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Everything posted by staun

  1. Maybe change the question, why are there so few pb’s and yes I know there are good days and bad days. I started to play this game because some youtube videos. Those big battles looked like fun. We could look of the list above from the Spanish ore ask the Prussian how many against the pirates. But for me the most important question is why ppl don’t do pb.
  2. Thats your opinion, and I respect that. My opinion is the merge with what it did to RvR just made situation worse. But in the end neither of us can be sure of oure point. It proberbly won’t matter in the end because devs proberbly dont change it. But to keep hear the point that we just can spend oures after oures to trade ore grind for money so we can have timers on. That we just can get up at night and fight. I do think if thats the argument, then somebody forget this is s game and it should be fun. - Not much fun in grinding ore is it just me that just feel that way, - I am not going to waist my sleep for fighting. I have both a job, friends and a family. Not an option. - Why fight a war if you know it is of no use. You just loose all the ports in the end anyway, because somebody take them when you sleep. Yeah I know, just spend oures grinding for money ore trading. But again it might only be me feeling that way. - RvR is endgame and when ppl even don’t want to do that, you don’t think there is a problem. In my opinion timers and the cost of it is part of the problem. To my knowledge timers was needed because the merge. Players to ofc has a part. Edit: And if I not are wrong the population on the old EU server was around 3-4 times the global. Might indicate what ppl orefere.
  3. We sleep. We all know what we can do. Get up at Night. Grind money for timers and so on. We just dont want to spend time to grind money for ports and we want to sleep at Night. So if we don’t want to do that, well it will be hard to fight against Those that will. The danes against the Dutch is s good example. They basicly took back there ports in Night flips(when BF was danish), so why fight unless we want to grind for money to pay for timers. Reason for merge. For the population, we just have lost more players. It have for sure not made more want to play. Yes we test, so isent it fair enough that we give a feedback, that we dont think a global server will work? Ore is it only allowed to praise the global server. You might disagree with those that would like local server, But do think we have a right to raise oure opinion.
  4. Yep the mechanic is bad for some But not for all. Do think the EU plsyers are the one paying the price for putting the global community in an oxygen tent. But dont think it will change. But maybe the solution is not to complaint on timers Devs has showen they care more for a global community. Maybe maybe the solution is a joint effort from EU players to take the few ports of value with a Night timer and get them back to EU timers. Then the night guys can have those ports with no value. We got expensive timers so the Night ppl could have acces to ports. My guess is they will complaint that they cant. attack important ports. Devs seams to lissen to them. They manager to get a merge and the expensive timers. Don’t get me wrong I do understand those in another timezone. Global was basicly dead. They do love the game, so what was there choise, But to advocate for a merge and later for expensive timers.
  5. Well not first time a town was lost to treason. We didn’t like it ofc. But it is a wargame. I do think from time to time you have to hit the reset button and then start all over. Judge ppl by there actions now and not what they did in the past.
  6. Numbers matters less. What matters is if they are RvR players ore not. Call us vassals ore what ever. We are rebuilding(once more) in RvR. So we are not in any alliance(Well ofc with the polish in defends of ports) ore war. If I remember right since januar we have been in 2. First the big Russian - Sweden war. We where forced in to that one because your former minister of informations @Graf Bernadotte Keept telling us we would be one ported. The second was the Dutch attacking us. In both places the Swedes was helpfull. We respect those that act friendly to us. BF as Russians helped at Fajardo, But then you attacked Viques, well knowing we had go screen for the polish. Attacked us at Bani(We actually don’t mind that) and choose to screen us out of a fight with the Dutch at Barahona, well you once more forced us to respond. Danes are easy to get along with. Easy to understand. We stay by oure word. Do us harm and we will do oure best to respond in kind. If we do a PB now it is not over important ports ore to wager war. But to get some content and hopefully get more skilled and more active players. So actions against us can be a reason why we have acted against you, You didn’t see us screen against you at the Dutch. Another reason can be we have to repay a favor. The Swedes screened for us when we got Bani from the Dutch and when you attacked us at Bani. Ppl screen for us, well then we own them. It is on a case to case base. Nothing to do with alliances ore being a vassal. No, just simple and honnest trading a favor for another favor. Vassal is ment to be an insult ore do I get it wrong? So if there should be a time where we should have to pick a side, I am pretty sure it will be easier to convince ppl to help the side thats not keep insulting you. But what do I know.
  7. Well I just tryed to understand your fact about the Swedes steamrole the russians. What you ment was there was a great alliance taking ports from them. I still not sure about the russians feel they have been steamrolled, but guess @North ore @Anolytic can claryfy about that. But I do think they would say the have problems getting to PB because for some reason they got a lot of nations screening them out. Do think it is more Spain, pirates and in some part the US that feel steamroled. But I just asked because I like fact to be right. This forum is like a big log of what happend, so just nice when what ppl write also is close to the truth. And Carta we don’t talk about any more. Lets say about 6 months. They have thought defended it against both the Dutch(granted they where screened out) and against Spain in PB.
  8. I might have gotten it wrong, But think the fights betwen Russia an Sweden have been balanced lately. Neither do I think the Sweeds have taken many ports from Russia. Think it is 2. Do think the Swedes have lost more ports than they have taken. Hold Carta for a year. Didn’t we have the merge in Januar, where the Russian was strong. Think they got Carta around there and hold it for a couple of Months. So a year, arg can’t realy see it. I know the first casulty of war is the truth. But I expect more from you. You are not @Graf Bernadotte ore @Admiral Horatio Homblower Ore are you?
  9. Oh I am not saying you are wrong ore doing anything wrong. I just contested the argument of the steamrole. Think we all are guilty of it when we have been the strong one.
  10. Ore you for clubbing pirates. Dk for the time by the Dutch, actually when I think about it only polish, have been nice guys all the time.
  11. Well, it would be wrong to hate your self.
  12. We had a small skirmish yesterday at the Dutch. When we sailed down there, we realized that the russians was flipping a port. We made very sure not to have an effect on the port flipping, since neither the Dutch ore Russians are consideret friendly, but niether hostile at the moment. When the port was flipped, we saw a battle with 14 dutch against 4 russians. We wanted to join the russian side. Would be no fun in going dutch. But on the way there we got attacked by a small dutch fleet. We tryed to make the best out of the fight. But teak teak Bellonas are not a match for 1 rates. So we used a well known tactic to maybe get one of them in a bad position, so we could kill it. But they stayed close together and we couldn't finde a opening. At the end of the battle they accused us of kiting for the purpose of kiting. I put the video up so they hear here oure conversation, witch in my opinion clearly showns, we tryed to find a way and just not just tryed to keep them in the battle.
  13. Yes smaller Nations have a problem with low numbers. But lets be honnest thats not the biggest issue. Imo the biggest issue is that they don’t try. In the end the it will bite us in the bip bip(censuret). Ppl want more then just missions, if they dont get it, they will stop ore go to another nation. Just look how many players that have left ore gone inactive in the danish nation. We havent yeth given up. Again we are trying to rebuild and give players the skill. We just startet practice pb’s against the polish. That will help both nations. We would like those too against the Dutch. Both lots of small nations just don’t dare/care to attack a port because they either will be Screened by another nation just looking for PvP. Ore they go in to RvR in some alliance with a stronger nation. But get punished for it. Just look at what the Spanish and Dutch did to Poland. Don’t get me wrong. Danes also have oure times with abuse of power. This is a war game, so there is nothing wrong with the strong using power to threath a small nation to stay out of the war. But if we want more players to take part in RvR, I do think the big nations need to show restrait. But thats just my opinion. I also think it is very different from nation to nation. Some quit others get more United. In the time I played the danes have twich been treath on its survival, first by the Russian, and later by the dutch. In both cases oure activity have increased.
  14. But why should he leave? He was for a very long time in Sweden before he left. Went Dutch, but they simply didn’t have the numbers that wanted RvR. Russia I guess was a bad match. GB looks like a good match. Plenty of players, enough that want RvR, decent amount of good players. They are willing to play with him. He wants PvP he just have to leave KPR. What other nation can offer him a better solution. France maybe but thats all, and not quiet sure day france is as willing to do RvR as the britts. No do think GB is the best place unless he is going back to Sweden.
  15. Thx to the polish for a nice PB. Btw @Lars Kjaer you need to hit the swords to enter a Pb, not go to habor noob.
  16. Yeah but stil I like him. Guess my top 3 is: 1 Hornblower 2 Graffi 3 Thonys
  17. You should show some more respect for oure beloved @Admiral Horatio Homblower. What would GB be without him? What would the forum be? He is the one and only one, the chosen one.
  18. But isent there needed a soul for redemotion to work?
  19. Well @Lars Kjaer you to are going to GB. All salty person should be there. We would then have a nice and peacefully global. No need for you guys to use it.
  20. Maybe a good idea. Would clean up global then 😏
  21. Well I won’t need a second chance. I allways been a good boy, so guess it will be me against the rest. If I only put cannons on the lower deck it should be a fair fight.
  22. My dear friend Horry. Dont you think you should leave a couple of players to the rest of the nations. Ore do GB need all the players in the game before she will rule the waves and live up to its naval history.
  23. I have lately recorded some videos and put them up. To be famous, dont think it is gonna happend. Normaly I just take the best part and cut it out and make a 2 min movie for the FB group. So why the change. As proberly known, I am the biggest carebear in the game, an avarage captain at best. The reason is simply enough. We all know those top PvP players that spin you around, so you don't know north from south. That attack 4 players kill them all and sail away without a scratch. I just made them to show that even carebear can have fun, and imo PvP is more fun than kill an AI. I am not saying to go out an attack those top players and get killed, just so they can have fun. When @DreamMaker comes to CS in his Belona ore Buchentaure. I don't go out to fight him alone. I would just loose all mast in 5 min. He knows we just wait to get a group and gank him. He knows and don't complaint about it. No there is plenty of fun fight for us to and as long ships are cheap enough, lets be honnest they are not that hard to replace. A smal duel,lots of fun. Me against a top player. So in short go enjoy the fights. Thats hopefully why we play.
  24. Well actually it was him that put his ship betwen my cannon balls and the enemy ship, so he is the one that should be on tribunal for blocking.😋
  25. Didn't get the fight we expected. And after the hole swedish coastguard was waiting. We also got one of the L’Oceans. Just don’t have that screnshot.
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