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Everything posted by Kejsaren

  1. Yes, for some nations things aren't in the Capitals. But you don't need outpost all over the map, only need 1 at a frequently visited port, like La Tortue (which is trade center of the entire map). Teleporting to one of those "outposts" to do some exchange of reals/dubloons, combat medals etc doesn't take that long. But if you are going to "lock" yourself in a corner of the map and then cry you can't get any ship anytime you want is just silly and OP (and others) are completely exaggerating the difficulty in aquiring ships and devs "hatred" towards the casual player.
  2. If someone says you can't, and I know you can... then I say you can. If someone says it's not fun to do that. Then I say nothing because it's his/her opinion. P.s Thanks for clarifying that this neither is work or a sport, a game you say?... how could I have missed.
  3. This whole thread is just an insult to everyone who actually put in an effort. Just a bunch of whining - I can't do this, i can't do that. Casual or non-casual, - Yes. You. Can, and it ain't that frigging hard. / Fair winds
  4. I play spanish. And I look for shit I need at LT. Try it guys. And in the passed I always found pvp marks, LT.. aves.. Tumbado .. you name it. Don't expect find everything you need in your capital.
  5. I don't remember the other topic mate, so pls keep them seperated. Why even discuss it here. You made leaderboard?, BRAVO.
  6. Ah yeah, Different topic so was confused. And I stand by my statement.
  7. I agree with you, the gap in skill between hardcore pvp'er and causal is very big and expensive mods like elite french reg etc just makes the gap even wider. And I am totally against this. 4/5, 5/5 ships with special trims is also bad, also giving upper hand to those who already are blessed with superior skills. In fact anything rare and difficult to obtain should be just cosmetic or other things that do not directly impact the outcome of a battle.
  8. And when exactly did I do that?. That part is true. Why?, you don't need to pvp to get combat medals, they are for sale ALWAYS. And price will keep dropping as pvp'ers stock up with them.
  9. But since that is just temporary it's not even relevant Captain.
  10. You are saying that unless you can buy the ship note directly with dubloons for example, then it's not within reach for all?. You can capture ship, you can craft it. You can buy it from store, you can ask someone to build it...
  11. 1. I have no interest in join a clan, never have. 2. I usually semi-casual 3. My pockets are far from deep 4. I have 1 active account (the other two I grabbed just for Naval clock but never use them). I usually roll with the best ships and the best upgrades, and every now and then I get sunk. It's inevitable. But I don't get sunk 3-4 times a day like some other players, I can't afford too. I understand that your issue is that it is too tough to replace ships for our kind of players?. Then you have to understand if they make it easier for the "casual" "solo" player to replace ships then imagine how easy it would be for the "non-casual" players who are in a good clan. Devs don't hate solo players, but they can't adjust the game around us. We are a minority. Maybe a clan player with 12 hours/day playtime can afford loosing 3 ships/day, but my fleet would be completely destroyed. Maybe I can afford loosing 1 ship/week. Sorry Captain but that's the reality, alone is not always strong.:), especially in Naval Action. Fair winds!, / Costa de Castilla P.S If you just want some casual pvp fun with little risc involved just cap a ship and put some basic upgrades on, all done within 15 minutes Captain.
  12. Game doesn't want you to join the prussians, they don't need more. Now join the brits, more challenge.
  13. Devs and Captains, While browsing forum i read something that caught my attention, @Wraith said. "Alternatively, you scale rewards to promote better players to seek out better players, and encourage worse players to continue to feed themselves to equal and better players because that low probability of success is massively rewarded when it happens." I think this would be a great idea, not sure how it would be done but might be worth looking into. Pro's generally tend to surround themselves with other pro's, and like to sink many ships (generally non-pro's). More then often there can be several groups of really skilled pvp'ers out hunting, but instead of looking eachother out they end up fighting random groups of average players. And absolutely nothing wrong with that, and i am not saying they scared of fighting eachother because on occassion I see pro's clash with other pro's, and those are the good fights. But I think they tend to avoid eachother if they can because also consider themselves pro-buddies even cross nation so, so they prefer sinking players they don't know and with less skill. Encourage them to "look" for other pro's because the reward much better it would be healthier pvp I think. Just a thought, something to consider in the future.:). Fair winds
  14. Wow, I wasn't around for this, but in my opinion it looks much better then what we got now.
  15. Be happy it was Reverse, I would not have returned your ship.:)
  16. This clearly shows your have very lite knowledge of how pvp in general, what drags people to it and the different aspects of it. And I am not here to enlighten you, but pvp is more then just deciding a time and place and then "duke it out". This ain't Naval Action "legends". So stop trying to limit gameplay and learn / play the game instead of feeling sorry for yourself and other new players having a "hard" time. Adapt, learn. It's not that hard to avoid other players, and if you completely want to avoid pvp then there is a server for just that.:). Thank you and have a good day,.. Next!
  17. Also crafters and traders don't interest me. They offer nothing I need. I want battle and capture good enemy ships, and if you want purple ships in the safe zones is where find them because most are too afraid to go anywhere else with them.
  18. Also, maybe if you start pvp and hunt some you will realise why making areas pve only a bad idea. And by pvp zones you mean those gank zones, .. yeah solo zones also where gank groups can just sit outside and wait for you.
  19. The reason I occasionally go there is simple, find enemy players. Sometimes I find trade ships, which I usually avoid because I have no interst in them. I am always looking for 5th rates and sometimes I find noobs, sometimes vets. But mostly I end up trying to escape gank. Reason valid enough for you?.
  20. First of all, new players are not the only ones found at Capitals. You find any kind of players there, and going there usually ends up with gank. Capitals already offer more then enough protection. In fact nowdays, going to Capital is more or less suicide unless in a very good and organized group. You want to make capital area pve only, and sorry but you are on the wrong server for that.
  21. Also why would anyone go to enemy capital if cannot attack, only be attacked.
  22. Yes I think cartagena refit will be top upgrade now, About to see how well fir/fir boarding set endy will do... my guess 1 broadside and I be sinking lol.
  23. Firing point blank broadside during boarding combat is fine, but I think that crew that is occupied manning the guns should not be part of the boarding combat. Captain has to make a choice there, fighting with less crew and having the cannons manned or fight with full crew and no crew at guns.
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