slow target and also they had two torpedo crysis so they were firing their torpedos switched to impact mode and shallow depth up to 1941 IIRC Spreed angle management sounds as a micromanagenent, but i could be happy having it even holding a position of admiral ( that i guess the game is giving me) but a compromise could be that it is fixed with some variations depending on the nbr of tubes the launcher had...so you put the same amount of torps per longitudinal distance at the expected impact zone ( i.e.- one torpedo each 50 mtrs of the target bearing line at the expected impact position or something like that) it is just my opinion
  6. well the line was blur even in the 1916 where armour of the SMS BCs were identical to some HMS BBs and the other way around cause late HMS BBs had a speed 2 or 3 knots less than early HMS BCs. Those Fisher babies where as intended compared with same build year BBs but as the fleet was not built at the same technological step, and things where coming up rapidly on those years any step further made things quite strange and unconsistent...and as said above.. by late 20s BC concept was obsolete and if some still where classified as BC was because "cheap BB" was not an agreed clasification
  7. Conways' "all the worlds figthing ships" series of books may be of help for your pourposes...
  8. Don´t know and I don´t care...this time they have hit my heart...Navarra and Canarias!!!
  9. totally agree with your point of view, in fact the curve you show is quite significant cause Hp/Speed curve of a ship use to act exactly identical (looks as if power/time is linear). Based on the relation of Hp/Knts i will dare to say that the relation Speed/time could be better represented as logaritm...which one..well then we are complicating things...;)
  10. maybe its is just me but, in cunstom battles, i think AI is doing something wrong with the funnels when creating vessels...one tall, then one short, then another even taller and so on...never seen that (even i go and check all Conway's great books to verify that it never happens that way) ... i don´t know why but its giving me a bad mood when i saw this almost always...i could live with the last one being smaller as a kind of compromise but...
  11. yeah, please let us do that and also more that one ship/type on either side...pleassseeee
  12. Since a lot of people have more reading time than usual right now, Osprey is giving away 5 free eBooks a week for the next 4 weeks, although this is week 2, sorry I noticed late. Anyhow, this week comes with US Heavy Crusiers 1943-1975 that some of you might find interesting even if out of the period of the game...https://ospreypublishing.com/blog/Free_eBooks_week_2/
  13. well...so then the option to capture a vessel should be in...if not there will be no purpouse on scuttling the ship...
  14. sorry, not my intention to be pretencious or condescending, i even dont know how to do it, and if you are offended i do sincerelly apologice...just stating a reality i live and i do work with sailors... i guess i dont know much more than you know, even i guess you know more than me...but i thought by the way you stated that you were giving then this function as inherent to they, which is uttely incorrect... In fact using cocks and valves is a sloooow way of selfsinking the ship with the high risk of being salvaged before it happens. (u505?) I'm sure we are not discussing on seavalves, cause what you reallly want is the option to scuttle the vessels you are commanding, but, please, because I do not agree with you dont mean i bear anything against you or even think on showing any disrespect to you. In fact this is my second "sorry to tell you", the first one being about drydocks...and in both cases the porpouse is the same...I know you know, so i try to respectfully convey it to you... with no fortune at all as i can see .
  15. then you deserve a Scapa Flow,😁
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