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Tom Farseer

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Posts posted by Tom Farseer

  1. 13 minutes ago, Raekur said:

    If you were looking as the amount of coin gained then yes it appears to be better. If you look at it from the perspective of profit / ton then it is not and a few items will pay more but in turn become a loss when the taxes are applied.

    That statement is simply false.


    • Before patch 27, the profit per single weight unit on the best trading goods was around 100, with the exceptions of Textile Machinery at around 180 and Parisian Furniture at around 250 (maybe 300, no longer absolutely certain on that specific number).
    • Since the patch, the top 25 trading goods have profit-to-weight ratios of 30 to 59 Reals. Which converts to 750 to 1475 gold pre econ-patch.
    • Of my list of 70 Trading goods (not sure how much there are in total) HALF show profits above 15 Reals per tonne (375 gold pre econ-patch)
    • Tobacco the good on my list with the lowest profit is at 0.79 Reals per tonne. (Obviously not a good choice but still marginally profitable)

    All of these values are AFTER application of 10% tax on both buying and selling!


    • Like 3
  2. 38 minutes ago, Captan Thomas Fremantle said:

    [...]you already payed all your reals to load you ships[...]

    That is the biggest mistake you can make. Never spend all your money on trade goods. Actually never spend all your money period. It is better to do a few half filled trade runs (or runs with fewer ships)  and keep a reserve at home than to go all in and risk going back to sailing basic cutter because you lost it.

    14 minutes ago, Raekur said:

    [...] (as profits are very low and goods are scarce)[...]

    In my experience profits in general are higher than before. Profits of certain goods are no longer as extreme as they were before compared to the other trade goods (think parisian furniture or textile machinery). On the whole though trading is more profitable than it was before the patch. You just need to find the new routes. The new mechanic that ports that 'drop' certain goods actually are supllied by trade ships only means that your contracts may take longer to fill up....

  3. 8 minutes ago, Captan Thomas Fremantle said:

    And what if you sink in the warship ? You get exposed and you will DIE in roll everytime you get in the Open World [...]


    Yes, you will. That is the risk that everyone takes when sailing with an AI fleet. If you sail alone into dangerous areas be prepared to lose ships. Therefore a) never sail what you cannot afford to lose, b) don't sail alone if it can be helped. An ex-Clanmate of mine regularly undertook high risk trade runs, when we had ports of every nation right outside Jamaica (when spanish still held the caymans). He adapted to the risk by paying people to escort him. Less reward but much lower risk.

  4. @Captan Thomas Fremantle I get that this can be a frustrating experience. Being sunk several times in a row is not exactly satisfying.

    What I don't get is, that there are still people in that area who sail with a full fleet of (often unarmed) trade ships when they must know by now that William usually hunts around there. He's probably also not the only one! This is like someone walking barelegged and with no antidote through a snake pit. At the very least arm your traders (a boarding fit T/Wo Indiaman as main ship can be a nasty surprise for smaller hunting ships). On War-Server there are always hunters about and if you happen to run across a small team chances are you will lose all four ships anyways.

    The best way is just sailing a decent warship as your main. Take a heavy frigate (Endymion, Trincomalee or Indefatigable) or if you can spare the dubloons a decent 4th rate, maybe even a Bellona.

    If you have no interest in sailing warships and seriously just want to trade you either have to live with the high risk or play on the Peace-Server.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

    What I want to say is - the fear to lose something you cannot erase. And a sound understanding of how far you can go in risk belongs to warfare.

      True. Sadly a sound understanding of how far one can go with what you have is what a lot of people ar severely lacking in this game....

    1 hour ago, Slim McSauce said:

    ganking is necessary to aquire wealth.

    Pardon my language here but that statement is indeed complete and utter bullshit.

    Unless you are the main damage dealer in siad gank you get next to nothing out of it, with the added "benefit" of learning jack shit about how to actually fight. Noone gets better from just collecting easy wins by sheer force. Also a 60 minute trade run in two Tbrigs can get you a net profit of over 200k. So even with buying dubloons you are faster than by being one of 6 or so guys who all get an assist on one or two lineships, especially if those two know what they are doing and last through almost the whole 90 minutes.


    • Like 2
  6. 48 minutes ago, OjK said:

    Still can't understand how we cannot have some ship history and custom names for them O.o

    I am dead against custom shipnames. For THIS reason.

    @Cetric de Cornusiac personally I really like the idea of gaining additional skill and knowledge by sailing one specific ship for a long time. However I don't think it should be implemented in the game for the simple reason that it will only increase the gear gap AND the fear of losing ships. There's already too many people who are too afraid to engage even weaker opponents (be it in numbers or firepower) for fear of losing their ships.

    • Like 1
  7. I share your opinion that safe zones should be safe. And AI traders should sail deeper into enemy waters to give newbies more adequate prey. I felt free to leave my two cents on your list of cons:

    16 hours ago, reiser said:


    • No trade ship spawns - new players have no choice but to grind missions
    • Yes and no: The are trade ship spawns galore, but you need to leave your capital waters to find them, as they spawn in ports of thier own nationality.
    • Tier 7 missions - grab a basic cutter and head out to make money only to face a Lynx or some other Tier 7 ship that takes you to task.  There's no hope in the noob cutter. Don't even bother.
    • Basic Cutters are seriously undervalued and can take on even larger ships in capable hands. It's not about the whole 'gid gud' BS. But if you are losing to AI Lynxes you are doing something wrong. Analyse what you are doing and try to identify your mistakes. My first guess would be that you take on too much damage by not keeping the right angles to the enemy ship. Patience is key here. Always keep at an angle and wait until the AI has shot it's broadside which you then will mostly bounce. Only turn parallel to shoot AFTER that has happend.
    • Base Raping - USA on PVP server constantly has enemies outside Charleston making any new player rage quit. I lost my only non-noob ship (Traders Brig) after doing a mission only to be sucked into a battle with 3 pirate players. Either the invul timer needs to be extended or National Capitals should be off limits to other nations.
    • Sucks and IMO should not be possible they way it is at the moment. My advice: get the hell away from your capital waters. The same shit happens in GB capital waters (mybe no longer as bad as it was a few months ago) and around mortimer town. Capital waters are unsafe for newbies as well as returning players period.
    • Grind - One Tier 7 mission awards less than 50xp and less than 1000 reals, I would need to grind 20 of these to afford a ship w/ guns, only to fall victim to base raping as stated above.
    • Again, leaving capital waters will help with that. you will ifnd more AI traders which bring in more revenue.
    • Imbalance of ships.  Tier 7 missions should ONLY spawn cutters for your basic cutter, I've failed 5 missions in a row because I would just get dominated and out gunned. This isn't what the new player experience should be. I was forced to do this because of base raping as stated above (no other ships to use)
    • See Answer to point two.
    • Trading - Buy Low / Sell High - I should be rewarded for hauling goods far away, but when you look at the buy/sell prices, a lot of goods don't have a trade route at all.
    • That's just plain wrong. EVERY trading good can be bought and sold at a profit. You just have to find the right ports to do so. Felix Victor's map in combination with the ingame trader tool can help a lot with that.
    • Taxes - Adding tax for everything only makes sense when there's a way to reduce it. Port tax is understandable but taxes to place a contract, to collect from labor buildings all needs to go. There's no point unless there's a skill/method for reducing it. It only adds ambiguity to commerce and makes it really easy to lose money on something that looks like a sure bet for profit.
    • While a nuisance on AI controlled ports, taxes are the only way any capturable port can pay for itself or generate revenue.


    • Like 4
  8. 16 minutes ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:


    That feeling, when we sail out to either save or at least avenge a clanmate being ganked and then said clanmate just kills the gankers while we uselessly wait in OW...

    • Like 2
  9. Hello Gents,

    probably every clan leader and diplomat knows what exactly I am talking about. Searching through the list of clans in you nation, looking to find a newer clan to add to the friendlist but not findeng them because the list is not correctly sorted. Sorting of a list that is stored serverside from a client is probably not easy to implement. My suggestion for a workaround is adding a sorting routine for every nations clan list, that gets executed once everytime the server restarts. So any clan created before the last maintenance window would be in order. Seeing as this is one of the last remaining parts of the legacy UI I thought now could be a good point in time to make this suggestion.

    Exemplary screenshot of the problem:


    Now noone in their right mind would search for a clan called WAVE at the beginning of the list. People will use the scrollbar to get to the end fast and search from there, resulting in 20 minutes of scrolling to find it.





    • Like 7
  10. Prinzipiell beschreibt Armor die Anzahl an Schadenspunkten, die die äußere Beplankung aushält. (Kanonen/Karronaden machen je nach Kaliber unterschiedlich viele Punkte Schaden). Thickness entspricht seiner direkten Übersetzung, also der Dicke der Beplankung. Auch hier gilt: Größere Kaliber durchschlagen größere Dicken, wobei zwischen langen und normalen Kanonen und Karronaden auch nochmal große Unterschiede bestehen.

    Die zwei Werte sind aber nicht ganz unabhängig von einander. Je weniger "Armor" übrig ist (sprich: der zugehörige Balken im Spiel wird kleiner) desto geringer wird auch die Dicke auf der Seite. Ebenso ist Durchschlagsfähigkeit Winkelabhängig, wie Holm gesagt hat.

  11. 5 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

    Pvpers go look for pvp on day one


    I spent the first 300 hours almost exclusively doing PvE stuff, now I am diplo in a Clan that is exclusive to Captains with experience in PvP. I got into PvP late. And while most of my PvP still happens in RvR stuff I still go on the occasional hunt. I am not a pro duelist like you or havelock. But considering me a non-PvP player is just wrong. (I am still a carebear though 😛)

  12. While we are talking about the new mod system (anything that helps against stacking is a positive in my book):

    It seems there are some new mods that can be found in Mission chests, I recently got "Extra Chain" and I saw some "Extra Shot".

    "Extra Chain" states "Ship extra chain units: 1" on it's description. Is this one extra broadside of chain or one extra chainshot per gun? Or just one extra chain shot period, which is improbable but would be hilarious :D

  13. Hey @Felix Victor,
    I really like the new functions of the map!. Good Job!
    I do have one little bug/wird feature however (using up to date Firefox):
    On lower zoom levels (zoomed out) I cannot click several ports because the mouse turns from pointer into the text cursor. This does not happen when I zoom in. My guess is some of the text on the map, specifically the large region names like "West Cuba" or "Central America" are on an upper layer and get moved out of the way by zooming.

    • Like 1
  14. KI neigt tatsächlich oft genug dazu stump mit dem wind zu segeln und Breitseite an Breitseite zu kleben, wenn man sie lässt. Troodys taktik mit an Steuerbord (Leeseite des Gegners) vorbei und dann das Heck zum Wind funktioniert besonders bei größeren Pötten fast immer. Allerdings lernst Du dabei herzlich wenig für echte Kämpfe. Gegen Leute die auch nur im entferntesten Ahnung haben.

    Das die KI schneller dreht als Du kommt schonmal vor, wichtig ist dabei einfach nur, dass du einen möglichst spitzen Winkel zur gegenerischen Breitseite hälst, um feindliche Projektile abprallen zu lassen und Schaden damit zu minimieren. Danach hast du Zeit beizudrehen und ihm eine zu verpassen.

    Bezüglich manual sails:

    Nutzt Du nur das bisschen, was das Tutorial zeigt oder auch weiterführende sachen? Mitunter lohnt es sich die Stagsegel wegzunehmen ("depowern") und etwas zu bremsen beim Drehen. Damit landest du automatisch weiter zum Heck des Gegners und hast günstigere Winkel um die kommende Breitseite abzulenken.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Anolytic said:

    he also stated that he referred the case up the chain of command

    My apologies, I did not see that part when I read the post.

    While it is true, that profanity and insults will always be part of a PvP game that allows communication between players (in my experience thay don't even have to be enemies), some stuff crosses a certain line. And for that, in my personal opinion, a temporary chat ban is insufficient.

  16. Dear Devs and Mods,

    Recently @Gregory Rainsborough started a thread in tribunal, stating that he had been severely insulted in battle chat ingame.

    @admin has stated before that severe insults (such as "Go die of cancer!") should be posted to tribunal to ensure shorter reaction times.

    Link to said post:


    The topic however was immediately closed by a mod, who referred to the use of the ingame chat report function.

    Seeing as the insults in both cases where of the same kind, I'd like to ask for a definite answer on when stuff like that is worth a tribunal and when it isn't.



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