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Everything posted by Brogsitter

  1. Unfortunetaly the XP and money gain was cut by another 30%. So it takes now 30% longer to level up. In addition the money from NPC fleets is not enough to cover your crew losses anymore.
  2. after some test i can state, the money and XP you get from PvE is cut by 30% too.
  3. This is doing no good and will lead to players will refuse to do PvP even more. Not sure about PvE gains, but if they were lowered too it will be way too hard for new players to level up now and to get the cash for ships, cause all the prices are through the roof. REFERT IT! :edit title:
  4. The yacht was given out for preorders.
  5. You should not remove it. Just put it right in a comment. If bet this reviewer is moaning about the missing BP for the agga and the ocean I will leave a comment, once i am home. But please consider to make all the BP available through crafting. PS : Posting from a mobile suxx
  6. If this is his opinion, he is free to post it. The devs are free to post a comment on his review. But even To think his review must be corrected is disgusting. If he got smth wrong Just put it right.
  7. Before there should be a wipe of all assets, we have to figure out, what is the best way to limit high quality ships. Wiping everything does not make any sense until there is a working mechanic.
  8. But if you are not able to implement good ideas, they become worthless.
  9. For me this would be fine, but maybe not for the majority of the players / costumers. I just want to remind, that costumers are paying your bills. The good thing on a testbed is that ppl dont have to worry about anything. I.e. On pvp1 ppl are refusing to have fair fights because they are scared to lose their pixelships. Ps: make all ships available to craft and the bps available through crafting.
  10. And thats one of the biggest problems. Here is how to solve it: Merge pvp2 with pvp1. Make pvp2 a testbed Server (maybe with a smaller map), where all the changes made to the game are implemented immediatly. This Server resets on a daily or weekly base, while every player can redeem any ship available in the game an have 100 mit. gold. Thats how you test things.
  11. If you nerf upgrades even more, you can remove them complety from the game. Better make all upgrades craftable. This will even out the odds and give the player the possibillity to individualize their ships.
  12. Yeah! The GANKFEST is coming. Honestly.... this is no good idea! NO! This will unballance the game even more. Please keep in mind, that nations are allready unballanced. This change will make the underdog nations unplayable, cause the best regions will be capped by one of the big nations immediatly. In combination with reducing the impact of upgrades it will become a game killer.
  13. just as a hint: EULA and TOS is not part of any purchase contract done in germany. If you dont believe me, ask your in house lawyer. If you dont have one, i recommend to get one, before setting up stupid rules like this one.
  14. Most horrible idea ever, cause a mechnic like in the 1st post can be massively abused for sure: 1) It allows save travelling in battles. Imagine your friend (or a second account) is draging you into a battle. In the battle your friend (or second account) is just sailing alongside with you, until you reached your destination. At the end both just leave 2) It will allow massive ganking. I.e. a fast ship - lets name him scout - tags a group of players. While he is not able to win the battle on his own, the scout just keeps the other players tagged, until his friends have taken positions outside of the battle. The scout stops tagging, runs and leaves the battle. The other players will be forced out of the post battle screen after 5 minutes just to see 25 ships on the OW waiting for them. I vote for: close this thread.
  15. The first time I like it without moaning.... except ...
  16. A possible solution: The introduction of the "Treasure Fleet" NPC fleet out of 25 ships (20 1st and 2nd rates, 5 Indiaman) each Indiaman will give 1-2 tresure chests if he was captured Only 1 fleet at a time Location of the fleet will be revealed to the players throug letters Letters are part of the loot table of normal NPC traders (1% drop chance) Letters will have a text like: A huge treasure fleet was spotted at Coquibacoa 20 minutes ago. Heading West Once the fleet is engaged by player, the locatoin of the battle will be revealed to ALL players The Battle will stay open for ALL players until the last NPC ship is defeated (or only one ship is left - like in a Death Match battle) once the fleet was defeated a new fleet will spawn. This is a quick an dirty one, but it will encourage ppl to join the battles and try to defeat the other players. It will be flexible, due to different spawn locations AND a moving target on the OW. Any feedback on this idea is highly appreciated. PS: @admin pls read your pms - this solution was sent to you about 5 days ago. The only question is: is this easy to code?
  17. Difference between raids in WoW and and this game: WoW - limited to i.e. 25 players from your raid group, while every one is on the same page NA - no limitation, every nation / player is trying to get as much as possible. Once more: I really like the ideas of big events, but this mechanic is not gonna work. It will always benefit the high populated nations. Just imagine: Spain brings 20 players, Britian brings 100 players. Take a guess how many loot Spain will get. The answer is simple as obvious: 0.
  18. High populated faction will have a big advantage, simply due to the numbers they can bring to the event. For the good of the game, get rid of this events completly - this mechanic will never work properly.
  19. The idea looks good except of some details: War should not cost any money. It may give high populated nations another big advantage. Buildings / Infrastructure should not be destroyed at all. This might raise a play to crush attitude wich is allready a problem.
  20. Having big concerns about the 1v1 / 3v3 idea. Just imagine: A big fleet of 25 1st rates is against 25 Surprises. You will end up in having 25 1v1 battles, while most of the 1st rates will probably loose. 3v3 might be better though but this will leave us in the old situation: Whoever is bringing the bigger guns will succeed. IDEA: Why not testing BR limitation for Open Water Battles like: If the BR difference is less than 10% the battle will close. If the difference is bigger than 10% it will stay open.
  21. The social perk gives the community to implement an option, wich was taken out of the game a while ago, because the community disliked it. The given reason was: PvP is broken, because the timeframe players were able to join a battle is way too long. The long timeframe opens the window for massive ganks. The social perk indeed does open this window again. It will be quite funny to see massive ganking fleet hiding while a tagging fleet is luring the enemy. Good job devs. Found sarcasm? Keep it!
  22. I purpose: Remove all Santis and Victories except 1.... everything else is non realistic.
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