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Everything posted by Kejsaren

  1. That's why it should be much rarer harder to obtain or expensive. Then you wouldn't see it in patrol zones. I wouldn't mind paying to replace premium ships that I loose, if I can't afford then I wait til I can. Also a reason why would you wouldn't see it dominating, if you have to pay for each ship then people won't risc loosing it that much. So won't dominate patrol zones etc.
  2. Btw does anyone know if premium ships redeemables have chance of increased slot etc?
  3. You might right there, that's why those two ships should've remained obtainable but much more expensive. People should be afraid of loosing them. Kind of a dilemma, because you can't just nerf them they would no longer be "premium". And if you keep as it is anyone obtain and you will just see those two ships. But as @admin‌‌‌said let's see how it all developes and keep discussion going.:). / Fair winds
  4. I know but ever since Hercules got introduced and it being so rare I fell in love with it. It gave me a whole new thrill to solo hunting knowing if ship sinks it's like 10 mil worth of ship, and then several millions worth of upgrades. But.. like you said chance for 4 or 5 slot ships will make it rare again!.:), so I can aim for that.
  5. Yes you are right often expensive parts are the upgrades but not when it comes to hercules and so.:). Maybe they could increase the timer to a week at least?.
  6. Well, first I was excited thinking you can buy premium ships. Excitement didn't last very long when I found out you pay once and then you have constant supply of that ship every 24 hours. You basicly killed it for me. I know alot of people have problem with loosing stuff, I LOVE it. That is why i always hunt in the best ship i got with the best upgrade I can afford, I never roll in basic crap. Always the best stuff on my ship and YES when I sink it does hurt!. And I like it. I liked pvp'ing in a ship (Hercules) that is RARE and hard/costly to obtain. Now who cares if i loose i just get new one. Some people mean that now we will see more people doing pvp. Yeah you are probably right, and for the most of the playerbase you did a favor I guess. But for me you killed it. Why not just let anyone have anyship they want at any given time with whatever upgrade they want?. Then nobody would be afraid to loose and would fight all the time. Very thrilling. Just needed to ventilate it here. Maybe I just need to get used to it but right now I just feel someone killed the game for me. I don't want shit for free, everything I have i have earned. I worked for it. Ah well, fair winds I have to digest this and maybe I will see more positively on it somehow.
  7. Well, cooldown is nice at least. So you can't replace immediately after you loose.
  8. Question is, is it really necessary for 2 circles? Should just be 1 circle and in that circle still option to choose wich side to join. Would eliminate the problem with people abusing it.
  9. Of course it's not a game feature. Well right now it is, but can't imagine that's how it's supposed to be. Pretty sure it's on dev's "to do" list.
  10. Yes you are right, it should be cleared out.
  11. I would have to agree with other people here, even though it doesn't specify friendly fire permitted if agreed upon logicly i think it would be. I don't think they are breaking the rules, ... just very poor gameplay. Salute! Well done keeping the port Poles!!
  12. I've said what I wanted to say about this, not gonna go on about it again neither on forum or in game. Stay above the waves, o7.
  13. Bored players leave because lack of content/steep learning curve maybe. Too big gap to be competitive in pvp, I don't know. But I'm not talkinga about bored players tho, someone else who "inserted" that and it kinda got stuck in the discussion.
  14. You are right you don't what I am writing. Not going to bother replying to something I have never claimed.
  15. So that is your solution for new players or other players that are trying to interact on chat?, turn off global. You don't get my point... not sure what I can do about that. Everybody else seems to understand what I am writing perfectly. Or did you skip the original post?.
  16. If they are bored with community yes we can. But as someone already metioned the impact of people leaving because of community is low I understand that. And I can't force people not to behave like a 12 year old on chat of course, ... Devs are responsible for their game, and for the content that is pretty obvious. However it's the players that are in control of the chat channels. Not the devs. And if it's anything we can affect it's the way players experience the game community. Devs cannot affect that.
  17. I've seen alot talk during my time here that I see on every mmo game that I have tried. Always the same blaming devs for everything, every player that decides to leave the game it's the devs fault. Lack of content, game not be newbie friendly enough bla bla. But what about you?, yes you?. You who play the game every single day, you the veteran, you the pro. You who make global channels a place where a new player might spend 5 minutes then realise this community ain't for him/her.?. You who check pvp leaderboard every 5 minutes and after every kill, get your team of other vets ready and hit the usual farming area (u.s coast, Port Royal, MT) sink some noobs and then be toxic over global again when they come in numbers. You who needs to broadcast every single pvp experience that makes you frustated by hanging your opponent out in global, usually along with some screen shots to really show the rest of the community how awsome you are, or how bad your opponent is. You who make global chat pvp battleground because you fail in the open sea. What are You doing to keep the player population we got?. The ones who are most toxic to the game are not seldom the ones that play it the most, which is abit odd. Not asking people to hold noob's hand and guide them through the game Not asking people to be kind and let opponent ship go because opponent crying I never do I can name 2 people who quit the game because of the community, and if I can name 2 then someone else can probably name 20. How many quit because of community?, who knows. Not sure I want to know. Keep blaming the devs for everything or look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what you are doing to keep this game going.
  18. Woooo this patch looks really promising!... can't wait. Thumbs up!
  19. Yes, ships overall should be much harder to come by. I neither trade or build ships usually, and rarely I grind. Still can get hands on any ship at any given time almost. And if i can't right now, I can in couple of hours play.
  20. You are right my comment was silly and not thought through. Genuin apology from my side.
  21. While we're at it let's remember the victims of all america wars too.
  22. This was about as interesting as someone's 100 days quest.
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