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Licinio Chiavari

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Everything posted by Licinio Chiavari

  1. Just a fast suggestion. Adding as DLC some "ship experience pack" granting on redeem X.000 ship experience to be spent to fastly unlock books. - No balancing issue. - No more requiring hours and hours of mindless AI farming (I think especially to level up a SoL) - Giving balancing chance for those having not so much time to devote to annoying activity like AI farming... and having not so much ingame time would prefer to log, look for a battle and log off. - Less pain in case of Ship/PB balance changes (I remember we were unable to field 3rd Rates because simply nobody had unlocked books on them when they got a place in PBs). - A nice cash flow for devs: useful to keep working on the game. Please, do not reply: Go and farm books: After x.000 played time some people cant be annoyed that way (especially now that cash gain in killing AIs is pretty low, and missions - only way to surely find target - dont give any reasonable extra XP with big malus of ZERO drop rate). Nor reply go PvPing without books: it's plain stupid. Why giving away a 5 book gear edge to your enemy?
  2. Thank you both pointing out other 2 bugs of the boat (indeed I noticed the guns not repairing right today). Moreover, if possibile, something to be corrected, granted, also, the rarity of the ship: people ready to pay millions for such a ship just for collection, is fine... still may be someone would like to sail her time to time. And ATM is almost impossible.
  3. Finally got a Gunboat. Loving using often small ships I eagerly sailed my new babe. I fitted only pirate refit (not elite) just supposing she'll get full bonus as Requin (and almost schooners). Definately the boat needs some love, even if I suppose being not anymore buildable model is fairly outdated: - leeway is terrible: far more than any other ship I ever sailed. I could accept, granted very shallow keel, some more leeway, but really not this level. - far worst: boat CANT GO STRAIGHT. Aside while running (probably due to inbalances in sail force between jib and lateen) ship more or less fastly turns to the wind. The effect is so intense that even loosening the main sail at beam only reduce the autonomous turning into the wind not completely cancelling it (aside having to slow down). - stern carro is far more accurate than bow long: pretty weird. Aside these correction, and aside hoping to have gunboat back in game, I'd suggest to allow both bow and stern chasers could be choosen between 18pd gun or 68carro. A small buff on speed, granted buff got by schooners could be advisable too. Thank you.
  4. Quietly following this thread... And I'd like to underline a couple of points. From ganker's PoV (as I am often depicted), the less the repairs, the less the sealclubbing. Period. Raiders sail often pretty fast ships, usually far more expensive than their preys' ones. A K/D ratio anything close to 1:1 (or even 3:1) is simply not economically viable. Therefore having no (or very limited) combat repairs will lead raiders (and in general more experienced captains on smaller ships vs less skilled on bigger) to disengage at the first bad shot: if I can repair every 10 minutes, even if damaged I can stay in combat, wait to repair, and push over again. Otherwise, as soon as I get some damage I will have to evaluate disengaging. Especially inside enemy safezones. Therefore any reduction on repairs will be a nerf to raiders, and in general to more experienced captains (knowing how to use repairs at best and how to protect their ship until next repair) far more than less experienced ones. And potentially a further defense for players in safezones (if unlimited enemies can join my battle for unlimited time, limiting repairs will push me running at the very first damages). Same reasoning about the weirdness of the bragged 3v20 battles. No way it will be going to happen anymore with limited (or no) combat repairs. Skill and gear superiority could be able to overcome bad odds... Up to a limit. Without infinite (and overbuffed) repairs, any 3+v1 will be simply deadly in 90+% cases. As it should be. Another good side effect: casuals/newbies will be less humiliated. Losing 1v2 vs a well geared veteran could be bearable. Being smashed 5v20 is utterly demoralizing... Aside totally unrealistic; please remember players get attracted by NA being it, in theory, a realistic simulation. Less humiliating battles hopefully leading to a better player retention. True realism would call for more or less zero repairs in combat (and limited in OW). But this is a game. As we can (personally "barely") live up with highly simplified sailing, I think we could live up with (very) limited repairs. Simplest solution could be the repeatly called 1 hull/1 sail/1 cree repair per battle. And unlimited in OW. More hardcore solution could be, ad proposed, being able to devote crew ti repair all over the battle, getting very slow repairs all over the combat, with higher crew damage (for example to sails) or being even slower (barely noticeable) if not done with reduced (battle) sails. Most hardcore could be simply banning repairs in combat. In all cases I would like to see also OW limited repairs: fair unreal a ship badly damaged leaving a battle and being perfectly brand new a second later. Or at least allowing full repairs in OW allowed on cooldown only with ship stopped in shallow waters. Plenty possible solutions. Still I definately think we need to test ("again" we can say) our combat system with some repair hard limitation before going live.
  5. Almost 2 days to put in the center the Requin. A record. PS: no requin, reasonably, would sail with 300+ crew after crew nerf: this would require >= +20% crew bonus, meaning you need Light Hammocks (+5), Very Cramped (+5), Crew Space trim (+5) and hammocks book (+7.5) too for a total +22.5% to hit the top high of... 306. Anything missing will keep you under 300. 56 extra crew paid losing 15 morale (so melee attack value too), no better trim, 1 perm, 1 book, and using subpar planking... Not going to happen anymore. The cost had a sense hitting 387 total crew (so a super - and totally OP - big +132) previously. Not anymore. As a sidenote: dont speak about DD nerf: it could be a nerf without crew bonus nerf; with it, simply it's not. Speaking of full boarders, and Requin and 6-7 rates in particular (those able to get out max bonus from crew stacking), it was far better having +55% max crew bonus and DD at +30% needed crew than as it is now: I am able to insta-board a DDed Surp (240 or Hercules - 200) with a base crew requin (250)... but I'll fight 250v240 (or 200). But previously too I could board anyway a DDed Surp having 320+... but then fighting 320+ v240 (or 200); that was far better (and faster).
  6. The real question should be: why should indiaman (and so LGV) crew count be an issue? As plainly stated: they are free marks while on any warship. If they end being not, it's hunter's fault.
  7. I dont like hypocrisy. And moral hypocrisy even more. You are a good example of moralistic hypocritical. I know perfectly this is about RvR. But I know too Sweden had (and still has maybe) probably the best PB fleet... So any PB swedes fought... was "seal clubbing". The point stands.
  8. The same done by swedes sometimes. And not seldom. And by you too. In your case, as for various old veterans, taking into account experience, skill and gear available, more or less 95+% of any kill is seal clubbing, ganking, or both. By the way, granted the chance, we are all "seal clubbers" (yes, all: also seals gang up and gank around). So can we get rid of this silly way of insulting each other? In the end it's an insult perfectly fitting also for those using it.
  9. Plenty pixel sailors in game indeed, without a clue of real sailing around. Correct. Still it's a game: OW movement is a necessary evil and we can suppose the ship is doing the necessary tacks. What should matter are combat speeds. BTW... let them "run" head on wind, and let yourself catching them making two close haul sides. Interesting. Still to be evaluated as it's implemented. There were battles in rough seas. And people complained being unable to aim... The premise (pixel sailors) works. IMO Gales should me like tagging AIs: if you get close (so better running around it), you end up in a combat "against" the gale: getting out fast and with limited damage. BUT I already imagine the whining of people losing a 10+ mil ship being unable to properly hand her in a gale. I repeat by long time that our sailing profiles are out of reality (especially for square rigged ships). Still it's a game and I can understand that being unable to close to the wind even at 80° and/or having a tack lasting like 5+ minutes (if properly done) could be a very hard blow to playability for mosts. I'd like, but I understand. The real problem with sailing profiles is another: ships able to get higher speed at beam-close haul than at broad reach. This is a no-sense. That leads to privateer running 15+ at close haul... and 12 at broad reach... for balance. Wrong. Realism would call the Privateer going 14 at broadreach and still 7+ at close haul... while a frigate would run 14 at broad reach... and not going at all close haul, may be right doing 7-8 at beam.
  10. Right yesterday, also due to a mix of: being hunting alone, a bulkload of British in their safe zone (and stopping the chase on border if 2v1, keeping it 4+ v1) first, then Prussians tagging me, and then being tagged by Brits (then someone asks why it is not smart hunters tagging each other in enemy safezone) and at last a bunch of pirates too, joining both sides (??); I did a 3 hours trip out of safezones and freetown usual hubs (like LT and Tumbado). Guess how many players I met. ZERO.
  11. Indeed naming the ship even only not seen from other players (@macjimm)... avoiding embarassing errors in picking the ship (like me entering a PB with my raiding fir/maho requin with minimal repairs... In place of the t/wo planked one.... We won, but damn good laugh).
  12. Interesting. So. If I sink a navy brig on my Agamennon is fine. If I do the same on Requin, no. BTW, I do well remember a time plenty veteran sailed almost only Wasas. I do remember people asking to nerf her, but no people condemning those sailing her. Quite normal indeed. A player is doing his "duty" in any game... Using the most efficient and preferred gear. BTW till now around LH I saw you and other British hunters only on Hercules: is someone mocking you for sailing her? Didnt we confirm I was sailing and LGV being ganked by you? Or are you taking into account only when raiding? Arent you so - as stated above - sailing only Hercules in enemy waters? Or are you proposing I should raid Jamaica... On which ship? A trader? It's easy calling a ship you do not know, never sailed and plainly you dont understand "broken". Le Requin is a ship with some strong pros, and quite a few big weaknesses. No more no less. It is player experience making strenghts shine and hiding weaknesses... As it is enemy fault... playing other's game without obliging the first playing his. Should I not repair sails after losing a mast? Better parking side to side vs your Trinco on my fir/maho Requin? Looking at all stats aside speed... No. It's not fair, but not as you were meaning. My privateer runs at 15.5 kts at close haul... With 80% sails. Nerf her? A 50% sail frigate (let me know how a Requin could push to that condition a frigate in a barely normal fight) could not run a Requin... And has still more crew, more HP, more thickness, more guns. And you ever understood that true Requin OPness comes out... MODS and not her base stats? May be you do not want to understand... Otherwise... No more flying Bellonas. Right? I am wondering how you can live in RL. Plenty people say surely something you do not like: do you cut off their tongues? I would say all VIXIT are quite fair players losing a ship. While I do remember well you insulting. Different PoVs. Fine. I am well relaxed in combat usually... So I have plenty time to chat too. That's bad I suppose. I am sure he doesnt need my brokerage. But I noticed the bad feelings. That are quite off reality in a game with such a small playerbase game. That said, knowing really him better, you should show him a bit more respect so. PS: I will solve a bunch of problems moving to GB: draw with Kasparov move to Spain, "allowed" to sail Requin to hunt down others in Jamaica safezone. May be even asked to join a PB... on a Requin (damn...!). Good idea?
  13. Not changed the point: not deemed fit for the PB. I can suppose "united clan" and "comraderie" are weird concepts for you; no surprise indeed. Can you give an example of impossible "theories"? Because I have plenty defects. Still I am sure I am not a conspirationist. Are you sure not being you either? I hope so. Always by reaction. Aside coldly reply to people having wrong concepts. And you should know we attack anything afloat. Almost any ship with any rank. BTW I think I did more in a few months, than all GB leadership in an year training British newbies. Because I sink them but when I see plain suicides I then explain the errors. Some appreciated. Some asked more clues, and I never hided useful informations. Others saw in that an elegant mocking... Still not intended. Again missing the point. Not an issue for me, obviously. The point was: looks like you gank traders too. So you have not the moral standing (as NOBODY in this game) to condemn other raiders. Note: are you hiding un-rational hate? It was weird seeing you stopping to the side of a 0 structure LGV to fire (again: against 0 structure) a couple more broadsides. Not really rational, doesnt it? Are you asking me to list all BASTD we sunk? And/or how they got sunk? Or they mistakes? Sorry: it is a really too long list. And I remember you were well "cooked" on your Trinco vs. me. We got disturbed and you called the end of the duel (yes: I am the super coward accepting duels inside enemy safezone). It was fine. Still not really great having a shiny Trinco sterncamped to death by a Requin. You'll say I lost my foremast. True, a stupid error: I was thinking to rep sails to refull masts before starting boarding push. Silly decided "no need". But probably you knew you were only postponing the unavoidable. PS: am I mocking you? Yes a bit. May I ask you who started? You or me? Do you need also to see again a couple screens with you heavily insulting us in battle chat?
  14. I don't like either. But we got the same already in NA: isnt OP having 5 alts and so aside a bunch more production, labor hours, also a ton extra of 1 time redeemables (like edinorog)? Isnt unbalancing (and in a shadowy way) the game? Cash for ingame money worked nicely in a lot of games. Anyhow: give us something to buy, and we'll keep supporting the game.
  15. Too easy zeroing the risk purposely zeroing the gain. An hunter should know that his brand new 5-10+ mil ship could sink at her first battle. If he cant afford... Remember the Golden rule "dont sail a ship you cant afford to lose".
  16. We know pretty well already where is blood: we smell it from well afar. Could be better for new/casual players: where to go to find hunters, but especially, where not to go to stay safer. PS: Jamaica should be far deeper red. 😂
  17. BTW, BASTD has not been considered worth to deploy in PB. If you can read, I think I wrote plenty times I hate to use Requin in PB, but if asked should I refuse? Moreover I clearly stated that any 5th rate or less should be banned from PBs: simply not their place IMO. Less kiting more SoL Battle. But... With circles fast ships defending 1/2 are still required. I enjoy using Ocean (even too much), well more than Bellona. You know: sailing feeling of the first is far closer to a real square rigged ship than the latter that's a bit arcadish-like SoL. Please: stop the bullshit of we farming traders only. We tag anything; till now ho to 2nd rates. And BTW you got no problems attacking me on LGV (not refit) testing her (why, I do not think it's relevant) vs 2 6th rate AIs with your Hercules plus your mate's Hercules. Right?
  18. Chain retag comes out from different problems. First and most plain silly (still without any solution in the short term) are (again and again) sail force mods... that allow a ship to be far faster in combat than in OW; or viceversa with loodsman book. So some multiple tags will always happen. Second, we can all agree that multiple tags can be harassing but they are also the only way for a revenge fleet to take out a fast raider. Longer invisibility/tagCD timers will make hunters' life even easier. The proposed 2 minutes invisibility timer (with also the speed boost) will assure that no hunter will be ever catched as he leaves the battle. Even if I can see this as "positive" from my personal point of view (being more often the hunter than in the revenge fleet) I sincerely think it'll give hunters an even greater edge. So IMO it's a bad idea at this point of the game.
  19. Mate. a) crooked+gazelle = +3.5% speed; copper+Bovenwind+NHR = +7.5% speed. A difference of 4% means approximately 0.5-.6 kts. How do you think to push a ship from case a) at 13.9 to case b) anything close to 15? b) did you get lost? Because if I am going from point A to point B I rarely end up like 100k++ out of any point of A-B line. c) yours was plainly a light raider (really, crooked? I do not dare using it even on my requins; not to speak about speed trim), so not a ship to fight even a 1v1: a t/wo Hercules or other light 5th would dismantle you. d) even the "correct" Trinco (again plain 3/5) with copper+NHR+Bovenwind is worth what? 2.5 mil+10 marks = 3.5mil. A breeze granted you farmed 80 marks (=8 mil) out of a week. Right? Nothing to say about the one you in the end lost being worth, well, 800k? e) hunting down raiders is intended feature. Evaluate better your available time before embarking in a trip next to a (enemy) capitol. f) why didnt you go AFK after tagging the AI? You know: you'd get 1h45' break. Not bad for a supper. g) looks like you have plenty time to waste in forum pvp. Type less and sail more if you dont have plenty time. h) really. What are you discussing about? If do you want to feel the tag griefing, I can show you off: tagging again and again you from a faster ship, from safe distance and keeping you in battle for 1h30' every tag, until you log off. That could be griefing.
  20. Flags! Paints! Personal ship names! Let us pay for something with zero balance risk! PS: let stuff got by DLC being (at least partly) tradable with other players. Paving the way for casuals having some extra cash but not so much time ingame to be able to catch on hardcore at least, and only partly, gold wise (in a lot games worked nicely)
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