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Everything posted by Frosty

  1. if you want to max it out it's 1250 wooden chests.. do the math yourself (it's turning into a PVE game, just sayin')
  2. Not a fan of 55 points ports becoming 80 points, giving us opportunity to have max investments on everything and unifying different configurations for the different ports. Most importantly, now investments have no purpose anymore as every ship will have the same. For the rest... it sounds exciting! Really looking forward to trying it soon.
  3. Yeah remove some more content, please!
  4. I used to play before wipe. I was pve'ing because casual PvP was not even a possibility. If you think it's fine that a released game should have 300 players online, then you might have a problem. @admin Can you do anything to get back some players? Instead of removing hostility without saying when we'll be able to RvR again and removing screening with the new patch... or maybe something like making RvR total wars less exhaustinging (increasing cooldown maybe) or finding a way to prevent huge multiflips.
  5. That's true. But logging in and finding 290 players online in a morning (usually there were like 600...) is discouraging and people just log off because they can't hunt anymore.
  6. I don't see butthurt and frustration in this message. P.s. frost never beat his chest on sweden, you idiot.... stop writing in forum senseless stuff, we all see you have no clue. (that's not a coincidence you're in PURG3) Please, this is getting embarassing! p.p.s. are you capable of putting any commas in your senseless messages? It gets hard to read.
  7. I'm impressed by the large amount of insults redii dedicated to our mexican leader! We understand your frustration mate, our former nation (GB) lost for the same reason as yours, too many PBs in too short time and people not willing to apply and defend anymore. What I don't understand is: if you were able to inflict so much pain on your opponents by forcing them to lose an entire coast and a crafting port, leading them to burnout; why aren't you capable of receiving the same pain from Russia (a bigger zerg than yours?).. I think the means are pretty much identical in both situations, and you're finally tasting the same you inflicted to us It's mostly everyone's fault if RvR is what it is. Right after wipe RvR was pure fun (I recall your PBs while trying to take Santo Domingo, or our weekly attempts to take PaP when LAMA was in GB). Wars were fun and not stressful, people applied for PBs to have fair fights, and not more than twice a week. (Russia kinda deserved many more PBs than that because they could fill 5 PBs at the same time). Then after Christmas truce it was like: 10 PBs a day, every day, because we decided to turn RvR into a job haha and nations with a single PB fleet couldn't keep up. So here we are, Sweden lost, game lost 300 players due to crafting ports changing ownership, people being burned out, and we are blaming Russia for something we all did: total war destroying content for others. I hope the new patch comes to a solution with all this, but we've been waiting for months already..
  8. I've been at Mortimer multiple time with the others from my clan to grind wooden chests (long time before switching to Denmark) and we used to wait 30 minutes out of the line for the Capital Zone out of Mortimer (docks were very close) without having any Priv fleet chasing us. Also when Russians took Baracoa we were there and screened for them... they didn't get as close as to say "How come they weren't chaised?!" It was just a foggy day out of Baracoa and screeners didn't see them (+ we and US helped them to get in despite the fact there were many pirates around)
  9. Massimo was not bragging... don't read it in his message. And now you caused him to throw a lot of salt.........
  10. Yes. You are right. But it was because summer was ending, game was getting boring... many nations were dying. Before LAMA joined us back in the days (some weeks before you came back to play and left for Sweden) GB was struggling to fill one 25 players PB, let alone Denmark. This game is a cycle... GB dominated, Sweden dominated, Spain... etc. Time for Russian domination will end, and we all know it
  11. Not really. BOCAR already started attacking and we initially planned not to intervene, but you attacked first right after we joined. And having a puppet (Makrian the liar) controlling half ports and lying to people in the nation, all while owning a shitty 40 points port to craft and having 10 players in total to fight... is not a good life. It would have been so if you left SJ for them That is my honest opinion, though.. Denmark was so dead when we joined.
  12. But who the hell are you.... a ganky French? ffs...
  13. If only you had some more humility (FYI winning a port battle is not sign of strengh over someone else, you surrendered right after that so didn't have chance for a second one ) and honesty, like keeping your own words, we would all have a better opinion of you. But after your decision to leave GB, it has been a lie after the other. And I'm not even surprised of what redii said about you. Don't be surprised, then, my dear friend!
  14. This is hilarious, only 2 weeks before you jumped off you had players for half a fleet. So basically we were useful to you (because otherwise you couldn't have kept any port alone, let's be honest) but now we're random noobs!😂 o7 King (queen) Cid!
  15. lim x--->0 (5/x)= 5.0 for admin Btw i'm just a good detective xD
  16. It's easy. You're not supposed to ask for two days to evacuate a port and in the meanwhile ask your overlords to take the port, by breaking both the recently accepted peace deal with Brits and the agreement with Russia. How you obtained Truxillo has zero relevancy on the dick move that has been committed. Kinda fun how you support this, I don't know why but I'm not surprised...
  17. The enemy player got recently killed, which means while he has that X in front of his name, you won't receive rewards for his kill. This was done to prevent alt farming.
  18. And other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself
  19. I think the disappointment from most of us (even if you read what Cid said in this regard) comes from the fact that you had a brilliant idea, your group had the skill to lead the group of nations, but at one point you guys just threw it away to have some PvP (which you just didn't have time to do right when war started again, so....) And now we're all sitting here and whining about Russia being too strong for other nations to beat it. Is it devs' fault if we're in this situation? Mostly. Lack of incentives to leave the zerg and in general mechanics to make it weaker. But could we do something about it? I think so, yes. But some daily PvP, and trashtalk, useless tribunals also were in the way...
  20. Still WO... there's one thing you all have in common in that clan. No need for me to say what it is Btw it was for the memes, who cares you weren't there
  21. I agree with you. It's not a victory but pure and simple guerrilla. We tried to keep you busy, sink real ships (have fun in the process, otherwise we wouldn't have done it) and then claim we sank some good ships and lost shit ones. Losing nothing and destroying good ships is kinda a win, isn't it? Cheers
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