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Cpt Farragut

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Everything posted by Cpt Farragut

  1. I realize chat logs are not typically accepted here, but they contain admissions of green-on-green actions and general griefing. http://imgur.com/a/gpWAs
  2. Just in case you decide to change your avatar to avoid asserting your guilt, I took a quick screenshot for you. http://imgur.com/YVriw7B
  3. That screenshot really proves nothing other than all that is happening here are PTT members defending offenses by their own member because their only real interest is to watch the game world burn for their enjoyment.
  4. I guess we will just leave this one up to the devs as we will be stuck at agreeing to disagree.
  5. But he did inflict damage in the form of a ram with the intent of aiding his buddy. Not anyone's fault the mechanics of the game don't favor his cause, but he chose to ignore how the game works despite knowing that green on green is bannable. I would have much rather had him on his clan mates team. We still would have won and would have been able to kill both of them. There is nothing wrong with introducing his chat behavior as a reference to character.
  6. Today, whilst engaging his clan mate, Captn Crew, Capt Flint joined on the green side and proceeded to ram and block us in an attempt to help sink us. Once boarding had commenced, he proceeded to try and ram our 3rd rate off his buddy in the final screenshot. Not only this, but he is a general nuisance in chat and in the game world to all pirates other than his band of misfits.
  7. It is extremely dumb and unrealistic that crew loss seems to have no effect on AI sailing ability. Being out maneuvered by a 3rd rate in a Trincomalee for 30+ min is infuriating when he has 200 crew.
  8. I'll add another +200 to this. Capping ports is expensive, especially DW and 1-2 randoms can completely screw you.
  9. At 2330 server time yesterday, I had 40 LHs. Today at 2305, I had 1000 LHs. (40/hr)
  10. That's what my impression was as well, but he definitely got different numbers and other people I am talking to right now got numbers in between that.
  11. In the same amount of time, my friend (craft level 9) gained 64 LH and I (craft level 31) gained 45 LH. How does that work out? It was over a one hour period.
  12. Not sure about that. Pic 1 shows me asking him why he plans on sinking the ship I want to cap. Pic 2 shows him cutting me off while I was following the trader to board him. Pic 3 shows his cannons just fired and the only way they could be lined up is in my direction. He ultimately sunk the trader AFTER I capped it.
  13. Joined the battle vs. a Merc and Trader Brig. Not sure where he came from as I made it a point to check if the circle was clear, but a Snow and his 2 AI cutters also joined. At which point I was informed that he was just going to sink the trader just because he wanted to. Not only did he continue to shoot it after I capped it finally, but he rammed me multiple times along the way and shot me as well (surely mad his ram did not work well with a Surprise vs his/her Snow)
  14. Yes I have sent quite a few. My char name is Cpt Farragut (just 2 r's, fat fingered this one)
  15. Good to hear as I have had similar issues as well. http://pastebin.com/1hLtQzrU
  16. Found these guys in chat getting harrassed by some guy claiming Admiral was spamming. Jokes on you sir, great group that knows the game well.
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