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Chandler Latham

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Everything posted by Chandler Latham

  1. I'm glad to know it isn't just me. I haven't touched my settings for several weeks, however: it just ... started. Without my doing anything, apparently.
  2. Good morning. Apologies in advance if this issue has already been reported: I looked and didn't see anything, so I hope I'm not beating a dead horse. I've recently encountered an issue with the loading screen becoming inverted prior to entering battles. This problem first began last Sunday (01 May). The screen returns to the proper configuration (my neck is quite thankful) when the battle loads, but I'm slightly concerned that this problem might some day continue into a battle. I've attached three screenshots (god bless Steam and F12) to this message for confirmation, along with a dxdiag report on my machine's configuration and setup. DxDiag.txt
  3. Wave action seems to have quite the effect on the Surprise, which was something of a nasty awakening after the Cerberus. I've found myself more than once timing broadsides for when the broadside is either in the trough between waves or stable for those few seconds I need to crank out some manual fire - which usually involves cannonballs skimming whitecaps.
  4. There are clans, and there are group activities. Finding a clan requires going out and looking for one, or getting invited. (I was invited to mine after sailing with them for a couple battles.) With regards to group activities, Post-Captain and Flag Captain missions are, from what I hear (as a Master and Commander), impossible or extremely difficult to run alone. There are also larger AI fleets, found near Cuba and Haiti, that put anything found inside Jamaican waters to shame.
  5. +1 I've seen some comments in PvE NA British national chat suggesting the wind is randomized, but I've yet to see it. Every time I'm on the OS, it always seems to shift in a continuous counterclockwise direction.
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