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Chandler Latham

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Everything posted by Chandler Latham

  1. Agreed. For the Leopard DLC to be available "in November" (as we were originally told), it would have to be released either today or tomorrow (Saturday). If it's not going to be released in November, someone needs to come out and say "it's not going to be released in November."
  2. It would seem those fingers being crossed were unsuccessful. Unless they intend to drop a DLC on a Saturday.
  3. So much for the Leopard DLC coming in November, unless they plan to introduce it tomorrow (Saturday).
  4. I have the same question. There is a high amount of interest in the appearance of this vessel, if the daily inquiries in the PvE GB national chat are anything to judge by. The last information we had, however, was "sometime this month." That's a fairly broad window.
  5. Thank you for the pointers on the clans. I'll see about tracking down some people to speak with. As to the number of enemies online during low ebb times, I did realize going into this that I would probably run into that issue. I'm not a morning person, however, so I usually work the afternoon 1330-2230 shift. Which is why my week day online hours are so wonky. Thanks for the question: I hadn't thought about it when I made my original post. Trade and missions are my usual playstyle but I'm looking to get engaged more with hunting (probably on the weekends, when my hours are more my own and not dictated by work). I'll keep your offer in mind, as well.
  6. Hello All, As the message says, I'm a U.S. player (EST, GMT -5) looking for a clan to call home. Owing to my work schedule, I'm particularly interested in clans in the British or Dutch nations with an active presence on either PvP 1 or 2 during late-night hours (2330-0230 my time) - but not to worry, on the weekends I keep more reasonable hours. I've been playing Naval Action since January and am extremely familiar with the sailing, combat, and economic mechanics of the game (in other words: not a rookie). Looking forward to hearing from clans with open slots on their roster. Stewart Latham
  7. I think this should merit consideration, given how very little attention is being paid to the server overall. As I have pointed out elsewhere, the PvE server often gets the "short end of the stick" when it comes to implementation of new mechanics and features - most of which seem to be ill-thought-out with consideration to promoting activity on that server and retention of an active player base.
  8. When someone asks "what does the pray button do?" in nat'l chat on the PvE server.
  9. I would personally like to see a feature added that is specifically targeted to the PvE server. Judging by what I've seen in British national chat, a strong portion of the PvE playerbase feels the same way.
  10. On which server? If your response is "all of them," then no. Why does the PvE server consistently get the short end of the stick because the PvP'ers decided to whine and complain?
  11. I'm not so sure about this. Yesterday I fished up a bottle while going to a mission, then came up with another bottle while returning to port (after looting the first wreck), and then came up with a third bottle while taking a frigate on a long-range (about 50 minutes) trip to a remote outpost of mine. Today I moved a different ship to the outpost for some trader hunting and was surprised to find yet another bottle in the hold when I arrived at my destination (the joys of afk sailing). My luck with bottles has never been this good before.
  12. I have to say that I agree with the idea of a treasure fleet, but to be fair anything would be better than what happened today.
  13. The only naval MMO I've seen different from this, in recent memory, was Pirates of the Burning Sea. Given that the devs have suggested they are trying to make a better game than PotBS, I'm starting to wonder just what their experiences in that game were like. Were they pirates solely in the red all the time, or did they do missions as well?
  14. Is there any intent, at this point, to deploy items that are specifically-intended to boost activity on the PvE server (such as missions involving more than "go here, shoot this")? The only items, with an effect on PvE, that are listed in the original post are ones which seem primarily intended to affect the PvP server - PvE being an afterthought or footnote.
  15. Another item with no effect on the PvE server? O lawd, say it ain't so!
  16. I'm not sure why you're having issues, but I tested a tack through the wind in my Bucentaure. From an angle of 45 degrees off the wind going four knots I can turn through the wind without going into reverse, or getting caught in irons, and usually emerging from the turn with about a knot of speed (which quickly rises). Might I suggest angling the sails on your foremast to have the wind "push" your bow around? I do this frequently, both when tacking and when I'm trying to come away from a close-hauled angle on the wind, and it works quite well.
  17. Confirming that I also have the Santa Cecilia BP. It appears to be level-based (level 28 crafting).
  18. Was I the only one who was annoyed by the navigation map music after a couple playthroughs? I'd normally agree with you, but I made it a point to linger in that menu as little as possible because the music got so repetitive.
  19. Tough. If you didn't want people commenting on your whining, you shouldn't have posted on the forums. Now, as to your economic problems it's called being adaptable and diversifying. If your economic niche is being crowded out, move into something else. I went from selling oak logs to a port, to selling planks to players, to moving into medium carriage production, because the first two options were gradually being crowded out by other players. The sense I get here is that you're unwilling to do this and would instead like the devs to bend over backwards to accommodate narrow-minded inflexible individuals like yourself. Good luck with that.
  20. I'm sorry, but I don't get where you're going with this.
  21. I'm entirely in favor of keeping the fleets on the PvE server. I can't speak for PvP since I rarely (if ever) play there.
  22. I like the patch, but the bottle drop rate bug still has to be addressed. There are still frequent reports of people getting six bottles (or more) a day.
  23. Don't feel bad. A clan mate received 6 (and counting) so far today, and I've received zero.
  24. I'm fairly certain the "lower" bottle drop rate is not working as intended. There are reports from British national chat (on the US PvE server) of a bottle drop every 2-3 hours for some players, and even higher for other individuals, while other players are getting none in the same time span. Edit: At this point I can confirm the mechanic is broken. There are reports of people getting multiple bottles in a period of as little as 10 minutes, while others are getting none.
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