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Everything posted by Cptbarney

  1. Same and that echelon problem, i noticed the hull is missing some casemate slots and also im not sure if its long enough too do a proper echelon build on it, might be wrong however.
  2. Ye, dunno how that came back really lol. always wanted to know what makes code reintroduce old issues?
  3. do you mean like this? or this? Both different ships, but same hull.
  4. Good example of why we need engagement ranges for the AI so they dont just sit at max range only, but also move in as well too immunity zones or higher accuracy percent's plus also sends ships off to create a crossfire situation which would make it quite interesting to fight against really.
  5. Sad, that you can't fully replicate her too be fair, although i suspect the other parts are just placeholders still. We will see more attention for the younger ladies than the old ones. Another reason why i want modding is so that even if it takes me ages to make a full ship i can make turret, barrel, tower, casemate, hull packs that peeps could use.
  6. I also tried the top tower as well. Oh yeah those 51mm's don't have angles of firing either. Would be interesting too see who is next in line for ships after britain and im assuming germany. better image. toineh ead syndrome lol. I can see why shiki wants more modern cruisers, strange thing was that this was done at 1940 so was expecting mostly modern hulls really (The ones avaliable this was germany vs russia custom battles).
  7. boag with underwater turret lol. old boag. Emperor of india (Player made) BC Hercules (AI). Boags in combat.
  8. Barneh gonna test some more today, My router is being a smeggy so dunno how effective ill be.
  9. Old boag chinese miss hsing, leading the charge against the american invasion force.
  10. To be fair, you could use any turret since the Japanese never really bothered with any MAA on their ships just them weird 25mm Type 96 memes.
  11. @1MajorKoenig Dude you need to read the end of the blog https://www.dreadnoughts.ultimateadmiral.com/post/alpha-11-arrived So i was right lol we getting german bois at some point. Hope everyone enjoys dah patch!
  12. Ahh lets guu bois!!!! @Koogus @Marshall99 @HusariuS @Bluishdoor76 @Aceituna @IronKaputt @Skeksis @CapnAvont1015 @Tousansons @TotalRampage @Mindstrip @Gangut @SonicB @Shiki @Airzerg Soz for those i forgot! Yay finally lol.
  13. Im assuming we get the germans in Core Alpha 1, and then maybe a mixture of USA and Japan in Alpha 12 and then Maybe Italy and Russia in Core Alpha 2 (Im not sure if it will be called Core Alpha or simply Alpha ## liek we are used too). But eh, all we can do is speculate, im assuming Core alpha 4 is just adding more nations, major and minor to play with and against and maybe new types of maps to play on.
  14. Too be fair we are still in alpha, probs mid-alpha at this point. Along with internal issues, things got pushed back. So this patch Alpha 11 should of been some months ago and we should be either seeing the release of core patch 1 now or announcement about core patch 2 idk. Im just going to assume they are advanced placeholders for now.
  15. Ye, make sense. I reckon we got 2-3 years before then. Which would be more than enough time to get the designer up to speed, whether its a non-modular system, limited-modular or full-modular. AI will have to settle with smoll designer forevah.
  16. Barneh sprinkles dust to make it appear this week. 'w'
  17. Im hoping we still get somekind of modular hull system even if its only just swapping the front and the rear with other hulls that are very similar and somewhat similar (not sure how meshes would react to both being very different). But seems like we will probs just get full non-modular sets. Be ye im dying to get my hands on a Baltimore maybe des memes if we get lucky hull, so i can make miss pitty pittsburgh.
  18. Damm lol, almost 300k tonne ships. We would need quintuple turrets for those with guns between 22 and 26inches Hopefully when we get the beam and draft sliders we should be able to make them more sensible, the ships always did seem a bit high too me, reminds me of miss hitachi one of my own creations.
  19. It should do, the A-150s gun were due to have 2000kg shells and yamatos guns had shells that weighed 1350kg, so it makes sense really. A lot of things are wrong weight wise, and also gun ranges are also lower especially later on in the years in the game compared to real life. Plus we don't have the ability to adjust barell length nor put in different types of fuzes or shell types either (APC, APCB, APCBC, SAPC etc.)
  20. Regarding the last part, its why the report part needs to show for example 'Tube 2 in Quad torp launcher 1 has misfired!' So then you will know if its misfired or not, same with duds as well. Victory of the seas does this im hoping they will implement such a small, but very important feature.
  21. Too be fair, i was more on the point of properly detailed meshes for internals not placement as that would come with how you place things on the deck in the first place and the type of citadel you pick etc. Atm, we don't even have an internal armour viewer and the system is very basic atm. Even wows has a more complex system currently which isn't a good look, especially as realism is one of the key selling points of this game along with the designer. Also if you could customize the internals that would also be another selling point too. They can add this in later anyways, weegee does it with random things as well. Since game development seldomly ever stops at the 'release' date anymore not like 10-20 years ago. Plus we are still in i would say Mid-Alpha got a long way to go so plenty of time for them to add other features.
  22. I think it may cause issues, when more complex damage models get added to the game, since it will need to then simulate pin point damage most of the time rather than simple RNG, which is fine as is since the hitboxes for each compartment are huge, but if they go down the warthunder route for internals. Then we will need a gunnery model thats more or less 85-100% non-rng, so calculations, using co-ordinates, rangefinding, target leading, prediction, speed and direction etc. Only RNG should really come from anything thats been damaged prior and/or Weather, malfunctions, crew, random events, unexpected events etc. I would prefer a more realistic gunnery model if it makes the game much more enjoyable or simulates damage better, but without proper internal hitboxes and armour schemes, i guess what we have is ok for now.
  23. If sms scharnhorst is coming she will have the ability to have 8inchers i believe or should get her full 8.3inch guns (210mm's). So i think we need 8 inch secs for the older ships as some did have them i casemates or as turrets i believe (unless they already then i guess we can ignore this safely).
  24. Very sexy, lots of fat changes to the designer and all of them gud. Now if we can get some modular parts going for even added creativity that would be very nice. Also i think i saw a german ship get mentioned too.
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