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Mongoose McMoose

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Everything posted by Mongoose McMoose

  1. Sink,take or burn anything afloat, and who cares if you lose a dura!

  2. [TRU] on PVP1 attacks everybody and takes no prisoners. All members have bounties placed by other pirates. Tired of the ridiculous notion of the "Pirate Nation"? So are we. Sail with us and raid everything afloat. No friends other than fellow [TRU] brethren. PM in forum or ingame for info. No single member is in charge. All members of [TRU] are encouraged to come and go as they please, and are welcome to raid with other members or go solo as the mood strikes. No orders are given, and no member is required - or expected - to do anything beyond enjoy a life of freedom and camaraderie. Remember: nothing is more fun than being outnumbered - we've got them surrounded from the inside, boys!
  3. It certainly does and it certainly should. I took another pirate sailing in a gold live oak Trinc which I sold for 80k. Pirate friends of mine have raided unsuspecting pirate traders worth millions in total. Why is that people seem to not equate piracy with villainy, crime, theft, murder, pillage, and all manner of debauchery against anyone who is unfortunate enough to be victimized? Pirates have no need to be a nation. They should be played as what they are: roving bands of lawless cutthroats. Pirates should be thought of as gangs and outlaws. Sure they can band together if they want, but nothing stopping them from killing each other for a nickel.
  4. Well that's the magic of this game - or more specifically the magic of the pirate faction. It's a unique experience within the game because it allows you to group together as a clan rather than a nation. I know that it isn't a really popular opinion, but relying solely on your clan brethren is a lot of fun. I was a huge supporter or the "pirate nation" idea until my clan mates corrupted me and showed me the fun of attacking other pirates.Edit: to expand on your comment, technically you are allowed to attack any team mate in any game as long as the friendly fire mechanic enables it. However, as in all things you have to weigh the risk v reward for killing a friendly. In games like BF4 the risk is losing XP and the reward is nothing. Killing friendlies gets you nothing. In NA, killing a friendly could net you a massive payday (I have known pirates to score half a million gold in value after raiding a pirate trader), and the risk is - what? Being ostracized? That's worth it.
  5. Henry, thank you for the reply. It has provided much more clarity than other responses. I'll ask you, then, since you are in the know: am I, as a pirate, permitted to deliver green on green damage to another pirate with the aim of assisting a clan mate of mine who is attacking that ship? I don't believe that action makes me a jerk, as we're just attempting to operate within the confines of the currently incomplete pirate mechanics. EDIT: I understand that delivering enough damage to cross the "kill" threshold is punishable. Delivering some damage, yet not enough to get credited with a kill, will not be punishable in some circumstances, correct? I agree that the "haha I'm green on greening you because F you scrub, lose a durability hahaha" is pretty low down. However, I was fleeting with a group of frigate pirates and we came across a pirate in a Pavel - naturally we wanted to take possession, so we attacked (part of the fun of being a pirate is that it's not a nation, and true piracy should be about the clan, and not the nation). The red pirate was in a Trinc, and could not stand against the green Pavel evenly. The other green pirates were reluctant to shoot at the Pavel because of the unclear green on green rules. Would you agree that this would be a defensible version of green on green damage? It was not done to be a jerk, but to attack a legitimate target. Anyway, let me know what you think if you get a chance. I appreciate the input.
  6. I will call your attention to the following rules specifically: "Green on green friendly fire results in -3x xp for every point of damage. Green on green friendly kills will result in demotion to midshipman if the number of kills reaches 2." Do you see where it could be construed that the rules specifically call out the difference between green on green for the sake of damaging a green ship (with mention of the XP loss punishment) and green on green for the sake of sinking a green ship? Again, I am not trying to argue against the rules. I am not trying to change the rules. I am not trying to twist the rules for my own ends. I am trying to bring attention to the fact that the rules for this situation are vague, open to interpretation, and not presented in an obvious area that is easy to find. The rules could be anything, it's immaterial. The rules could say you can only play on Tuesdays and you have to wear a hat. That's fine. But they have to be presented clearly and in an area which is easy to locate.
  7. Crafting hours are the only device that keeps the economy in check, and maintains scarcity. Since players can theoretically harvest an almost infinite amount of raw materials from buildings, being able to build your own labor hours would in effect create a snowball effect leading to saturation. More shipyards -> More hours -> more crafting -> more money -> even more shipyards -> even more hours -> even more crafting -> even more money -> and ever more shipyards off to infinity.
  8. It's bad enough that these rules are not within the game itself - digging through a forum to verify rules which, when violated, can end in someone losing their account (and their money!) is not an acceptable state of affairs from a professional organization. Since this is alpha early access and the devs are requesting feedback for how to improve things, here is my feedback: - communication of player expectations requires improvement. You freely admit it is hard to find.
  9. Yes, devs said that they now track PVP XP and gold vs. number of PVP kills and deaths a player has. So if someone has gotten tens of thousands of PVP XP while getting very few kills, they will be watched for farming.
  10. Haha same here. Compared to the bustling PVP1, PVP2 is a desolate wasteland. Honestly, PVP2 should be shut down.
  11. Those are great points. Also, with boarding ships being the historically accurate method to the ending of naval battles, encouraging players to engage in boarding rather than sinking would go a long way to growing historical accuracy that the devs desire.
  12. There should be a new section in the forum clearly named "In-Game Rules" wherein the rules we are expected to follow within the game are plainly spelled out.
  13. PvE server is such a desert that it doesn't make any sense for the devs to single it out for upgrade.
  14. Yesterday I went into battle against a 5 ship British gank squad - no way I would have been able to sink them with cannon fire because they definitely outgunned me. Quickly boarded and took one ship, came about and took another one, then sank 2 more and the last one thought the better of it and escaped. Because I took the first 2 ships without causing any damage to them, I received no XP or gold bonus from a kill.
  15. Yes, as part of the American Revolution, a major land war which embarked armies and required the support of a legitimate fleet. That's not really what Naval Action is about is it? To clarify my position: 1st rates are great. The end-game of Naval action where everyone simply shows up in 1st Rates is not great. Variety is the spice of life, as my big fear for Naval Action is that it will stall out and lose players when it's just 1st Rates waving their members at each other.
  16. Yes, because that's where the lumber was! She spent her entire service life on the continent, as did the majority of 1st rates, as they all played the blockade/counter blockade game during the napoleonic wars. The fleets that fought each other at Trafalgar briefly popped over to the Caribbean to amuse one another, but on the whole, (and anecdotal evidence besides) 1st rates were far too valuable on the continent to be pissed away with colonial bickering. The end-game notion of NA is just 25 1st rates going at it with each other over some cannon towers, and that's what concerns me. I fully understand that NA is a game and is supposed to be fun, but if 1st rates aren't rare gems, they're being devalued as a game mechanic.
  17. Also the BP drop rate change completely ruined this. BP drop rate needs to be on a curve so that 5th rates and below drop easily, 3rd rates drop rarely, 2nd and 1st rates drop almost never. 1st rates in the Caribbean are nonsense anyway.
  18. Abdandon ship isn't really practical. Sailors couldn't swim. If your ship burned, you put the fire out or died.
  19. I've seen numerous concerns about larger ships being too common and "disposable". I think it would go a long way towards alleviating this concern if we assigned durability equal to the ships' rate, or equal to the level of crafting note required to build the ship, see: High note: 1 dura Mid note: 3 dura Low note: 5 dura Otherwise we'll just descend into ships of the line everywhere, which would be fine for Europe, but not so much for the Caribbean.
  20. Change the timer length. 10 minutes. 15 minutes. Anything is better than silly empty port battles.
  21. Too many times I've sailing into a port battle, and it's been nothing but pounding cannon towers into dust, then collecting loot and leaving. It's uninspiring gameplay to say the least. It would be a good mechanic if ships could be donated to a port to supply a line of defense during port battles, sailed by the AI. To stop these AI ships from taking player slots, they should come into the battle 5 minutes after the battle begins, to allow extra time for players to enter before the AI fills up all the slots.
  22. Well technically since colonial conflicts were tied to European politics, this might be a fun mechanic. One month it's France and U.S. in a war against Britain and Denmark, then continental politics shift, Denmark drops out of the war, France invades Spain, Sweden kicks off its own war against Denmark, etc. Next month, everything changes. Could be fun. It would constantly challenge players and stop one country from running unchecked on the map.
  23. Not premium ships, just the ability to name ships. The devs have stated that they are implementing a cash shop, but have no desire to create a pay-to-win atmosphere. They want their shop to sell cosmetics like skins and so on, rather than upgrades. This is just a suggestion about an option that can go in that proposed shop.
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