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Everything posted by Kejsaren

  1. Sorry didn't know that, to be honest didn't even think you actually enter enemy side combat missions, thought their ships just "vanished" from the open sea not leaving after any crossed swords. And if no reinf available then I do agree should not be able to engage enemies in a combat mission. However to avoid abuse of this, i would advise that you can't enter a combat mission if you have been engaged in any pvp within last 30 mins or so, and you shouldn't be able to engage in pvp for 30 min after you have exited combat mission.
  2. And btw, it's not like we're having a steady flow of new players in this game. At least not according to playerbase numbers. So, i'm pretty sure all those baby seals you are referring too, aren't really baby seals anymore, or shouldn't be.
  3. My farming area would be MT or KPR if i was even remotely interested in farming seals. In case you didn't notice that's where the "farming" happen. It does happen that I go KPR aswell, usually don't stay long, i tend to get bored in the same area. Now I been around dutch water when I decide to hunt, and from there go to france now and then for change of scenery. I hit all ships.. noobs, vets, cutters, buccentaurs. I just don't like fightin 10 of em. But it's okay, you can try all you want to make me look like a baby seal farmer..:). But know that there is no ship nor captain that I wouldn't attack. Win is different story, but attack yes.
  4. Yes you are right, reinforcement zone's aren't safe but they are pretty protected there, not by AI but by the join timer that allows your allies to join no matter how long the battle lasted. Alot of times you only have to "buy time" in battle and it will be fine. At least from my own experience, i hit someone in reinforcement zone I need to plan the attack, keeping in mind that any second more players can join. So i can't allow my sails to be damaged too bad and not having repair sails ready for quick escape. 8/10 no matter which capital i am hunting at i end up running from 5-12 player ships. I would call that pretty protected.
  5. Stop keep limiting pvp please, the game already offers all the tools to be almost completely safe from getting attacked. We have reinforcement zone, capital area zones. We also have option to "operate" from areas where almost never are any players. Just sail to a port where very little player activity and do missions from there. That's the first thing I did when I was new and was ranking up doing combat missions, I left capital and made an outpost on a remote location away from the "heat". I wasn't bothered much after that.
  6. Cannon balls flying passed their target or landing in the water don't contribute to doing damage.
  7. Someone mentioned an oak oak frigate, not even going to bother exlaining the obvious about hunting alone at capital areas with such a ship. Successful raiders using fast endys. Yes, that works if you are in group. If you are hunting alone and you go to capital area with fast endys (meaning like fir/fir i take it), you can escape some ships, yes. And you can take down some traders, yes. What are you going to do solo in a fir/fir endy against another frigate that is not fir/fir?. You are going to get sunk, that's what's going to happen. (Now i am taking into account about the same skill lvl just for fairness, anyone can take down any ship if one captain is bad and the other is good). Fast frigates like Endy, Renomee etc.. being fir/fir are good for chasing. So in a group they are very good. But again, as solo hunter it limits what you are able to take down. That is what hercules and le requin are good for, they may still need adjustment not arguing with that. But they are also about the only ships that a solo hunter can actually do some pvp'ing in without getting insta-ganked. (We do have snow, which in right hands can take down large preys, but that's it). Belle Poule then,.. yes a good ship for solo hunting. Except without front guns that ship ain't really that good at hunting now is it?. I would gladly use belle if had front guns. Trincomalee, also a good ship that can be used for solo hunting, but.. no aft guns?, not really good for retreating. You would have turn your ship to fire and if chased by several that is not a good option. Remove reinforcement zone and i can assure you i will never set foot on a dlc ship again. Let the ones who want to do some fighting on their own have some ship to choose from. Oh we also have the pfrigate, don't know much about that one to be honest, but last pfrig i saw was close to Willemstad. He got ganked and sunk 5 minutes later.
  8. Because players in general can't handle not having a safe zone. The Ship Captain Wade... name the ship.
  9. Captain William Wade. Capital waters are unfortunately where ya need to go to even find players, that's where most are hiding. Now I have a question for you, What ship do you advise me to sail when i go hunt near your capital?. Any ship you name i will explain why it's a bad idea. (i didn't starting hunting when dlc was introduced, so i know what's it like to hunt there in other ships)
  10. Nope, but better keep things as they are punish the ones caught rather then a bad "solution".
  11. It wouldn't work even if ships were actually worth taken, or cargo for that matter. Take dutch for example, no free ports nearby. Takes me a good while to get there, after i defeat a player there I can expect several dutch ships waiting. Not a good time seize cargo or ship. Even if no enemies around after the 1st "kill", i have to return a friendly port with the captured ship/cargo?. Meaning sailing time - find enemy - defeat enemy - take ship/cargo - return home.
  12. That's a silly solution. Remove reward for kills in pvp because people cheat?.
  13. Not talking about AI controlled indiaman. But yes they should also be armed. I just attacked a Bellona with 2 indiaman. I went for bellona and one of the indiaman messed up my broadside pretty bad during the short time I raked the bellona. I had to turn to indiaman and board it. So Bellona got away. Now if indiamans would have been unarmed that Bellona could be in trouble. But by all means, go unarmed just makes life easier for those who hunt them.
  14. A duth indiaman demasted my requin twice before i even get closed enough to do effect stern shots. He did it with his aft guns. An indiaman pretty fast unloaded i had to exit battle re-tag. Like i said in the long run it will be difficult, but if yer close to forts or can expect reinforcement then they may safe your ship no matter what Otto says.
  15. I do not agree, an armed in indiaman who carries repairs can be trouble (at least for me), maybe not if you are in a frigate but anything less you need to careful. So, keeping it armed at least give you some fighting chance against smaller ships, even Requins. If you are fighting far from land or reinforcement then probably any small ship will be able to take you, just takes some time. But carrying guns and repairs gives you a fighting chance, possibility to maybe get to a fort if there any nearby, or at least to keep afloat until reinforcement.
  16. For crafting ships i know that capturable ports have higher chance of ship being crafted with bonus. (At least that would I been told by people who have crafted many ships). But I don't know how much higher that chance is.
  17. Yeah let's close this and play instead.
  18. I'm not sure i understand what you are writing to be honest. Except for the last part something about "bastard". And an insult is an insult. You saw me write bastard in the chat log Redii posted?. That was a very friendly bastard sorry, was not even insult, i was giving him credit. Have you ever called your friend bastard or so but in a friendly manner?. with which ship should you otherwise go outside the door .... I would probably go with surprise or belle poule. An insult is an insult?. Some things ok some things are not ok, it's called common sense.
  19. I know, was nothing personal neither from my side or yours. I don't know why this was even brought up.:)
  20. I'm sorry I don't understand your point Redii. I gave credits to voido7 for demasting my requin twice, how can that be provoking?.
  21. People been to used to easy gank they can't handle / don't know what to do against Requin / Herc. Let me tell you this, one of the players who wished I die in cancer was in group trying to get me. After they all gave up he came out in a Requin. He lost. His Requin was fir / fir, he did not even repair once in battle. He didn't even have repairs with him. He had no mods and he didn't know how to sail the ship. He lost against someone who knew the ship better, and who's ship was 10 times better. And against someone who actually use repairs. Do what has to be done with Requin or Herc, but don't nerf it because players bad.
  22. So very sorry to hear this I'm just glad it happen to me but i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one that is why I wanted to highlight it. Because even if i don't get hurt by it, it may strike someone else really hard even if it's just words. Pretty sure it wasn't meant literally, just trash talk out of frustration but there are other ways to insult, don't include stuff like that, it's just taking it too far. Again @EdWatchmaker, truly sorry.
  23. Hi, I would just like to express my contempt to the the verbal abuse has been directed to me today by alot of players, in hope that maybe some maybe think a little before writing. Understand that it can be frustrated to get sunk and not being able to catch and "punish" the player who sunk you. Especially when going out a whole navy wasting alot of time, building up frustration only to get sunk again. I'm not the politest of players, and I get frustrated too sometimes and write things that I maybe shouldn't have written. Being abit toxic on chat isn't the problem, neither being a bit abusive, I can handle that. I just think it's pretty tasteless when on several occassions today people been writing that they wish I die in cancer and stuff like that, seriously?.. the next person you tell it to maybe has cancer?. Get a grip and pull yourself together. You can go out and attack a single player with 10 ships as backup but you can't handle getting sunk by that player 5 minutes later?. Go play hello kitty or something, or go to pve server. Shape up ffs. Fair winds / Po
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