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Everything posted by Diggled

  1. I feel like this is add just another layer to the logistics and bog the game down even more, it's already slow enough paced. It already takes too much time to do what you want to do with how teleport cooldowns and time to sail places, this makes it even slower?
  2. good to hear! I would love to see some ideas from other games. Being able to dictate the number, being able to schedule jobs or have it run at another time/set aside hours etc.
  3. I dont really like this system as it places way too much power AND responsibility in the hand of an individual. Those people not only have to manage port timers but now a whole bunch of other stuff. i would much rather a guilds that own ports have a % vote of parliament so their votes in parliament reflect their influence over the world. Perhaps guilds could combine together in a way to form parties or factions within a nation. And I would much rather have a national VOTE to determine ruler, instead of just who has the most people helping them capture ports and no life. Perhaps down the road we could add some sort of military dictatorship or something. Leaders are the ones who hold sway with their words, not swords/guns/ships. They should not be the ones down in the trenches capturing ports and buying flags, but rather rallying their comrades.
  4. in favor of anything that stops hiding dock jumpers without instituting NannyState BR limits
  5. Sorry to say but PotBS unrest and port flip mechanic worked pretty damn well for making hotspots & fronts. Since travel is so slow in this game, there has to be advance notice for fights so people can get ready and get stuff to the fight, noone wants ghost caps. A combination of pulling a flag and having to plant it, and then 1-2 days of some sort of mini battles before the actual big battle would be nice. I do like the idea of longer more contested battles, harkening back to the early days of Alterac Valley in WoW, back and forth mini-missions and fun times.
  6. You might wanna brush up on your marine biology, whales dont live in warm water (only give birth there), those are manatees HAH
  7. Honestly thats not a concern at all. This game is in alpha, its going to change and evolve. Devs just need to give a few weeks notice to a larger change like this.
  8. Ship builders should be absolutely dependent on others to do their work, to prefab parts or gather resources. Building ships should not be an independent act by any means whatsoever. They need to ditch the whole double xp for crafting ships and maybe give shipyards a discount on labor, but take up more building plots. We do need is more variety of buildings besides just resource harvesters
  9. So charge a maintenance fee, not a giant upfront sink...spread the cost out over time. Lower the barrier for newer players
  10. CLEARY you missed the point. You dont need ship storage, teleport & warehouse ability at every port. You should be able to spread your resources/infrastructure out if you wish. NA basically forces you to use Outposts as forward operating bases, when typically you only need 1/3 of the abilities/functions they provide...that gets expensive
  11. if you want fair neutered fights, go play an e-arena game and get out of a REALM vs REALM game. War is not fair, get used to it.
  12. 8 hour windows & 24-48 hour notice depending on the size of the town or attacking force!
  13. how about addressing the root cause and not this very poorly thought out bandaid fix. Dump players out of instances immediately after battle concludes. Also, auto-retire (boot from instance) anyone who has the ability to punch out after X amount of time say 2-5 so they cant sail around. You can also limit battle times based on BR of the teams. So someone cant just sit there and put 1 round in a traders sail every minute to keep themselves in a fight. Also, get rid of invisibility unless you are coming out of your own nations port. You could also replacie invisibility timer with rooting attacking side in place for that amount of time.
  14. Any chance of moving maintenance back 1-2 hours? it a pretty early cut off for North American late nite players in Central thru Pacific time zones compared to other MMO's
  15. I'm definitely in favor of 24-48 hour notice for port battles, so we can actually use that time to get logistics in place and actually have FIGHTS. And a better system to join has to be put in place than the click faster than 25 other guys. Unrest system from PotBS worked great. So far the PotBS mechanics for PB's was far superior. I cant ever recall going to an uncontested PB in PotBS, yet 9/10 PB's I've gone to in NA have been devoid of defenders. When the Land Patch hits, it may improve slightly, but far better mechanics than 'blast x # of towers' needs to be in play. Since we dont have Avatar combat like PotBS, perhaps we could employ the boarding mechanic for port ground attacks once you get in close enough. Different captains combine or split their landing parties and decide how to attack the town. Will the enemy port put resources into stopping your ships before they hit land or killing you once you've landed. Do you fit your ships for naval combat or bring more marines/boarding parties to hit up the ground defenses?
  16. Your point would be kinda moot if they fixed the timer aspects of Port Battles. 1 hour + small battle windows = boring ghost caps. With a game as slow paced as this, there HAS to be advanced notice for port battles. PotBS had 24hr notice and that worked out great, I cant even recall an uncontested port capture, vs NA I've had enemies in 1 out of the 10 port battles I've gone to. Ghost Caps, as they're called in Planetside 2, are god aweful boring for both teams. If they ever add in ability to automate your ships moving around outposts, that would help alot. As it stands, logistics is killing fun gameplay for port battles. I would hope that devs plan to introduce 24-48 hour notice for port battles and also open up the attack windows to at least 8 hrs out of the day.
  17. I dont think any of this is going to happen until they work out some sort of system that you have more than half a days notice to get stuff out of a captured port. Noone is going to risk large scale production in backwater areas that can easily be captured by enemy. I'd like to know what plans the devs have for trading at other factions ports or even setting up your production there and how it fits into war/peace diplomacy patch. Will I be able to setup production on allied nations ports? Trade with any other national port as long as we arent at war? Perhaps a blockade running mini-game/instance to get in and out of captured ports?
  18. 1 character is a bit too limiting and prevents dynamic team changing if your team becomes unfun. However with multiple characters, there needs to be a serious restriction/cooldown on how often you can switch between them. I think 24-48 hours should be absolute minimum, but would prefer to see something closer to a week
  19. nice guides, but for some reason my brain cant comprehend them and they seem upside down to me. I just vertically flipped them in paint and they work better. links or posts of the images with easy download access would be nice, so I dont have to screenshot from forums
  20. 2nd'ed. Need ports to be worth fighting over and resources need to be more varied & scattered. Would also be nice to have ship building limited by some sort of port resource as well ala PotBS's system of harbor & deep harbor mechanics.
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