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Slim McSauce

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Everything posted by Slim McSauce

  1. Constitution is a frigate, it does not belong under 3rd rate classification.
  2. No you're right, it's just a feature. It's like asking for raids or clan docks. Yes we already have docks but not clan docks. Yes we have PB's but not raids. Yes we can pay another person to follow us around but not NPC ships to. We want more content not less pretty much. Maybe what you really want is a job board so people can hire escort, but then in the case no one uses it because escorting is a waste of time, then we need AI escort. Same way we have captured ships and redeemables take most of the weight because the ship builders hardly put anything up on market and something like 89% of the ship auctions are 100% empty of anything player involved for whatever reason.
  3. That's only really possible at max rank. Also there's downsides to using your personal fleet space to fit combat ships while trading. If you have the money you should be able to just pay for escort, whether from player or NPC but most players aren't offering their service to escort. NPC on the other hand are always available, top tier escort could cost upwards to the millions. That's if trade goods ever make a return.
  4. It's not the same, it's an addition. Rank determines crew count, sailing XP is like a skill tree you learn over time.
  5. please consider the unmatched benefit DLC ships have of being redeemable, every day, in any wood, in any outpost anywhere on the map. If port bonuses are added to this then DLC ships will become the absolute dominate and pay2win for PB's and OW combat. (ESPECIALLY shallow water)
  6. Let me break it down. A trader's level up is getting more trading ships for his fleet. Assuming he's mid-rank that's 3 tbrigs or maybe 2 LVG's. Max rank is much higher but few people are max ranks or will ever be because that takes loads of grinding especially if you're a new player, you don't get much XP for trading so it will take a long time. For a solo player, perhaps. A small group can easily take out one of these mostly AI fleets, the extra traders just means more take away from the battle. If the price is right then sure let the man hire escort, from port or OW. base price should be 100k going up and down depending size and strength. Why not 4 Indiaman and 3 AI escort frigates for 150k? That seems fair. Like you said this isn't a solo-game so if you want to take out one of these mini-treasure fleets you can assemble some friends and go after them. You have the benefit of being made for combat while traders are really only safe in numbers. I don't see any detriment here if it's only for traders. More content, better battles. A win-win for both sides.
  7. Nope, it's just brash guessing and indignant speculation like most of my posts here. 🤣
  8. So there's a Player captain and and NPC captain on the OW (or in port). You can pay the player, or the NPC alike. They both then follow you. That doesn't make sense? For one it isn't magic. The ship is following you as physically as it can on the OW. Owning a ship and then selling it is not the same as renting a ship and letting it go after the service is done.
  9. Raids are going to become what hostility missions are now, hostility missions will change into PvP Content revolving around "blockade x port for x minutes to set PB" with the option to drop war supplies/troops at the port to speed up the process.
  10. The hypocrisy in this thread is astonishing. "If you have enough money to sink into hiring escort-" oh but no you can't pay that captain, no. "I use alts as escort, but you can just ask your cl-" yes I totally understand the plight. Neither of you understand the issue at hand. Just spouting the same nonsense without thinking about the context. I ask again if you want the interaction so bad, then why aren't you offering escort service to people? If you aren't doing this then why should others seek you out for escort? No it doesn't. See, you really don't know what he's asking for. You're just the common decenter who often shuts down suggestions for no good reason. If it did exist in such a way, it would make no difference to you. You pay money for escort, period. You draw arbitrary lines. OP has the right idea.
  11. It really doesn't matter what you consider it to be because in the context of the world paying someone is all that's required to get an escort, player captain or NPC. Make an escort service if you want the interaction so bad. Otherwise hiring NPC is more efficient for the trader which is exactly what he pays for.
  12. Come on dude. Think with your head on this one, Naval Action is a sandbox-style MMOrpg. Put yourself in the shoes of the captain. The NPC ships are not mere mobs to be farmed, they're your allies and are there to fill in the world. Even if there was only a 1 and 10 chance a NPC captain would accept money to escort you, why wouldn't you have that be possible?
  13. Likely the reason we don't have raids yet has something to do with the abuse of alts. There's a reason why this game was designed to be 1 character per account. Alts, bot farming, IRL transfers will always be a problem from MMOs. Considering it as not a serious issue will always lead down the wrong path. Sure you may make more money in the short terms letting these things happen. Is that really something anyone wants though?If there's a will there's a way, alts can't be removed but they can be exposed. At this point it would be a lot of exposing. Like I said, I'd rather know who isn't an alt than know who is. Maybe a loyal star besides the name of players without multiple accounts under their IP. Better to reward those than punish, because in this environment it's very tempting to buy multiple accounts for use.
  14. That's exactly the problem. It's like letting IRL gold sellers run rampant in your game, they start scamming people and killing the market. After you've already gotten into the gig you will defend it, but those who know better will not be for it any alt-ing of any kind. Simply put if there was something we could actively do about alts without causing legal trouble, it would be done.
  15. 1000 players split in 4 nations is 250 per nation, some inbalance. 1000 players split in 12 nations (one being Russia) is 4 tiny nations <1% 5 medium nations ranging 3-9% of the entire population and 3 stupidly large nations ranging above 15% Point is you can't balance 12 nations.
  16. Too bad we can't do this, we can only punish those who have absolutely no shame and name their alts, and that needs to be confirmed by admins. Being a spy is O.K. in my book, it's a legitimate thing. Being an alt is not. Spying would be a risk, there is no risk being an alt as long as you don't, yourself spill the beans. Otherwise you can't just punish people who share IP. Which leads the question, is showing which accounts share IP a punishment, and for who is it punishment towards. It's not the father/son playing on the same nation is it? No. The account with multiple cross nations ties? Well it's good to know that the loyalty there may be shaky. Knowing who is not an alt is 100x more beneficial than knowing who is an alt in my opinion. It's deeply embarrassing when a new player takes his first steps out of port, Into chat, or into battle and is immediately given trial by veteran players for possibly being an alt. You can't blame the veterans either, subterfuge can destroy a nation.
  17. Alts are easily the #1 thing plaguing NA. How many suggestions are shot down "oh but alts will do this" How many new players are getting accused of being alt accounts? Ostracized and barred from clanship? Don't get it confused, alts are an exploit, and if there was a way to prevent them it would be implemented. People use alts to spy and troll and take advantage, we know very well what trouble alts can cause. We can't remove or prevent alt accounts from doing things. But we can make it known who is an alt. If you're playing with family, well you have no concern (if you're in the same nation) everyone else should be looked at with extreme scrutiny. "Why do you have ties to the opposition?"
  18. Doesn't really matter. If you're sharing IP with someone you're basically on shared accounts, whether family members or alts. This solves the paranoia and confusion, as well as persecution of many players who are believed to be alts (many new players) Alts are a cancer and are actually destroying the integrity of NA. You can't remove them but you can remove their mask.
  19. What you could do is make it so players under the same IP are reported as alts under info. That way the anonymity is lost and people will know who is an alt and who is not.
  20. Point still stands. People doing RvR (Realm v Realm) or NvN (Nation v Nation) content should not expect anything but the largest battles, by nature of what it is.
  21. Should depend on the officers you assign to each ship.
  22. Surprise has a more shallow draft than the brig I believe. That's why it and the Cerberus are shallow water ships.
  23. Instead of durability, each ship crafted should yield 2-3 ships. Ships IRL were built this way creating sister ships. That way you can take the best one for yourself, and sell off the other ones. The same effect when when had durability and once it was down to 1 people would sell their ships. Except this is more realistic.
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