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Johannes Zoutman

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Everything posted by Johannes Zoutman

  1. I ran one of those fleets and we went out with 15 ships to sail east. Most of us fresh of the docks in Willemstad. I was jumping down on my seat and hoping I would have led them to the right island and not sail in the wrong direction. Haha! I am getting better at it tho! I loved the fact how DAS/BOAT leaders jumped in our TS to encourage our efforts and how we hold back a large part of the french fleet. Good times. Less pleased with how this treaty is turning out. It is beyond me why you would let the french faction die out or turn them into bitter enemies. We all seen the two front war was most troublesome for the Dutch. Removing that dagger from our back, as we did the Spanish and Brits in the west, should apply to the east as well. The Brits will be on top of us, or our allies the Danes in a matter of weeks, if not days. A second front pulls to many of our ships away from a future western front. I am sure the Brits are having a laugh now. And then there is the aspect of allowing an enemy to get up and not be bombed back into the stoneage. The Dutch-French War has been alot of fun and our side has won it. Why take an area that makes us overstretch? We couldn't hold it before and had to defend the gap to stop them until the western front was secured. Its too big to defend as it is anyhow. And then their is the best intrest of the game. Sweden and France seem to have lost quite alot players already. Do we really want dead factions in a time where new players are coming in to try out Naval Action? But alas, just a mere second Luitenant here. Good luck to all in the meetings and remember we are one nation. Long live the Republic!
  2. That seems an unfair statement. Those scraps you refer too number a good amount of ports which are returned too ensure the Swedes and French factions do not lack in economical resources and therefore keep your factions alive. That being said; consider our postition. We demand neutrality and do not want a knife in the back in return. I would direct my anger at your allies who left you hanging to purchase their own imperial pursuits against the pirates. They had the fleet out and chose a mere port over their allies, then attempt to recruit disgruntled players as a vampire would do to a french maiden, sucking away its lifeblood. Leaving the Swedes to fight along the brits would be most dishonourable as well, in my opinion. Good luck in the future, sir. May you choice wisely!
  3. I know! Is the sun rising in the north already or what?
  4. And that existential fear has just multiplied by seeing IronClaw and Jameson BH agree on something.
  5. We know, and so does the rest of the civilized world now, the worth of the Danish-Dutch Alliance. Forged in the heat and smoke of roaring cannons once again. /salute
  6. A lovely place this time of the year, sir! Danish and Dutch sailors slapping eachother on the shoulder while teaching one another their bawdy songs and drinking their beers!
  7. Thank you for your work. I heard that meeting took ages and was tiring to all its participants.
  8. Well, isn't it a bit late to offer aid to the French? And how about the Swedes? You suggest these noble French captains leave them behind after their refusal to leave the alliance between them? Surely the noble captains of the great nation of France do not stand for such behavior?
  9. Probely not and that is too be expected. If guilded players under the treaty start doing it tho there will no doubt be an response and, correct me if I am wrong, it wont be a very friendly one.
  10. Not a fan of this. I like the system to be less intrusive on player diplomacy. Option to attack should always be possible but you could perhaps set an alliance per guild after which it states 'Allied' in the box with the enemies name and guild instead. Then breaking the peace will truelly matter as a deed of aggression.
  11. Well, you do want to survive as a nation, don't you? You are down to one port and surrounded by a mass of Danish, and Dutch, ships. Your nearest ally France has taken a beating as well and is unable to aid you. The Brits for now are occupied elsewhere while the southern clans have a ceasefire with the Dutch. Plus they have to watch the US and the Pirates not taking advantage if they commit to a campaign against the Danish and the Dutch, and likely also the pirates. Correct me if i am wrong but this pretty much sums it up. I would just start rebuilding my nation and not get it into bigger trouble.
  12. That is good to hear, sir. There is no reason not to be polite and considering just over a few exchanged cannonballs after all.
  13. Well, the best of luck, sir. Leading in these troubled times is often an harsh and ungrateful occupation.
  14. I have to admit I am still rather new to the game and haven't tried my hand yet at trading nor crafting. Have spend a ridicules amount of time happily playing my basic cutter in our low level fleet and acting as a scout in the east. Just made it to my first snow and it is rather amazing so I doubt i will get into trading as it is. Following the political discussions as well. I am often guildleader in the games I play and NA sure gives alot of true options for diplomacy, unlike say Warhammer Online does.
  15. But trading has to become worth it first tho?
  16. I do not think they have had much of a choice, sir. How do you feel about the discussions with the Dutch?
  17. I believe you need a hard man. With plenty of bans given under his belt. And back in the day, for those oldies out there, as one of the first mods on a game called Runescape. And who, when drunk, would log in and mute all of Varrock because he likes to have everyone just listen to him ranting about his favorite football club who managed to loose again, like today. :/ Well, dont look any further. I am the guy you are looking for!
  18. Likewise, sir! It has been a pleasure to battle the French Navy. /salute
  19. Keep holding on.. again. What ever happened to them being PvEers in the west? Anyhow, have fun over there but stop derailing topics about the dutch nation to further your agenda of hate against DAS/BOAT.
  20. It was about a rough day against the French in which many ion our faction refused to participate. It happens. But he couldn't deal with it and thrown hissyfits for days on end about it bringing down morale and plainly being an ass. Then he left to join the US. That should have been it and be done with it. He won't let it go tho. :/ Furthermore I agree with you. We have a celebration of our own to celebrate. Well played, sir! Long live the republic!
  21. Don't you have a nation to run out on? Even as American you still can't let go and move on. Knock it off already. Sjeesh.
  22. I am in there, somewhere! The moment i finally made it to second Luitenant and get to sail a Snow life seems to be improving greatly! Onwards!
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