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Everything posted by zaba

  1. Yes the Ruskies did it pretty easy in Veracruz..... until the battle crashed and they lost even with almost every AI ship sunken far from the circles.... I think that wind direction would be the key in this battles. In Remedios we had almost no chance to catch one of the groups in time.... (and not enough ships 😅)
  2. Actually done. Have you not seem them? Remedios BR = 18000 ¡¡Boom!! Hard work isn't it? It seems like admin thinks that problems are solved with this...
  3. Totally agree. It's supposed to be a released game, I even think it could be a reason for refund, this is not what I bought
  4. For tastes the colors but.... If this is the way I want dragons, the kraken (and I am not talking here about any clan mate's wife 😂 ) and the Dave Jones phantom fleet... f**ck the game to the end, don't let the work half done
  5. Seeing these inventions... I want hire a fireball-launcher wizard and two dragons... Next patch would be even idio.... I mean grater. Seriously, only can see some logic in this whole patch of the goal is get everybody leaving the game voluntarily.... So nobody complains when you shut down the server. If the goal is save money without claims from players, we'll done.... otherwise, only can explain it as a decision made during the worst hangover of your life... And we saw things like the fine woods, I mean, the bar was very high, it even seemed impossible to overcome it but... some wise man spoke long ago about the only two infinite things we know and here we have a fabulous example of one of them
  6. Ok but, why asking THREE F**CKING TIMES if we can´t..... sure is not difficult to code one line to check this and no trolling us And still it's a shit mechanic. Do I have to waste my time because a few do not know or do not want to read and click like robots? What about all those bullshit of risk on the war server? If you are a useless amoeba are you exempt? I´m a bit salty with thing, i know, i know....
  7. Another clever game mechanic here 😡 We can´t close an outpost with ships in the docks even if we dont´mind lose those boats... good one.... it is not enough to have lost a port .... they also request that we lose hours to recover that outpost (possibly one of the scarce and valuable resources for any player) What I do not understand is... If we cannot close an outpost while there is a boat on the docks, why the hello kittying hell do they ask me three times if I want to do it before telling me that I will not be able to do so until I get those boats out of there? Just "the game" trolling us... again... Rigth?
  8. zaba

    Lost Ships

    I have seen this same ship in my dock for a few seconds after a teleport a couple of times replacing the first one on the list.... then everything went back to normal. Seems a placeholder used when the game can´t find the data of the ship
  9. Lo de ir a la capital a campear novatos está mu feo... si encima lloriqueas cuando sale cualquiera que lleva un poco de tiempo jugando y te hunde, ya empieza a ser ridículo, que a algunos se os llena la boca de PvP hasta que estáis al otro lado del gankeo. No quiero imaginar que pasará cuando sea la IA la que te gankee cerca de la capital, que a esos no les puedes hacer pucheritos por el chat
  10. Ojo, cuidao... puede parecer y ser un poco rastrero hundir a alguien en un basic cutter pero.... si es un jugador con un rango relativamente alto y dependiendo de donde te lo encuentres puede ser más rentable que hundir un primera. Algunos basic cuter mueven mercancías más valiosas que las del furgón del Dioni. Yo a veces pruebo suerte también jejejeje
  11. THIS IS GREAT... I feel like him thinking in a 25 1º rate fireships PB fleet
  12. Bueno.... veremos esos primeras sin bonus de puerto, fir/fir y un solo upgrade posible... ahora ya podemos ir todos con primeras a la PZ como reverse lol
  13. Eso es otra cosa que también han anunciado, independiente de la paja mental esta de los ataques a puerto de los NPC. Y en principio si es parecido a las banderas para grupos de hasta 6 jugadores. La idea no me parece mala, pero como dijo Clearco, con la cantidad de alters que hay en el juego es posible que acabe en un fracaso.
  14. Me gustaría saber que droga toma esta gente para pensar que esto va a mejorar el juego de alguna manera y/o solucionar alguno de los problemas que tiene.
  15. Hiding in their main time ? You know that you are playing with people from australia and NZ ? Less crying and learn to live with what we have... One server, global timers
  16. Me acabas de quitar la ilusión 😭. Ingenuo de mí no había pensado en las miles de formas de trolleo posibles. Tienes toda la razón, visto así los raids van a durar bien poco 😂 ¿Pero lo de las batallas abiertas durante 10 minutos en las PZ lo habían anunciado antes en algún sitio?
  17. A mi personalmente los Raids no me disgustan. Puede ser algo entretenido, sobre todo al principio, aunque sea contra la IA por lo menos hará que haya bastante movimiento alrededor de esos puertos. Lo de los ataques a puertos de los NPC son las fine woods 2.0 y lo peor de todo es que lo van a poner a pesar de la avalancha de quejas que han tenido solo con anunciarlo.... Y ya que han cerrado este hilo del tribunal, lo pongo aquí: Anunciaron el cambio en las ROE... pero lo de los 10 minutos.... ¿se lo acaban de sacar de la manga verdad? Porqué yo es la primera vez que lo veo, es más, Ink había dicho unas horas antes que lo revisarían el Lunes.... En fin, no queda otra que intentar disfrutar del juego mientras dure.
  18. Will there be a Raid chest by port and day? Or will each mission generate its own Raid chest? that is, can 8 or 10 Raid chest leave the same port on the same day? If yes, will they all carry the same reward?
  19. Ai exists in films. In the real world we only have scripts. Even more, lot of times neither do you find the I in human players
  20. Don´t know but.... looks like another total success like the fine woods one... with this game, sometimes, i feel like i´m in a loop in time.... The Groundhog Day.
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