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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. the only thing what is needed is access to a building for everyone if there is one player who makes a product there is from that point on .... an economy and value and not what we have now, a product what is available for one nation ,and the rest can go to hell it stinks it is possible for a polish person to have a barbershop in France or England Gibraltar cape corn Cabo the la vela or whatever island.even in the old days and especially in the Caribbean area were there where more nationalities than islands it's favoritism what we have now...
  2. we need real economy and no AI, traders get rid of the contract idiotery make the stuff yourself instead of rng drops of goods to the highest bidder and if we continue with the ai trader for dropping instant goods..... make it 100 times the base price (that will change your mind) if you want goody goody stuff sail for it an build it at your factories it stinks and is lame at the same time lubricate money favoritism especially when the goods factories are at the middle (favored clans) of the fighting area..(i know areas where there is really nothing of value) thats why we need a drastic change sometimes it seems the lower part of the map is below the lower edge of the development screen when they make an issue of the buildings and goods the same goes for ships i bed they can not even put a finger on the map if you ask them were Portugal is or holland , but hopefully, that will change
  3. found an interesting website about pirate flags https://wikiflags.com/jolly-roger-and-the-pirate-flags/ first jolly roger Known as Jolly Roger the first pirate flags were colored red and imitating the color of blood. It is not known exactly why this name but the most accepted theory is that it can come from the French words, Jolie Rouge. Means lovely red and that eventually led to Jolly Roger in English.
  4. we need better armed traders with good guns like the zevene proven that will keep the pirates away even back i those days they asked for more armed traders, here in NA we all do the same , but the present admiralty seems deaf
  5. point 1...True ( if ) point 2...True ( if ) pont 3...True ( if ) point 4...WRONG---/// you are in a wrong clan... if you are in a good clan....you do not go sail solo but with clan mates to do the trading routes (2). you ask clan mates to trade nice upgrades and book among them selfs. (3) and you and your clan mates go out in a group to do the same your enemies do (3) and if you want to go alone, you go alone whatever you want. so you see its all about joining a good clan... but, if you stay more alone yeah its very hard to play...
  6. when a ship is called the Essex it should have historically been fitted out otherwise, we screw up history if a ship does not have the historical fit why don't they give it a self-invented name like "Arcadia" or something like that or that the Dutch have no ships in the Carribean and the protegees do not even exist, its a screw-up form here to Tokyo. just saying ah yes, it's a dream...
  7. i and many more don't care about money... o.0 i settle for 50%
  8. first of all Thank you for the Development plans for the H2 2018 also I want to tell you just a little remark on the "happy player ", all of my active members of the clan (and many more nationwide) read the topics in the forum and are more or less aware of the changes (pronounced on the forum) and topics on the forum, some are happy and some have remarks (that is a bit on the topic) but do not make it public on the forum. those are the guys and girls you have no track off, but i can assure you they are involved in some way. second. the year 2018 has still 4 months to go and not 6 perhaps you have something in your sleeve for January and February you did not share at this moment. third. i don't think this is a forum like anybody else his forum, we are different. and we do care, perhaps you have collected so many salts that you can sprinkle salt in the winter for the entire season, and i can tell you, if you hang on to it... the warm summer will come early, and that salt fades away. fourth. ( i cannot resist asking. sorry..) any news on a Dutch vessel in the future (i still get sea sickness on those foreign vessels) typical dutch the song/das lied / in german in deutch
  9. I just like the way you act. at some point, you can take and claim your victory by a draw..(it happened many times in the age of sail) its called a tactical victory (but hard to implement i guess) 5 stars
  10. what i do know is that the Dutch navy was one of the last navy s who used the lateen on their big ships (look at latest big ship 7 provinces) but it was more a stubborn attitude from the contractors (conservative attitude)who had a saying in the sail plan than it was used at that time of knowledge about the sail plan for the big ships.
  11. well many navy used the reguin . not only pirates even nationl russian navy and spanish navy used it. even today fishing ships (somali pirats) are used as pirate vessels Xebec is also written as xebeck, xebe(c)que, zebec(k), zebecque, chebec, shebeck (/ʃɪˈbɛk/); from (Catalan: xebec, French: chabec, now chebec, Spanish: xabeque, now jabeque, Portuguese: enxabeque, now xabeco, Italian: sciabecco, zambecco, stambecco, Greek: σεμπέκο, sebeco Ligurian: sciabécco, Arabic: شباك‎, šabbāk and Turkish: sunbeki) Words similar in form and meaning to xebec occur in Catalan, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic and Turkish. The Online Etymology Dictionary regards the Arabic shabbak (meaning "a small warship") as the source form, however the Arabic root means 'a net', implying the word originally referred to a fishing boat. The Spanish jabeque had only lateen sails, as portrayed in the Cazador. The Spanish Crown built Cazador in the mid-eighteenth century to fight Algerian corsairs (privateers) in the Mediterranean. Algerian corsairs also used three-lateen-sail xebecs in their raids on Mediterranean trade.
  12. huh...o.0 ...sinking amp o.0 ? who did that? ,who did it ? that was our oak ! (*&^%$**)
  13. i agree (in most parts) totally what you say good analysis
  14. for us nothing. we got a port by accident. it actually was agreed for another clan but for some reason, that clan did not have the numbers on the moment the port became free to make hostility and ended up in a claim . we as a nation did not agree upon, so i would give it away for free . we need the "sell option "(only port owner) only because perhaps you want gold for it, or maybe not and give it away. I don't need calculations. also when transferring ownership its just a server data issue, and has nothing to do with the lord protector victory point subsystem. lord protectors in the nation are still lord protectors from that port, that has nothing to do with the rulers of the port and ownership. (they become shareholders at some point, who got victory point as there income) they only lose that income if there is a hostile attack or a nation switch perhaps there also should be made a shareholder sell option(victory point claim) as well, you can have more ports ...where you as a player have a victory point claim upon. (perhaps you do not need it also something else in this game only national ports and some big other port generate gold where the national port generate nothing for a clan and the rest of the 300+ port generate nothing, that's a flaw in the setup for trade and generating tax from ports as well ( that needs an overhaul as well in a new trade update )
  15. well if it stays in the same nation its not a big of a problem i think small clans can than have a port to
  16. cant we have just sell a port option to own nation clan its much easier instead of mobilizing the whole nation and do a time-consuming routine with no real fight at all..
  17. well, not take away disengage that is still something that needs to stay... but a change is needed...to make it a complete game like i said, it has a loose end. lets have a brainstorm on this one...
  18. thanks, i would gladly use the perk. but just a little remark to my post just a little example 3 ships in a fight 2 enemy Hercules and a heavy frigate every ship is in the battle and every ships hull is at 50% hull i put my prep up to board the other vessel who is hugging me. and i manage to get below 3.5 knots and we are in the boarding game at that point, i am in a boarding game with a Hercules 1 vs 1 i cannot control the guns to fire at the other vessel who is at the other side of me , who popped up from the back of the boarded vessel and shoots my hull the fight is an even fight and the outcome is still a guess for the both of us. suddenly my hull is completely shot away by the other vessel, and i am making water. and the water level is almost full suddenly the disengage button is activated and in 4 even rounds fighting to the death the boarding fight is done at that point, i know that going back to my vessel is impossible and have to fight further to get my hands on the enemy vessel.(my crew is desperate now) but he used the disengage button and had control of all my man commanding to stop boarding and send them to davy johns locker and i as a captain are torpedoed to a port that's lame... its the same as using the atomic bomb were he is immortal and can't be affected by radiation and all others are dead it's a loose end. a solution might be: or the second ship is not allowed to interfere and cannot shoot at me because it is a dedicated fight in a boarding fight between 1vs1 or the fight cannot be disengaged because one of the ships is sinking and have to fight to the dead triggered by the sinking of one of the ships. ps. to all the NO. mods and kids.......what is NO for a discussion..... can't you read or write like i do ..don't you have an opinion. like anybody else. i can not agree to the answer NO ...so come back here and give me an explanation pls. its a serious discussion for the future of the boarding game, what a special game in the battle game.
  19. its rng, hours do not count i think some have 2 bottles in 2 hours, and some have 2 bottles in 4 months
  20. it would help, if we reduced almost every port by 50% br
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