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Posts posted by Thonys

  1. well it would be very attendfull when you get a warning in the end of the battle.

    that it was a [ runed ] loki battle..... i sometimes are not aware i am in the combat news..(and give away my position [not that there's anything wrong with it though..] )



    when having a runed battle >>>> XP x  2 :)

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, Bryan Von Gyldenloeve said:

    Proberbly right. Just me jumped the gun, because it was in the same thread as The Leopard.

    3 rate is not (never) going to be a DLC (earlier statement from admin... or there is a mind shift on this subject .) 


    leopard seems to be sitting in the middle of the 4 rate

  3. 9 minutes ago, blademage said:

    there is no right or wrong. There are two servers. One for open play and one for PvE. PvE is for the ones who don't want to fight other players, to cooperate. There I think the rune doesn't belong in a manner, where the other combatant has no choice. It is ok and for sure a lot of fun, if both agree by using the rune.

    yes but the rune is the GATE to further implementation of goody goody's...(just saying..it does not need a debate.) 

  4. 19 hours ago, Quiet Assassin said:

    Devs- I'm leaving the game for a long break. I'll take another look months from now to see if the game is "fixed", but for now, after 2000 hours+ playing time, good-bye.

    Suggestions to "fix" Naval Action...

    Trading- Please restore resource trading on the PvP side. Returns now are not worth the effort. Almost all port stores are empty. Sad. How are we supposed to buy the best mods without money? Traders offer tempting targets for PvP action (at least, it used to, before you took away PvP points for the kill and when cargo used to be worth something). Did you know you can get an adrenaline rush from trying to run Madagascar jewels, etc. past enemy warships? Or, capturing an Indiaman full of Parisian furniture? You took away a fun aspect of the game. absolutely True

    Shipbuilding & Crafting- Get rid of ship-building port bonuses for "clans & friends-only". nope ....objection ....(extended clan list solved that problem)

    When clans get political & split up, or go to another nation, players lose the shipyard AND large investments. Not cool. True (for clan owners it s a no brainer... but have a option...to give command to other players )

    You've taken away the fun from some players who like to craft & sell ships as main income, or just to give to noobs.True

    Mods are enough. Mods that are available to all captains levels the playing field True. we need more access to important upgrades... and special items

    And please give back points for crafting all items for sale in stores- another part of the game players enjoyed.(debatable)it needs expansion 

    Science Fiction-Port bonus "super-ships", wind wormholes...what's next? Placing your consciousness into someone else's ship? Oh, wait...the Loki rune. This is not EVE. If you got back to the basics of tall ship era simulation, the game would be better. My proof? ( objection there is nothing wrong with EVE ,...Eve and NA have a great similarity  on mechanic subjects )

    Online attendance stinks. It was better when I first started playing. Being chased down in a T. Lynx by a Wasa is stupid. true that stinks.(both)

    Grinding time-Waaaaaaaaaaay too long. Grinding AI for weeks to open slots, cap decent mods, or build up reals/doubs for upgrades & materials, only to be sunk in 15 minutes?? This, more than any other feature in the game, generates the often-heard player comment "This game is broken." It leads to "rage-quit." It scares off noobs, never to return. Insurance money is a good start, but doesn't come close to replacing the copper plating, northern carps, and Cartagena caulking. Even a DLC replacement won't get the mods & up-graded cannon back. It's too much loss for the time & money investment required. Spend weeks upgrading, just to be sunk by a 40-knot gank squad that chased you down using a wind worm-hole? Waste of time.True (especially the grind in some areas ... you/I and a lot more players ... at some point you/i ...... can not field a big ship versus  full well grinded attackers. (the bias has allready done his work and is one of the reasons people not.... walk.... but  run... away) [The MAJOR issue with NA ] {{remember not all people are stupid..}}

    This post is long enough. objection..:) 

    There are things I love about Naval Action. The graphics are amazing. Not entirely true (trees and other stuff)

    The map world is inviting. I've got some good mates here. But, the game is not what it used to be, nor is it true to the original concept when I bought it. It's gotten silly and one-dimensional. This may shock some, but just fighting all day, every day, can get boring. (true and debatable on fatigue)

      Give players back the "full experience" of the game, (do you mean NO restrictions?)  and watch attendance grow. Thanks for some fun memories. So long! (hope to see you  back someday)





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  5. 6 hours ago, Oli Garchy said:

     unless you had a spare fleet perk it would be impossible to have an indiaman in your fleet pick up loot.....plus that doesnt exactly help a new player who captures their first ship....

    The counterpart - and the discriminating AI.

    I agree with you... at some point .(but there is more to it)[Feedback thingy]


    ha yes.... the fleet perk and the restrictions....-/ and crew restrictions / and the complete unfairness...(for a player .)

    let me make a nice forum post about that very extreme discriminating feature.(coming soon)

    and the ,....(it make no sense) of that completely undeveloped  mechanic...(at some point it's annoying for everyone , what makes you unaware ...why.... you want to leave the game  at some point. ) 

    or at least think the overloaded ship is a problem  !!! ... 

    also there is no need to attack developpement about it.... it is basic coding for further implementation of the perk mechanic and further other development issues.    ( but it needs feedback)




  6. What is it with you guys....... all brainless...(7 LIKeS?)

    you take your own indiaman in fleet with you :)

    problem solved...

    and if you don't have a fleet ship...dont wine ........be happy ......now you have a choice what you can take ....

    and you have something to give away to some other captain in the battle...


    be happy there is loot in the first place...(come to dutch territory and you get NOTHING.)


    • Like 1
  7. The sleeve of development.

    I am sure (expanded )Trade (ukrainian grain to another town)[trade items in port] will give good reviews. so that's one card behind the sleeve.

    second card >>> a Dutch ship..

    third card >>> balanced BR rating for ships and ports..

    and forth card>>> at the end of the horizon there is a light ...it's called a lighthouse :)  ( just like building a tower [1point] and only works when it is dark[ like captain's cabin] or heavy weather )

    fifth card >>>  the " battle" of the sails (the atomic bomb for NA) 

    sixth card >>> balanced out dlc forger (rank reduction on switch [one rank])


    this would make many many many  reviews lies. @admin



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  8. 19 minutes ago, RKY said:

    because you keep ranting about game mechanics, game potential game this game that. Just play the damn game and enjoy things as they are.

    the developers are taking you on a journey, don't discuss it. go along with it and enjoy it. this community is so rotten, it is insane.

    and what a journey it is.

    remember .....wood will rot in the end.

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