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Posts posted by Thonys

  1. 7 hours ago, beall2022 said:

    Is there a list of keyboard commands? I just learned about the f5 command  sending your men to the other broadside and wondered if there were others I did not know about. Thanks



    you can even change the commands for a other key by clicking on them and choose a other preferred key .

    Press Escape go to Options? 

    common practice like any other game.

  2. 6 hours ago, Nooop said:

    Problem: Overpopulated nations dominating underpopulated ones

    Cause: Production linked to number of players. More Players make more production.

    Solution: Link production to nations or pors. Each nation or port has a finite number of production plots that can be leased to the highest bidder.

    How Solution works: Overpopulated nations will see more players bidding for limited production plots and the prices will inflate. Ships and repairs will be more expensive for them. Underpopulated nations conversly will have cheaper ships and repairs. Overpopulated nation will have a harder time dominating smaller ones because they have to pay more for everything. Choosing an unpopulated nation is attractive for its cheaper prices.

    is not working at all...alts, and people who give stuff away... 

    it makes no difference for the players who are in a big nation or even smaller nations.

    people are sharing stuff when...  battles are underway... so its not a issue to get access to certain items, even when they are rare.     

  3. gt  pb les cayes won by dutch

    the russians came from the north passing tiburon and half way intercepted by 2  screening fleets

    french's joint forces:   screening force intercepted also 2 oceans in two groups 

    they had no chance to survive :) 

    No casualties on allied side :) 

    Merci français.




    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Chromey said:

    As a relatively new returner to the game, I say that allowing players to capture all ships  has been a great boon to me and probobly alot of players because it allows them to gain the experience and confidence needed to be able to get back into the fray.  I think the developers need to make a way to tax the top nations by either placing a higher burden on their crew recruitment costs or have a higher tax to their mother kingdom, or whatnot.( because even though having to trade seems like a menial task... especially when the traders are complaining of being ganked! If everybody needs to make money to pay for the crews then maybe people will be more apt to defend the trade lanes and help out more! Thus bringing a feel of a more connected community!)

    But I definitely feel that anything that allow the players to get into the action more easily is always a plus for the game entirely and removing the option from the players would be a move in the wrong direction. I also like that crafting system has been made easier because in the past (a year or so ago) there were so many different steps to collecting variety of items that it made  jumping into ship building feel a little bit overwhelming.

    Game  has come a long way from the start and I think it will make a great jumping point for NA 2!

    i hear what you say "new returner"

    but a first rate is like a titan we don't have anything bigger .


    it is almost that easy that the question pops up

    "why should we build them in the first place..." 

                    you also can click a list of goodie goodies and that's it.... and ready to go..

    i believe the fifth colonne  has infiltrated into the game ,

    ^^    just to ruin it.

    it`s  a game not a ordering list for pizza`s....


  5. 17 hours ago, admin said:

    Not sure what you mean. 2 people can make first rates not fast but its not an impossible endeavour. Setting up is not easy, but once you set up shipyard and buildings you can build first rates. I would like to suggest you try building a Titan with 2 people in EvE before saying that building a first rate is hard.

    this ^^

    it s exactly my point trying to say why building a first rate or any other sol  is just to easy  (not to confuse with 7- to- 4 rate [they should be easy]  )

    the rate of sinking ships in this game is phenomenal.

    there is no fear in loosing a expensive ship ...because you can build it in one second (most of the great builders have the mats and items in stock)

    it is also one of the reasons players see no goal in the longer term to build a power for  their own .


    for comparison building a marauder and bigger ,in eve... starts with at least a month building time ... after assembled the items and materials, if you do it on your own.

    or buy a ship... but you pay for that  very..dearly...(real dollars)


    so if we compare the effort ( EVE vs NA)...Naval action is just a very very very easy game for everybody. even for captains just a month in the game and have the crew already and no skill.


    i still believe the crafting business can be intensified.:  but on one condition...>   the access to the parts should not be that difficult .and doable... you just need to know where to get them .so access to the first rate is doable for everybody  (even best  upgrades).

    the wars with SOL where a national effort and took time but in this game it is done by one player in a sec.((at some point [when the shipyard is in place]))

    i am not saying we should make building a sol should be like EVE standards... but a little more effort for building a first rate should be not that easy for as it is now.

    we need more challenge for building a first rate. (or any other  sol)

    captains must feel the loss and at the moment its just a disposable piece of wood.


    therefore i don like the capturing of AI sols in the first place.(it outbalanced the power at big nations as well >> to become even more powerful)

    everything else is fine , but sols should be taken out of the capturing business it spoils the > market and goals and danger and excitement 

    that s what can make NA different from WOT war thunder and WOWS. >> that s the niche ..and we should all guard over it. 


    but it seems most captains want s to picking in the nose, and sail a sol at the same time >>> its weird. 

    or even worse>>> watch you tube at the same time...(that s  NA unworthy and disgusting )


    keep the game growing >> straight up the ladder to become a real captain.


    ps. i am still a noob and not ready to sail  a santi , but let me get your trader first :))

    it is a matter of persuasion for what the game needs.many just don t see it...



    • Like 1
  6. 6 flags 


    representing the 6 admiralty chambers of the voc merchants 


    Image by Mark Sensen
    Image by Mark Sensen
    Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, Amsterdam
    Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, Delft
    Image by Mark Sensen
    Image by Mark Sensen
    Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, Enkhuizen
    Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, Hoorn
    Image by Mark Sensen
    Image by Mark Sensen
    Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, Middelburg
    Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, Rotterdam


    VOC Rotterdam Chamber - Administrator

    [VOC Rotterdam Chamber - Administrator?] by Mark Sensen, 30 July 1998

    A painting by Ludolf Backhuysen with a view of the Rotterdam harbour shows a yacht with a white flag with the Rotterdam cypher and red-white-blue stripes at the top and bottom. According to Jos Poels (in [vxn] Vexilla Nostra no. 214) white flags with tricolour stripes at the top and bottom were used by administrators of the Navy Admiralities in earlier centuries. Maybe this was a flag of an administrator of the VOC Rotterdam Chamber?


    in this painting the painter put his signature in the Administrators flag (Backhuysen) 



    The Warship Brielle on the Maas for Rotterdam by Ludolf Bakhuizen, 1689.

    also the red flag of the war ship meaning no quarters

      also seen the yellow flag with the admiralty red lion in it (Staten Vlag) [states flag]


    no letters in the administrators flag 


    dutch flag with the coat of arms of the city of Amsterdam

    also in top the States flag [staten vlag] (english : general Admiralty flag)( in dutch : Generaliteits vlag)

    there are two types the old version (before +/_ 1650? ) and an new version 


    Generaliteits vlag  (new version with sword and 7 arrows) after year: 1650?)eevhud1avlb8.jpg


    the old version (no sword no arrow) of the Generalities Vlag




    also visible as a Geus in front of the ship in the movie (old/new? model) :fragment > the admiral trailer @admin


    https://pixels.com/featured/willem-van-de-velde-ii-leiden-1633-london-1707--the-dutch-fleet-in-the-goeree-roads-ca-1672-willem-van-de-velde-the-younger-1633-1707.html   (right ship flag on every mast)



    (EDIT: no krown on the lions head.removed)

  7. On 11/22/2019 at 8:37 AM, admin said:

    What are the main ensigns on the 2 boats in front?

    the painting: 

    hDeparture of a Dignitary from Middelburg, Adriaen Pietersz. van de Venne, 1615

    The warship De Zeehondt is being towed to sea from the harbour of Middelburg by four muscular draught horses. The identity of the departing person who is drawing so much attention from a multitude of lowand high-ranking people is unknown. However, it must have been someone of standing, for even Stadtholder Maurice’s yacht is present; it fires a salute.




    the painting itself is a painting with the city of middelburg in theback (red flag with tower)    https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlag_van_Middelburg

    zeeuwse-vlag-luctor-et-emergo.jpg?w=300&  province flag Zeeland (  Lions face towards the flagpole)

       260px-Middelburg_vlag.svg.png city of Middelburg

    A previous flag had three horizontal stripes in yellow, white and red. This flag was named in 1739 and 1783 as the flag of Middelburg.

    In the seventeenth century, according to some sources, a green-white-blue and an even green flag were also in use.


    Note: the yellow-white-red flag appears to have different colors, but Bowles has shaded the flag correctly according to heraldic usage. (heraldic colors)






    painting it is the lead out with four horses of the  ship "zeehond " [animal seal ] under the flag of city  middelburg province ZEELAND


    the front left ship is the yacht of the Prince of Orange   

    from the looks of it it must be the "Orange blanche blue"(old dutch flag  orange white and blue) flag and the royal coat of arms on it 

    it is the original Prinsen flag 

    260px-Prinsenvlag.svg.pngThe colors are in French orange-blanc-bleu. This was 'translated' in Dutch as orange blanc bleu.

     by the looks of it ......it has the coat of arms of the Prince on it ......  painters painted a recognition of the person in the painting






    Prinsenvlag met het wapen van Prins Maurits  (the coat of arms of Maurice,_Prince_of_Orange)

    we also see the ( double)  prince flag       red- white- blue- red-white - blue



    the white flag seems to be some kind of royal flag >>> the french  Fleurs-de-Lis 

    the flag on the stern looks like   Fleurs-de-Lis (french)

     perhaps there where some french guest on board or the prince he came from france harbor with a french captain  (???)

    it is not a dutch flag.53296-full.jpg


    {careful* colorization of the painting }

    the red yellow red is probably just the middelburg flag*  (yellow -white -red)>  disputable*

    but the flag can be Dordrecht or Gouda cities in the vicinity  

    260px-Flag_of_Dordrecht.svg.png hoorn 


    also red yellow red is spain in those days (remnants   ???  ) no other red yellow red in that area found yet....*

    also Hoorn a city in the northern part of holland North holland (province) use this kind of colors seen in  picture below 




    flag of Zeeland (province)

    flag of middelburg (city)

    Geus of Vlissingen (city)

    Geus of Middelburg (city)

    Geus van Veere (city)



    green white green white  green white green .green white green seems to be Rotterdam ???

    .  no blue white is found yet  in the vicinity of zeeland. (or it is a flag of high ranked coat of arms people flag) >>  correct [edit]  it is  enkhuizen  

    the closest i can make of it is : flag of the city of  Rotterdam

    rotterd3.gif is not in the painting (edit 01 03 2020) missing flag is found)


    VOC Zeeland Chamber (in Middelburg)

    [VOC Zeeland Chamber (in Middelburg)] by Mark Sensen, 19 November 1996

    Other versions of the cypher showed a "Z" (for "Zeeland") above, some also with a "M" below:
    [VOC Zeeland Chamber, other versions of the cypher]


    Edit * 01 03 2020

    found the missing flags 

    the red yellow red pennant is from the city Enkhuizen

    also the flag dark bleu / white seems to be from that city Enkhuizen

    in the picture below we see the crest of the city enkhuizen on the ship


    Enkhuizen Coat of Arms

    [Enkhuizen Coat of Arms] image from the Enkhuizen municipal website.

  8. 12 hours ago, admin said:

    Clan docks is a good idea but currently game provides enough dock space for a player. And give all the instruments to trade ships to others. We have no plans to expand this by providing clan docks at this stage. As there are other more important priorities. 
    Crafting ships as notes. You can ask NPC traders to craft you a ship if you have the special note - but you always get the ship when ship is crafted. Storing ships as notes (converting build ships into packaged box) is not a good idea. Once the ship is built it is a ship and can either be sold, destroyed, sank or traded away - not packaged into a piece of paper. 

    perhaps clan docks could be put on the wish list for the future? 

    1(one)  clan dock for every member of a clan would be great .(administrative from within clan warehouse)

    a. placed at the dock of the clan warehouse .

    b. with a   in possession indicator and place and user of a dedicated  clan ship ?? (coding) 



  9. 2 hours ago, admin said:


    You should look at it this way. We always (from the start of early prototyping in 2014) stated that the game will have basic crafting and basic trading. It is in game. Its the best we can do..

    • We always say we have the best looking ships and best age of sail combats with leeway and yards. 
    • We NEVER said we have the best crafting. We have basic crafting and basic trading just barely enough to support the feature described above. Take a good from a deliver to point b - that's it. Gather resources - click a button - that's it. We never advertised the game as a crafting game. There was no a single ad for naval action which mentioned crafting. Trailer has no workers hitting hammers, or gathering tobacco. Texts say you can build ships and thats it.

    This is literally what is said about trading and crafting.

    Trading and privateering – Buy trading goods at low prices, haul them to distant places for high profits. Board ships and sell them and their cargo at nearby ports. Use shallow waters at your advantage to escape from larger ships. Shipbuilding and manufacturing - Build ships, upgrades and cannons, supply your clans or your nation or set up shops in free towns to sell to your enemies.

    We have 15 detailed paragraphs on combat and 2 sentences on trading and crafting. Better crafting is not there, was not there, was not advertised anywhere. 
    This is all we have

    • Buy goods at low prices and haul them to distant places = check
    • Board ships and sell cargo = check
    • Build ships = check
    • Supply your clans or your nations with... (repairs, ships, cannons) = check

    Crafting was proposed by players in 2015 and added because players requested it (in original pre-launch version you were a naval officer or a pirate, you could only capture ships from others or buy them from the government). When basic buildings and crafting was added players were happy with at least some crafting because previously they had nothing. 

    Given the facts stated above - we have basic crafting and advertised basic crafting - why people are unhappy with it??

    You can accept it as it is. Or ask for removal. We are focused on new player retention and NPC aggression. Crafting is not on the priority list and will remain as is, with only minor changes. We can remove it if it is annoying everyone. Hope this brings it into proper perspective. We can keep it as is - or cut it. 

    I am 100x more interested in fixing battle sails, adding wind shadow, adding non-binary rudder, adding hull leeway, rig entanglement in close counters, wind strength and variety, barometer - to predict wind change and direction ... you get the idea what i am good at, best age of sail combat and best looking ships.

    I am also wondering how i can make this combat trading refit into the game without ruining FPS. 

    Why should I think about crafting? Can someone popularly explain as I am five? From all i read it sucks, trading sucks and if i was a medical doctor i would just amputate and removed the aching leg to stop the gangrene of bad opinions from spreading. No crafting = no problem of bad reviews.

    To summarize
    Crafting can be improved - probably. Can it be done without research and iteration - No. Are current customers of crafting happy? Based on the forums - No. Is there risk in changing crafting - Yes huge risk. Did those customers bash us, expressed outrage and punish us for risky changes - yes. Based on this answers crafting should not be touched.

    We do not believe in changes in crafting because community got tired of experiments. Will it be better if we cut out crafting completely? No. So let it be as is.. Crafting its not the best but its ok and it will be worse without it for those who like it as it is.


    "Why should I think about crafting? Can someone popularly explain as I am five? From all i read it sucks,"


    we kill more ships in one day in NA...... than sunk  in history  in a century...

    a lot of people are complete stupid and have no idea of reality, ship building, and crafting in general.

    actually i plea for a intensifying use of goods and material by factor 3 (ships are to easy to make)  and are more handled like waste or disposable items. it is disgusting if you ask me.

    increase crafting material please ....

    seriously increase making ships by factor 3 for materials and items...

    that's what you should think ABOUT CRAFTING.

                                                                                           YEAH IT sucks WHEN YOU LOSE A SHIP...




  10. wat is shader 4 and /or shader 5 [ Message reads:  Game requires shader model 5 - your shader is 4.]

    Microsoft DirectX, also simply known as DirectX is a set of APIs used in the development and programming of video games on Microsoft operating systems (Windows and Xbox). Introduced in 1995, shortly after the release of Windows 95, it has since been bundled in every version of Windows since Windows 98.With the release of DirectX 12 in 2015, Microsoft introduced a number of new programming features such as low-level APIs that allow developers more control over what commands are sent to the graphics processing unit. The DirectX 12 APIs will also be utilized in Xbox One and Windows Phone game development in addition to Windows 10.Sine the release of DirectX 8.0 graphics cards have used programs/instructions known as Shader Models to help interpret instructions on how to render graphics sent from the CPU to the graphics card. Many new pc games are increasingly listing Shader Model versions in their system requirements.However, these shader versions are tied to the version of DirectX that you have installed on your PC which is then in turn tied to your graphics card. This can make it difficult to determine if your system can handle a certain shader model or not.

    Most PC games developed prior to the release of DirectX 12 were most likely developed using an earlier version of DirectX. These games will be compatible on PCs with DirectX 12 installed due to their backward compatibility.

    If by chance your game is not compatible under a new version of DirectX, mainly games running on DirectX 9 or earlier, Microsoft provides DirectX End-User Runtime that will fix many runtime errors with DLLs installed from the older versions of DirectX.

    How to Install the Latest Version of DirectX?

    Installation of the latest version of DirectX is only necessary when you're trying to play a game that has been developed with that latest version. Microsoft has made it very easy to stay up to date and it can be updated via the standard Windows Update and through manual download and installation. Since the release of DirectX 11.2 for Windows 8.1, however, DirectX 11.2 is no longer available as a standalone download/installation and must be downloaded through Windows Update. (careful.... if you do not know how to do it >>just don't..  [trusted versions ??? ])

    In addition to Windows Update, most games will check your system on installation to see if you meet the DirectX requirements, if you don't you will be prompted to download and install prior to installing the game.


    • DirectX 9.0c - Shader Model 3.0
    • DirectX 10.0* - Shader Model 4.0
    • DirectX 10.1* - Shader Model 4.1
    • DirectX 11.0† - Shader Model 5.0
    • DirectX 11.1† - Shader Model 5.0
    • DirectX 11.2‡ - Shader Model 5.0
    • DirectX 12** - Shader Model 5.1
    • * Not available for Windows XP OS
    • † Not available for Windows XP, Vista (and Win 7 prior to SP1)
    • ‡ Windows 8.1, RT, Server 2012 R2

      ** Windows 10 and Xbox One

      it seems upgraded versions from windows 8.1 >> To 10 ....has this problem it seems 

      for that version it is mostly  not possible to upgrade... and sometimes a error report occurs([determine the correct version]  the shader is the wrong version.) just a reboot of the pc will fix this issue automatically. 

      How i look at it:

      well as a  a determination glitch. and happens only when playing games developed by shader 5 .

      it just happens sometimes {1 time in 3 years of NA play)....and can be seen as a minor windows 8.1/ windows 10 bug -  easily fixed by a reboot of the pc .

      Tip. . just keep your Gpu driver (graphical card ) updated to last official version.

              . update windows by windows update only.

      i hope this solves some background information about the issue.

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