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Posts posted by Thonys

  1. 6 hours ago, Oli Garchy said:

     unless you had a spare fleet perk it would be impossible to have an indiaman in your fleet pick up loot.....plus that doesnt exactly help a new player who captures their first ship....

    The counterpart - and the discriminating AI.

    I agree with you... at some point .(but there is more to it)[Feedback thingy]


    ha yes.... the fleet perk and the restrictions....-/ and crew restrictions / and the complete unfairness...(for a player .)

    let me make a nice forum post about that very extreme discriminating feature.(coming soon)

    and the ,....(it make no sense) of that completely undeveloped  mechanic...(at some point it's annoying for everyone , what makes you unaware ...why.... you want to leave the game  at some point. ) 

    or at least think the overloaded ship is a problem  !!! ... 

    also there is no need to attack developpement about it.... it is basic coding for further implementation of the perk mechanic and further other development issues.    ( but it needs feedback)




  2. What is it with you guys....... all brainless...(7 LIKeS?)

    you take your own indiaman in fleet with you :)

    problem solved...

    and if you don't have a fleet ship...dont wine ........be happy ......now you have a choice what you can take ....

    and you have something to give away to some other captain in the battle...


    be happy there is loot in the first place...(come to dutch territory and you get NOTHING.)


    • Like 1
  3. The sleeve of development.

    I am sure (expanded )Trade (ukrainian grain to another town)[trade items in port] will give good reviews. so that's one card behind the sleeve.

    second card >>> a Dutch ship..

    third card >>> balanced BR rating for ships and ports..

    and forth card>>> at the end of the horizon there is a light ...it's called a lighthouse :)  ( just like building a tower [1point] and only works when it is dark[ like captain's cabin] or heavy weather )

    fifth card >>>  the " battle" of the sails (the atomic bomb for NA) 

    sixth card >>> balanced out dlc forger (rank reduction on switch [one rank])


    this would make many many many  reviews lies. @admin



    • Like 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, RKY said:

    because you keep ranting about game mechanics, game potential game this game that. Just play the damn game and enjoy things as they are.

    the developers are taking you on a journey, don't discuss it. go along with it and enjoy it. this community is so rotten, it is insane.

    and what a journey it is.

    remember .....wood will rot in the end.


    De slag om Rio Seco 10.27.2019

    Aanvallers van Rio Seco: Verenigde Staten van Amerika (hierna de VS genoemd), 11 slagschepen van de 1e rang (waaronder 4 Santissima, de rest voornamelijk Victoria), 1 vaas, 1 shebek. BR 10k

    . BR 10.1k (onvolledige bemanningen op ongeveer 1 vluchten).

    De bondgenoten van de Verenigde Staten waren de troepen van het Russische rijk, die, vóór het begin van de hoofdstrijd, de Sisisisisisisisisisisisyskst gebruik makend van de afwezigheid van een georganiseerd detachement van de piraten, deze Amerikaanse troepen trokken vrijelijk de strijd aan vanuit het noorden oostelijke, windwaartse kant van Rio Seco. Onder deze omstandigheden bevalen de piratencommandanten de 1e commandant om de haven te verlaten en een gevecht aan te gaan nabij de noordelijke zone B, deels vechtend met een krachtig fort. De opdracht werd uitgevoerd met een sterke tegenwind, die enkele grote piratenschepen met een abnormale afdaling arriveerde. Twee slagschepen van de 3e rang piraten bezetten zone A en bedekten twee Martell-torens met vuur. Shebek, die samen met de hoofdtroepen de strijd aanging, kreeg opdracht om zone B binnen te gaan,


    Het verloop van de strijd:

    Wind die de noordelijke zone aanvalt In de VS-troepen, met 2 klassieke Nelson-kolommen, wilden ze een dubbele piratenformatie doorsnijden, van de kust naar een steile windwind. Ongeveer 10 minuten na het begin van de strijd ontvingen de piratencommandanten een signaal “megalodon pondondond

    De piraat Santissima, die aan de lijzijde van de hoofdlijn met de wind mee ging, gehoorzaamde de bestelling niet (ze riskeerde 'gefocust' te zijn) en draaide de overstag om en passeerde onder de dekking van de piratenlijn. Daar werd een volley in de lucht afgeschoten op een van de drie US terminal 1-vluchten (Ocean), werd een overschrijding gemaakt en werden er nog twee volle luchtvliegtuigen afgeschoten op dezelfde Ocean. Onvolledige bemanningstraining (een schutterij encyclopedie in een enkele open sleuf) werd gecompenseerd door 2 hangmatten op batterijdekken en het aantal Santissima-bemanningsleden vergroot tot 1208 mensen. Als resultaat van 3 volleys, werd de zijkant van de Amerikaanse oceaan gebroken, wendde zich af naar het noordoosten en wendde zich tot de wind, ontving de oceaan van Santissima een destructief longitudinaal salvo in de achtersteven. De piraat Santissima, verblijf tegen 4 1 Amerikaanse tarieven,

    Tegelijkertijd namen de belangrijkste Amerikaanse strijdkrachten, die de piraten in een lineair gevecht ontmoetten, een riskante stap: een van hun ontstoken slagschepen explodeerde. De explosie veroorzaakte ernstige verliezen voor de meeste Amerikaanse schepen, waardoor hun bemanningen werden teruggebracht tot 500-700 mensen. Piratenschepen hebben bijna niet geleden. N al

    Na het achtervolgen van de piraten door de gehavende Amerikaanse vloot was Vase Santissima klaar



    From a non-wiki user)

    The battle of Rio Seco 10.27.2019

    Attackers of Rio Seco: United States of America (hereinafter referred to as the USA), 11 battleships of the 1st rank (including 4 Santissima, the rest mainly Victoria), 1 Vase, 1 shebek. BR 10k

    . BR 10.1k (incomplete crews on some 1 flights).

    The allies of the United States were the forces of the Russian Empire, which, before the start of the main battle, the Sisisisisisisisisisisisisyskst Taking advantage of the absence of an organized detachment from the pirates, these main US forces freely entered the battle from the north-eastern, windward side of Rio Seco. Under these conditions, the pirate commanders ordered the 1st commander to leave the port and engage in battle near the northern zone B, partly sweeping with a powerful fort. The order was executed with a strong headwind, which arrived some large pirate ships with an abnormal descent. Two battleships of the 3rd rank pirates occupied zone A, covering with fire two Martell towers. Shebek, who entered the battle along with the main forces, was ordered to enter zone B,


    The course of the battle:

    Wind attacking the northern zone In the US forces, with 2 classic Nelson columns, they intended to cut through a double pirate formation, going from the coast to a steep badewind. Approximately 10 minutes after the start of the battle, the pirate commanders received a signal “metolodon pondondond

    The pirate Santissima, who was heading downwind on the leeward side of the main line, did not obey the order (she risked being “focused”) and, turning the overstag, passed under the cover of the pirate line at its end. There, an airborne volley was fired from it at one of the three US terminal 1 flights (Ocean), an overshoot was made and 2 more full airborne volleys were fired at the same Ocean. Incomplete crew training (a gannery encyclopedia in a single open slot) was compensated by 2 hammocks mounted on battery decks and increasing the number of Santissima's crew to 1208 people. As a result of 3 volleys, the side of the US Ocean was broken, turning away to the northeast and turning to the wind, the Ocean received from Santissima a destructive longitudinal salvo in the stern. The pirate Santissima, staying against 4 1 US rates,

    At the same time, the main US forces, which met with the pirates in a linear battle, took a risky step: one of their set fire to the battleships exploded. The explosion inflicted severe losses to most US ships, reducing their crews to 500-700 people. Pirate ships almost did not suffer. N a l

    Following the pirates' pursuit of the battered US fleet, Vase Santissima was finished

    • Like 3
  6. 10 minutes ago, JoeForKyo said:

    That would be because it doesn't work on the PVE server. Or, to be more precise, nor me neither anyone I've met so far has managed to get it to work. And to be honest, if Loki Rune is your idea of fair pvp..


    and ,

                          fair is only fair.... when it is rewarded ....and notified .(so there is something to work on [ Combat News asked for a better notification] )

    • Like 1
  7. well i don't know what's the fuss all about..

    i have not got a loki rune.... (yet)  and i will not use one either (i have my own ship to sail)

    besides, what's the point..... you gain nothing ...

                                                                                       (i was not even aware i sunk a player  lol.)


    other loki s are more important,.. like ....:

    - i would rather see good economics and trade update for the game .

    - and new ships.

    - and nice balanced outposts in various br ratings.

    - more control of the building capability of your own port. (endless growth by investments)

    - bonus xp for first battle this day per ship.(so every ship is used instead of wasa all day)

    - bonus on fighting a player (x3) bonus on fighting multiple ships in one battle.

    - better balance on xp when fighting on smaller ships (those fights are more intense than fighting on a big ship and those fight are undervalued (7&6 rate)  )

    -less RNG.(shooting)

    - more port slots.

    - more ui options.

    - capability to work on your economy during sailing

    - better leaderboard.

    - Combat News asked for a better notification (by introduction of loki)

    - better mission use mechanic. (instead of clicking cm missions restriction)


    and much more.


    just a small portion of what is more important... than a loki wish.....



    BUT: we all have to give credit to development it is a one of a kind ...

    it is distinctive and can t be found in a game.  of this kind of game...

    so i do understand the development.


    that's why it feels odd and controversial.

    so stop whining about it ... if you don't like it... don't use it.


    quote of the day ;

    Gold is not Gold , if you are not willing to use it. @admin


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