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Everything posted by Grimmbit

  1. That moment right before you fire that last broadside into the last ship in the final exam.
  2. Honestly though, not to sound like a debby downer, but the man has a point. As much as I love this game for the realism and whatnot; its a game. If you just play this game casually, unless you're in a highly populated clan with crafters popping ships out constantly and giving them away; then yeah, its pretty shitty. I honestly prefer to play by myself on the account of a lot of clans are quite snobbish and have sticks up their ass. I'm working on going to school to be a pilot and I don't have the time to no life this game like I used to so its kinda a bit suckish. I'm not quitting the game, I'm just gonna wait and see what happens I suppose.
  3. I'm down, we can make it into one of those "magical moments" of Naval Action history
  4. I wanna be a gun crew captain!
  5. I'm currently trying to see if since I am the head of a pirate clan that isn't growing very fast if I could make allies with some other nation clans as a free agent, if you will. We'd be willing to screen for port battles and maybe even for a small fee even escort some clan's traders to various ports. If any clans are interested just let me know! Also we will be on PVP1!
  6. Okay so here's the deal, We aren't really an Armada.... YET. I'm here to recruit any Newcomers and any veteran players that enjoy partaking in some high seas piracy. we have a Discord (ask and ye shall recieve) and will be a heavily PVP orientated clan. We have high level crafters and if you're new we will accommodate you with a ship..... possibly. So come sail with us on the test bed until the wipe!
  7. -Go on Steam -Right click Naval action -scroll down to properties -Click on the Betas tab -paste FcaH2KzZXutz into the bar - Click check code -select test bed in the drop down menu in betas let it load and you're in the test bed
  8. No no you're right I agree with you completely. I mean if they want a break they can have their break until the wipe. The Devs said the wipe would occur around the 19th of this month and the game says ETA is around the end of the month. I was just gauging to see what everyone's thoughts were give or take on just running some clan events and such through the test bed seeing as how we might be about a week away from the wipe (hopefully). that way it does give newer players that may have been just recruited a chance to see what its like working with that clan strategy wise, plus since everyone has different schedules they could schedule training days with those available.
  9. So I've been following along on the forums and realized most if not all of you are "taking a break" until the wipe because there's "nothing to gain" if the wipe will be happening shortly. Now level with me here, everything's getting wiped, including all of the ports you've all fought so hard over. Instead of just taking a break, especially those of you in clans; why not take advantage of this time on the test bed server and start going over your formations for port battles and such. I mean they do give you a lot of ships after all. Think of this time as the preseason for football or something. As Benjamin Franklin once said "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.".
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